
各个击破  gè gè jī pò







  • 该行业四分五裂,白宫预计将是各个击破
    The industry is deeply divided, and the White House anticipated a distracting fight.

  • 他的方针是各个击破
    His policy was to beat each enemy in turn.

  • 各个击破式地应对中国的国际化注定将要失败。
    A piecemeal approach to China's internationalization is doomed to failure.

  • 约书亚运用教科书上的战略:「先分裂再各个击破!」
    Joshua employs a textbook strategy for military victory: "Divide and conquer! ""

  • 在作战时,我们处理这类问题通常采取各个击破的办法。
    When fight, we handle this kind of problem to adopt the measure of each checkmate normally.

  • 但和鬼子不能硬拼,要本着诱敌深入,各个击破的原则。
    But not Yingpin and Guizi, Youdi in-depth, all broken up the principle.

  • 希特勒对付敌手的办法是各个击破,这样才符合他的利益。
    It was Hitler's interest and method to strike his opponents down one by one.

  • 要打击兵力集中的强敌,还不如先把他们分散开各个击破
    Translation: Want to attack the strong opponent that military strength centers, still be inferior to dispersing them first each checkmate;

  • 面对大问题,不可迟延,要将问题分成若干部分各个击破
    Don't procrastinate when faced with a big difficult problem, break the problem into parts and handle one part at time.

  • 希特勒对付敌手的办法是各个击破,这样才符合他的利益。
    It was Hitler's interest and method to strike his opponents down one by one .

  • 叙述各个击破法的典范和解释当什么情况算法设计会需要它。
    Describe the divide-and-conquer paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.

  • 在这样的国家,一个民族常要受一小撮泼皮无赖各个击破、残酷压迫。
    In China, the whole nation is subdued by a small group of criminals focusing on attacking and persecuting people, one group after another.

  • 毛主席提出的策略原则是:利用矛盾,争取多数,反对少数,各个击破
    The tactical principle put forward by Chairman Mao is: make use of contradictions, win over the many, oppose the few and crush our enemies one by one.

  • 我不断地提醒各位领导人,我们必须共同行动,否则我们将会被各个击破
    I constantly remind leaders that we must act together or we will fail individually.

  • 罗马兵法的特点是:善于选择主要突击方向,巧妙地分割敌军兵力并各个击破
    Is characterized by the Roman Art of War: The main surprise at the direction of choice, cleverly split the enemy forces and destroy all.

  • 科学的成功依赖于一个劳动的很好分工,伴随的是“分工和各个击破”的策略。
    The success of science has depended on a well-defined division of labor coupled with a strategy of divide and conquer.

  • 拿破仑赢得战争胜利在于其行军快速、发动奇袭和对孤立的敌军采各个击破的方式。
    Napoleon's successes resulted from a strategy of moving his army rapidly, attacking quickly, and defeating each of the disconnected enemy units.

  • 选定解决问题的范畴,你就能使问题孤立起来,各个击破,这样有助于自己克服问题。
    By choosing an area to work on, you can isolate problems and help yourself overcome them.

  • 选定解决问题的范畴,你就能使问题孤立起来,各个击破,这样有助于自己克服问题。
    By choosing an area to work on, you can isolate problems help yourself overcome them.

  • 对,要各个击破,让那些只剩1点血的家伙休息一下吧,挑没有被打死过的“健康”狼打。
    Yes, all to break, so that only 1:00 of the blood guy a break now, have not been picked off and killed the "health" to fight the wolf.

  • 政府对父母各个击破,说,只要签下协议,放弃要求调查豆腐渣校舍,就能得到一笔血钱。
    Over the summer, the officials compensated the parents if they signed individual papers agreeing to drop demands for investigations into shoddy school construction.

  • 在罗马内战战略战术方面,恺撒善于选择主要突击方向,巧妙地分割敌军,将其各个击破
    Strategies and tactics of the civil war in Rome, the choice of Caesar at the direction of the main assault, cleverly split the enemy will break its all.

  • 复制人战争打了差不多三年,分离主义份子因兵力分散,而遭共和国军队各个击破而惨败。
    Three years after the beginning of the Clone Wars, the Separatist army was defeated by the Republic army leaded by the Jedi in many star systems.

  • 不用逃避战斗,因为他们似乎对你无所谓。一大批孢子植物时,你可以各个击破它们并得到一些经验值!
    Don't flee battles just because they seem pointless to you. A horde of spore plants when you can shoot two targeted shots per round is still good xp!

  • 同时也必须强调欧盟决不允许俄罗斯对欧盟国家各个击破,和一些国家签署双边的协议,以一些条件为诱饵。
    And it must stress that it will not allow the Russians to pick off individual EU countries through cosy bilateral deals.

  • 似乎更有可能俄罗斯将继续玩普京首创的“各个击破”的把戏。普京长袖善舞,尤善利用西方各国分歧为己用。
    It seems far more likely that it will continue to play the divide-and-rule game started by Mr Putin, who deftly exploited differences among European Union leaders, in particular.

  • 各个击破以及反对被告律师和法官的集中解决的建议是默克公司采取的应对策略,法律教授们对此普遍非常赞赏。
    Law professors generally applaud Merck' s strategy of trying individual cases and resisting calls from plaintiffs lawyers and judges to consider mass settlements.

  • 看起来俄罗斯更有可能继续玩弄由普京开创的“各个击破”游戏,尤其在利用欧盟领导人之间的矛盾方面,普京是个老手。
    It seems far more likely that it will continue to play the divide-and-rule game started by Mr Putin, who deftly exploited differences among European Union leaders, in particular.

  • 新兴经济体的那些表现优异的公司将人才视为一个投入产出链条,需要持续的管理,而不是一个个孤立的问题可以各个击破
    The best companies in emerging markets treat "talent" as a supply chain that needs to be relentlessly managed, not an isolated problem that can be solved on a piecemeal basis.

  • 基本上这是一种分化再各个击破的策略,好比说,“你们不准形成一个共同体,你们得要是分离疏远的个体,谁也不能帮谁。”
    It's basically divide and conquer, saying, "You're not allowed to form a community, that you must be separate alienated individuals, who can't help each other."

  • 各个击破造句相关
