
捐弃前嫌  juān qì qián xián






  • 让我们捐弃前嫌忘却过去的争吵吧。
    Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our past quarrels.

  • 好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,成为朋友。
    All right. Let's bury the hatchet and be friends.

  • 好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,结为朋友。
    All right! Let's bury the hatchet and be friends.

  • 两个孩子决定捐弃前嫌,重新做朋友。
    the two boys agreed to let bygone be bygone and make friend again.

  • 让我们捐弃前嫌,忘却过去的争吵吧。
    Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our past quarrels.

  • 两个孩子决定捐弃前嫌,重新做朋友。
    The two boys agreed to let bygones be bygones and make friends again.

  • 两个孩子决定捐弃前嫌,重新做朋友。
    The two boys agreed to let bygone be bygone and make friend again.

  • 两个孩子决定捐弃前嫌,重新做朋友。
    The two boys agreed to let bygone be bygone and made friends again.

  • 因为这样做,他肯定汤姆会捐弃前嫌的。
    For this service he felt sure Tom would forget his old hatred.

  • 你会体验捐弃前嫌的平和,以及让别人感到正确的喜悦。
    You'll experience the peace of letting go, as well as the joy of letting others be right.

  • 输赢难分时我们全力以赴;但竞选结束后我们捐弃前嫌、团结一致。
    This is America. Just as we fight hard when the stakes are high, we close ranks and come together when the contest is done.

  • 所以,中国的自我矮化或者中国的捐弃前嫌,可能被解读为中国的软弱可欺。
    Therefore, the self-dwarfing China's bury the hatchet, or may be interpreted as a sign of weakness in China.

  • 他承认现在他已经和弗格森捐弃前嫌,说曼联经理还问过他可以签下哪些南美球员。
    And he admits that he has now buried the hatchet with Ferguson, and says the United manager even asks his advice on possible South American signings.

  • 当我哥哥不肯借给钱我的时候,我十分愤慨;但是当他破了产而来求我找工作的时候,我决心捐弃前嫌了。
    I had been in a rage when my brother refused to lend me money, but when he went bankrupt and came to me for a job, I decided to let bygones be bygones.

  • “鉴于数额的金钱和重要性,这些种交易,他们可以捐弃前嫌,并动议,但条款及条件必须是正确的, ”他说。
    "Given the amount of money and the importance of these kinds of deals, they can bury the hatchet and move on, but the terms and conditions have to be right, " he said.

  • 花一点代价尽快上岸,大家捐弃前嫌,一起把蛋糕做大,符合所有人—包括广大的中国消费者也包括百度自己—的利益。
    Spend some costs go ashore as soon as possible, we bury the hatchet, with the cake bigger, in everyone - including the vast numbers of Chinese consumers, including Baidu own - interests.

  • 最后,作为一个候选人,保罗爵士可以保证工作衔接顺利,一段不愉快的混乱之后,其周围人人都能捐弃前嫌而携手合作。
    Finally, Sir Paul was a continuity candidate around whom everyone could close ranks after a unpleasantly tumultuous spell.

  • 但是他说,现在是捐弃前嫌继续前进的时候了,国会应该支持美国军队,并保证即将来到的伊拉克选举能产生最好的结果。
    But he said it is now time to move on, and the focus for Congress should be on supporting U. S. troops and ensuring the best possible results from the upcoming Iraqi elections.

  • 捐弃前嫌造句相关
