
绘声绘色  huì shēng huì sè







  • 瞧瞧我们外交如此绘声绘色地解释。
    Look! Our foreign teacher was giving a vivid explanation.

  • 他开始绘声绘色地叙述他的旅行见闻。
    Her description of the area is full of colour.

  • 一条绘声绘色的小道消息正在传来传去。
    A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.

  • 莉莉绘声绘色的描述把孩子们带到了西湖。
    Lily's vivid description took the children up to the West Lake.

  • 她一直绘声绘色地给我们讲她手术的细节。
    She kept telling us about her operation, in the most graphic detail.

  • 在王豫的同事们之间流传着这一个绘声绘色的传言。
    circulating between Wang Yu's work in the same placing the hearsay of this one lively.

  • 这位美国客还绘声绘色地给记者描述了一个双城故事。
    The visitors also made a promise to the United States to describe a reporter twin cities story.

  • 记者们曾把厄尔尼诺作为一个独立的事件来绘声绘色的描述。
    Journalists have painted a picture of El Nino as an isolated event.

  • 这个记者把报道写得绘声绘色,以求博得那家周刊编辑们的青睐。
    The newsman jazzed up the story to sell himself to the editors of the weekly.

  • 还有一些帖子绘声绘色地说四川政府知道地震要来却没有采取行动。
    A few postings have given life to a rumor that officials in Sichuan knew the quake was imminent and failed to act.

  • 在西宁的时候,一位朋友绘声绘色向我郑重介绍西藏的一种家畜,叫做藏獒。
    One story, in Xining, when a friend told me solemnly introduce a kind of livestock in Tibet, called the Tibetan mastiff.

  • 在视频中当人们绘声绘色的述说对广告的看法时,他似乎出乎意料的不是很开心。
    For a man routinely described as charismatic and inspiring, he seems surprisingly uncomfortable. See for yourself: It's still up.

  • 这本书详细叙述了发现新大陆的经过,并对新大陆进行了绘声绘色的描述和渲染。
    The book details the discovery of the New World through, and the New World had the Huishenghuise described and rendering.

  • 比如,上远古人类,让他们想象,再比较,给他们绘声绘色读“北京人的日日夜夜”;
    For example, on the ancient it is the human, let by they it imagine, compare again, give them read vividly" Beijinger day and night ";

  • 一位位老师在讲台上讲的绘声绘色,挑动我心中的遐想,使我也渐渐的融入这个集体之中了。
    A teacher at the podium speaking of the vivid, and stirring up my heart a source of fascination, so I have gradually integrated into the collective into a.

  • 昨天,英国一些前沿工程师绘声绘色的描述了一个连乔治奥威尔也无法预测出来的可怕预言。
    Yesterday the country's leading engineers developed the theme, fleshing out a dystopian vision that not even George Orwell could have predicted.

  • 生物课上,教师正在绘声绘色地讲蝙蝠的样子。有两名学生面对面地、叽叽喳喳地说个不停。
    In biology class, while the teacher were explaining the aspect of bat lively, two students face to face talked on and on.

  • 每天下午到了时间,临床的病人被扶起来坐在床上时,总是把窗外看到的一切绘声绘色地讲给病友听。
    Every afternoon when the man next to the window was propped up for his hour, he would pass the time by describing what he could see outside.

  • 刘局长一番绘声绘色的描述,在人们面前凸现了一幅都州交通50年的奋斗图景和跨世纪的发展蓝图。
    Director Liu the description of a lively, before people protruding showed city traffic struggling prospect of 50 years and the development blue print that cross a century.

  • 每天下午到了时间,临窗的病人被扶起来坐在床上时,总是把窗外看到的一切绘声绘色地讲给病友听。
    Every afternoon when the man next to the window was propped up for his hour, he would pass the time by describing what he could see outside.

  • 我在绘声绘色地八卦时会觉得很痛快,我能想象,告诉弟妹圣诞老人真相的时候差不多也是这种感觉。
    I am always excited to deliver a juicy piece of gossip, and I would imagine that revealing the truth about Santa to a younger sibling feels much the same way.

  • 在老舍笔下,满族风俗,老北京的胡同、茶馆、四合院,以及往日的节令习俗一一绘声绘色地再现出来。
    Lao sses wording vividly reproduced the custom of Manzu, Hutong, tea house, courtyard house in old Beijing as well as the old days festivals and traditions.

  • 网络聊天具有表达直白、绘声绘色声情并茂、创新性地使用语言、不规范地使用语言等一些语言方式特点。
    The language using in Internet has some characters such as expressing directly, be remarkable for both voice and expression, creative language, informal language, etc.

  • 为了让场景更为具体化,让我们绘声绘色地描绘出一个虚构但像模像样的,象征着各方参与力量的新篇章。
    Make the scenarios more concrete by fleshing them out into imaginary, but plausible, news stories that are emblematic of the forces at play.

  • 她在小说中设计的情节让你拿起书就放不下,撰写的对话也绘声绘色,让你觉得仿佛能听到书中人物在耳边讲话。
    She contrives plots to prevent you from putting the book down, writes dialogue so well that you hear her characters in your ear.

  • 李占洋是个能说会道的风趣艺术家,跟他在一起总能被他的爽朗的笑声打动,以及他绘声绘色的跟你讲述一些他身边所发生的故事。
    With a sense of humor, Li Zhanyang can always drive your heart by his chipper laughter and his lively narrations on the daily stories happened around himself.

  • 一醒过来,我便发现乔正在绘声绘色地给他们讲罪犯的坦白交待,客人们都在猜测这个犯人究竟是怎样进入食品间偷猪肉馅饼的,各执一词。
    from my sister), I found Joe telling then about the convict's confession, and all the visitors suggesting different ways by which he had got into the pantry.

  • 它使商品让出产者目不暇给,比如酒、食物罐脚、饮料多数拔取模型网版,印出的鸡、鸭、苹果、梨、葡萄绘声绘色、活灵活不隐,成果否同凡是。
    It enables goods to consumers at a glance, for example, wine, food, drink, one finds investment Network Edition, printed in chickens, ducks, apples, pears, grapes is vivid, appearing a special effect.

  • 在审判期间,陪审员们听取了关于杰克逊如何是一个猥童惯犯的绘声绘色的证词。比如把儿童诱骗到他家,不断给他们灌酒-他把那酒叫“上帝的果汁”。
    During the trial, jurors heard graphic testimony that Jackson was a serial paedophile, luring children to his home, plying them with alcohol – which he called Jesus Juice.

  • 生活 至少有四分之三的杂志用明星作封面,而且暗示其内容中有跟明星们有关的绘声绘色的小道消息,或许是关于詹妮弗“洛佩兹的婚纱或是卡森”戴利的新女友。
    At least three out of four magazines feature a celebrity on the cover and promise some juicy bit of celebrity gossip inside, perhaps a peek at J. Lo's wedding dress or Carson Daley's new girlfriend.

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