
在天之灵  zài tiān zhī líng







  • 我想死去的人在天之灵也不会安宁。
    People want my memory of the dead will not be peace.

  • 哥哥在天之灵,会保祐香港人渡过难关。
    Hope Gor Gor would protect all Hong Kong people to go through this difficult period.

  • 他说,要以自己的行动告慰爸爸在天之灵
    He says, should accuse with oneself action comfort father is in Tian Zhiling.

  • 我要努力学习以告慰爷爷在天之灵,我会加油的!
    I would like to study hard to comfort my grandfather in heaven, for which I will make an extra effort!

  • 先帝啊!你在天之灵,看到了这肮脏的交易了吗?
    Late Emperor did your spirit in heaven witness this vile exchange?

  • 就用朕的金樽吧。让朕与皇后的思念,也去慰籍太子的在天之灵
    Take my cup, let me join you in remembering the departed spirit of my dear nephew.

  • 在末后国度中,凡是有了在天之灵属性的人,都将成为神的居所。
    At the end of the country after, the memory of those who have property, will become the home of the gods.

  • 如果维托里奥在天之灵能听到他熟悉的声音,他将会少一些寂寞。
    If Vittrio hears it, he'll be, he'll be less lonely.

  • 韦小宝道:“我暗暗祷祝,向白大侠在天之灵说话,关你什么事?”
    'I was praying, ' said Trinket. 'I was talking to your brother's soul in Heaven.

  • 我只有刻苦学习,以优异成绩来回报社会,这也是对父母在天之灵的最好安慰。
    I only have to study hard to repay the society with distinction, which is the best comfort to the deceased parents.

  • 这也符合现代社会所倡导的绿色环保的潮流,我想母亲在天之灵看到也会很高兴的!
    This is also in the modern society advocated by the green trend I would like to see the memory of his mother will be very happy!

  • 来吧,恶魔领主!愿父亲的在天之灵保佑我——让我把你送回烈火之中,净化你的罪过。
    Come, Demon Lord! By the soul of my father - I'll send you back to be cleansed in your fires!

  • 一年前,我妻子死了,愿上帝保祐她的在天之灵,从那,我开始深深地反思人生的意义。
    But a year ago, my wife passed away, bless her soul, since then I have been deeply reflecting upon life.

  • 妈妈,请您在天之灵能原谅我们,原谅我们儿时的不懂事,而我却永远也不能原谅自己。
    Mom, we beg your soul in the heaven to forgive us for our ignorance in our childhood.

  • 李登辉称:“不要战争,大家应考虑如何维持和平,以此告慰战时牺牲者的在天之灵。”
    Lee Teng-hui said: "No war, we should consider how to maintain peace, as wartime comfort victims of memory. ""

  • 现在他们都已不在人世,不过,我知道,他们的在天之灵,此时此刻正在骄傲地关注着我。
    They are both passed away now. Yet, I know that, on this night, they look down on me with pride.

  • 我望着天空,跟祖父的在天之灵说话,想弄清楚我的人生该往哪里走,泪水开始在眼眶中涌现。
    As I looked to the sky and spoke to my grandfather, trying to sort through the disparate aspects of my existence, tears formed in my eyes.

  • 但是一年前,我妻子死了,愿上帝保她的在天之灵,从那以后,我开始深深地反思人生的意义。
    But a year ago, my wife passed away, bless her soul, and since then I have been deeply reflecting upon life.

  • 但杰斐逊在天之灵一定知道我们今天的故事,一个充满勇气的故事,一个为尊严而奋斗的梦想。
    But the things of this day, he would know; our nation's grand story of courage, and its simple dream of dignity.

  • 但是一年前,我妻子死了,愿上帝保佑她的在天之灵,从那以后,我开始深深地反思人生的意义。
    But a year ago, my wife passed away, bless her soul, and since then I have been deeply reflecting upon life.

  • 但是一年前,我妻子死了,愿上帝保祐她的在天之灵,从那以后,我开端深深地反思一生的意义。
    But a age ago, my wife passed away, bless IT soul, and since then I HAs be deeply reflecting upon life.

  • 但是一年前,我妻子死了,愿上帝保祐她的在天之灵,从那以后,我开始深深地反思人生的意义。
    I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in life, one of which was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets.

  • 据台湾媒体报道,李登辉到冲绳的和平纪念公园,在墓园向战亡者致敬,安慰这些人的在天之灵
    According to Taiwan media reports, Lee Teng-hui to the Okinawa Peace Memorial Park, in the cemetery to pay tribute to war dead, to comfort their souls.

  • 而体育活动在古希腊的宗教节日中扮演着重要的角色,人们相信竞技运动可以告慰死者的在天之灵
    Athletics played an important role in the religious festivals of the ancient Greeks, who believed competitive sports pleased the spirits of the dead.

  • 祈祷啊...我的姥爷,爷爷,太奶奶,老祖宗,你们在天之灵一定要保佑我啊,还有我身边的每个人!
    Let me properly over the collapse of the spirit of the people of the year! Very grateful!

  • 卡瓦列里希望自己可以在埃兰路第五次为红军出战,以此用一场胜利告慰上个月去世的父亲的在天之灵
    Cavalieri is now hoping to make a fifth Liverpool appearance at Elland Road, where a win would be devoted to a supportive dad who died last month.

  • 在遭遇几十年来最严重经济危机的时候,相信逝者在天之灵也会理解,节省的只是花费,情意是没有打折的。
    S. dollars. In the past several decades suffered the most serious economic crisis, believe that the memory of the dead will also understand that the only cost savings, the complex is not discounted.

  • 在明天对阵维拉的比赛前将会有一分钟的默哀以表达我们对他的尊敬,队员们也会戴着黑纱比赛来告慰他在天之灵
    There will be a minute's silence before tomorrow's match against Aston Villa and as a mark of respect the players will wear black arm bands in his memory.

  • 秦国就是在地之天使的联合,这时的人都能以神的爱连在一起,都有了在天之灵的属性,都能使神的旨意在人身上通行。
    Qin is the angel in the joint, this time to all those who love God together, have a memory of the attributes of God's will be able to make the people in the passage.

  • 2负于国米的比赛前,双方都默哀了一分钟。并且在这个仪式以前,普兰德利用捡起地上的白玫瑰的方式,告慰妻子的在天之灵
    There was a minute's silence before kick-off of the 2-0 defeat to Inter and supporters threw white roses on to the field in a sign of respect.

  • 在天之灵造句相关
