
狭路相逢  xiá lù xiāng féng








  • 狭路相逢这恶人, 如何是好?”
    “I meet the wicked man on the narrow path. What is to be done?”

  • 真是狭路相逢,警察太多了,我们得逃跑。
    There was a face-off, but there were so many police we had to run away.

  • 狭路相逢,针锋相对时,不退缩,行动为先;
    Encounter a face to face adversary, sharply confront each other, never move back, action is first.

  • 红珊瑚,狭路相逢
    Red coral, unavoidable confrontation.

  • 如果哪天我和这样的人狭路相逢,愿上帝保守他。
    And if I ever cross paths with him, God help him.

  • 你可以想象,要是他和科克兰这样的拳手狭路相逢
    And suppose he were to fight someone like James Kirkland?

  • 狭路相逢勇者胜,现在来判断真正的勇者还为时过早。
    Comes face to face with an adversary the brave victory, now judges true brave to be also too early.

  • 库兹涅佐娃将和扬科维奇在四分之一决赛中狭路相逢
    Kuznetsova will Jankovic in the quarter-finals in Xialuxiangfeng.

  • 在她所在的地区,北太平洋响尾蛇经常和人类狭路相逢
    In her part of the country, the northern Pacific rattlesnake (Crotalus virudis oreganos) often comes face-to-face with humans.

  • 那么,就像西藏人说的,“当你们狭路相逢时,让开。”
    Well, as the Tibetan sherpas say, "When you meet on a narrow mountain path, move over. ""

  • 汉?索罗有一段与众多赏金猎人在曼特尔兵站狭路相逢的历史。
    Han Solo has had a history of close run-ins with bounty hunters on Ord Mantell.

  • 我和多多竟成了狭路相逢竟争者,只有勇者才能争取到惟一一个摆脱生存困窘的机会。
    I become more and had considered quitting the competition, only the brave can win only one to survive out of embarrassment.

  • 周五早上,在尼翁进行的欧冠半决赛抽签仪式上,红军和上赛季亚军切尔西狭路相逢
    The Reds face last season's runners-up Chelsea in the quarter-finals following the draw in Nyon on Friday morning.

  • 假设一下,当在市场中狭路相逢时,目前,国内传统开发及融资模式又会拥有几分胜算呢?
    Assumptions about when in the market struggle, the current domestic and traditional financing model will have a bit of success?

  • 但令万某等三人没有想到的是,在走至苏家园信用社附近时再次与三名犯罪嫌疑人狭路相逢
    But in a million, and other three did not expect that in the Soviet Union to take the credit cooperatives near their homes once again with the three suspects had considered quitting.

  • 韩国队出师大捷,打败了动作迟缓的波兰队,取得历史性胜利,紧接着便与美国队狭路相逢
    The squad began with a historic triumph over sluggish Poland, then found itself face to face with the US.

  • 我们将和时代赋予给我们的挑战狭路相逢,而我们将勇者取胜,书写美国历史上伟大的一页。
    we will bravely take the challenges for us and create a bright future of American.

  • 我女儿和男朋友在山里徒步旅行时跟带小熊的黑熊狭路相逢。这可真是段令人毛骨悚然的经历。
    My daughter and her boyfriend had a hair-raising time hiking in the mountains -- they met a black bear with her cub.

  • 如果你与海蜇狭路相逢了,到一些纯度醋到蛰咬过得地方,会立刻消解疼痛,再用塑料卡片刮掉毒刺。
    If you have an encounter with one, pouring some undiluted vinegar on the sting will take away the pain in no time, and let you scrape out the stinger with a plastic credit card.

  • 当我们在竞选期间狭路相逢的时候,我经常得压制有点无情的冲动,克制自己不去嘲弄他或是扭他的脖子。
    When our paths crossed during the campaign, I often had to suppress the rather uncharitable urge to either taunt him or wring his neck.

  • 有人说,如果有不好的事情发生,上天一定会给你一点暗示,如果你没有注意到,那么你注定会和它狭路相逢
    Someone said when something bad comes, it will show a sign, if doesn't notice the sign, you will be in trouble.

  • “这头大象就会把鼻子伸进车里,将里面的食物吸出来,一卷而光。”当地居民莫汉蒂已经与它有过两次狭路相逢
    "The tusker then inserts its trunk inside the vehicle and sniffs for food, " local resident Prabodh Mohanty, who has come across the elephant twice, was quoted as saying.

  • 就好比关公战秦琼一般。然而,两巨头最终在数字出版领域上却“狭路相逢”,形成了一种战略竞争对手的模糊关系。
    K is Kuan Kung's war on quhuangdao chun gul. However, the final two giants in the field of digital publishing is " in ", forming a strategic competitor fuzzy relation.

  • 腾讯体育讯对于所有的球迷来说,9月21日绝对是一个“超级星期天”,两大豪门切尔西和曼联将在今天狭路相逢
    Tencent hearing for all sports fans, on September 21 is a "Super Sunday", the two Manchester United and Chelsea will never get out today, had considered quitting.

  • 第二、要有一种气势,就是我们的市场很严峻,但是就像两军打仗一样,两军相遇,狭路相逢勇者胜,这是一种气势。
    Secondly, there must be a powerful is our market is tough, but just as the two armies-darling, the two armies met, in a brave man, this is a.

  • 大卫-恩戈尔将会在今晚狭路相逢布鲁纳,正如土伦杯半决赛中阿根廷U20与法国为争取最后一个决赛席位而相逢。
    David Ngog is competing against Gerardo Bruna tonight as France U20s take on Argentina for a place in the Toulon international final.

  • 在昨晚小组赛中,托雷斯得分帮助球队以二比一击败瑞典,在四分之一决赛中,他所在的西班牙队与斯科拉里的球队狭路相逢
    The Spaniard scored in the 2-1 win over Sweden last night that took Spain through to join Scolari's side in the quarter-finals.

  • 索尼不仅在视频游戏方面和微软狭路相逢,而且在家用电器的各个领域也要这微软一争高下,因为微软决心通过软件而控制家电另一。
    Yet Sony has to face Microsoft not just in videogames but across the entire panoply of home electronics, which Microsoft is determined to control through software.

  • 民主党总统竞选者巴拉克奥巴马和共和党副总统候选者莎拉佩林于周日在俄州狭路相逢,与此同时,共和党总统竞选者约翰麦凯恩已经回到了宾州。
    Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and Republican vice presidential choice Sarah Palin crisscrossed Ohio on Sunday, while Republican candidate John McCain returned to Pennsylvania.

  • 他在接受诺维奇官方网站采访时说道:“我很激动,因为我从来没有想过自己在有生之日还能再和英超球队狭路相逢,所以我对这场比赛非常期待。”
    'I can pass a little bit of information on to the younger boys and say "look, don't be too overawed, but you're going there to do a job and that job is to win the game for Norwich City."

  • 狭路相逢造句相关
