
以邻为壑  yǐ lín wéi hè








  • 这不是一项以邻为壑的政策。
    This is not a beggar-thy-neighbour policy.

  • 底限是双方必须避免采取以邻为壑的政策。
    At a minimum, both must avoid beggar-thy-neighbour policies.

  • 所有人都知道贸易保护主义和以邻为壑会恶化经济。
    Everyone knows that protectionism and beggar-thy-neighbour policies exacerbated the Depression.

  • 没有免费的午餐,甚至在以邻为壑的行为方面也是这样。
    There is no free lunch, not even in terms of robbing foreigners.

  • 但它仍是一种变相的贸易保护主义,以邻为壑,让别人承担压力。
    But it is still a form of subtle protectionism, relying on someone else to take the strain.

  • 以邻为壑的政策是30年代经济大萧条时期许多国家所采取的政策。
    Begger-my-neighbour policy is a policy adopted by many countries during the great ~ of the 1930s.

  • 他们运用以邻为壑的对策,设法使国内高涨的通货膨胀率处于控制之中。
    In a game of beggar-thy-neighbor, they're trying to keep inflation at home from soaring out of control.

  • 中国承担自己的那一份,那么,有人“以邻为壑”就是个不好应对的问题了。
    China undertakes own that one, that had the human "to dump problem on someone else" is the question which was not good deals.

  • 购买国货运动,就象在经济萧条时期提高关税一样,显然是一种以邻为壑的政策。
    Buy-local campaigns, like putting up a tariff during a depression, are clearly a beggar-thy-neighbour policy.

  • 有分析师评论说,瑞士央行率先采取了“以邻为壑”的政策,罗斯对此不予接受。
    Mr Roth rejected analysts' comments that the SNB had ushered in "beggar-thy- neighbour" policies.

  • 更糟糕的是,单独行动可能会逐渐导致“以邻为壑”的政策,这将会加速而不是缓解危机。
    Worse, fragmented actions could yield incrementally to "beggar thy neighbour" policies that run the risk of accelerating rather than ameliorating the crisis.

  • 欧洲政府也曾采取以邻为壑的政策,他们推行的存款担保计划惹得四下里的银行遥遥欲坠。
    In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit-guarantee schemes that destabilise banks elsewhere.

  • 事实上,当世界走入严重的经济低迷,以邻为壑的货币贬值威胁如1930年代般愈发严重。
    Indeed, as the world goes into a severe economic downturn, the threat of beggar-thy-neighbour devaluations becomes acute, as in the 1930s.

  • 致使大萧条更加恶化的以邻为壑的政策让人担心——中国可能使人民币贬值,借此促进出口。
    And there are concerns that China may allow the yuan to depreciate to help its exporters—with worrying echoes of the beggar-thy-neighbour policies that exacerbated the Depression.

  • 有人担心G7的一些国家将采取“以邻为壑”的政策,这项声明正是在这些担忧声中产生的。
    The assurance was offered against a background of mounting concern over "beggar my neighbour" initiatives taken by several G7 states.

  • 历史上的以邻为壑,变为新经济形势下的同步操作,各国没有选择的同时扮演负责任的国家。
    In the history of others, into the new economic situation of sync, no choice at the same time play a responsible country.

  • 问题是世界经济仍然处于不稳定的状态,主流国家间以邻为壑(互相乞讨)的政策是不能容忍的。
    The point is that with the world economy still in a precarious state, beggar-thy-neighbor policies by major players can't be tolerated.

  • 许多候选人通过以邻为壑的方法谋求选票,以迎合某个特定语种人群,阶层或宗教群体特谋私利。
    Many candidates seek votes through beggar-thy-neighbor appeals to the self-interest of a particular linguistic, caste or religious group.

  • 面对危机,各国以邻为壑,全球贸易额大幅缩减,无疑将进一步打击全球脆弱的经济,延缓经济复苏时间。
    In the face of the crisis, others, a significant reduction in global trade, will no doubt be a further blow to the fragile global economy, slow economic recovery time.

  • 如果某个国家独自使用这种政策,将是危险的,因为它会使货币走弱,引发对“以邻为壑”贬值政策的批评。
    This is risky if done alone as it can weaken the currency and give rise to criticism of "beggar-thy-neighbour" devaluations.

  • 维尔海姆正邀请各国进入一个信奉“以邻为壑”政策的零和世界,其中每一个国家都试图从其它国家抢夺市场份额。
    Mr Wilhelm is inviting everybody to join a zero-sum world of beggar-my-neighbour policies in which every country tries to grab market share from the rest.

  • 尽管它可能颇具诱惑力,但除非其他国家也纷纷效仿,否则这就是一种以邻为壑的政策;许多国家都将会这么认为。
    Tempting as it may be, it is a beggar-thy-neighbour policy unless replicated elsewhere and would come to be regarded as such by many countries in the world.

  • 这种以邻为壑的做法,不仅会损害对方,也会伤及自身,不但拯救不了世界经济,反而会加剧贸易摩擦和投资争端。
    In stead of saving the world economy, it will, quite the contrary, worsen trade frictions and investment disputes. The world market will not prosper without a just, fair and reasonable order.

  • 在欧洲,政府间随意地玩着以邻为壑的政治游戏,各国纷纷对本国存款进行担保,没有顾及这样会动摇其他国家的银行。
    In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit-guarantee schemes that destabilize banks elsewhere.

  • 在欧洲,政府间随意地玩着以邻为壑的政治游戏,列国纷纭对本国存款进行包管,没有顾及这样会摇动其他国度的银行。
    In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit-guarantee schemes that destabilize banks elsewhere.

  • 所有迹象都增加了对这种1930年代盛行的“以邻为壑”保护主义政策回归的担忧,而正是这种政策为第二次世界大战创造了条件。
    All of which has raised worries of a return to the "beggar-thy-neighbor" protectionist policies of the 1930s, which helped create the conditions for World War II.

  • 问题的关键在于,由于世界经济依然不稳定,作为主要国家,实施以邻为壑的政策是不能容忍的。有关中国货币,必须采取措施应对。
    the point is that with the world economy still in a precarious state, beggar-thy-neighbor policies by major players can't be tolerated. something must be done about china's currency.

  • 评论人士称,这实际上是“以邻为壑”,意味着欧盟国家玩起了把“对手吃光”(beggar-my-neighbour)的游戏。
    Comments the public figure saying that this in fact is "dumps problem on someone else", means that the EU country played "has eaten to eat all one's food the match" the (beggar-my-neighbour) game.

  • 一种可能性是先后发生以下事件:世界经济走向衰退,导致世界贸易不断走弱,进而引发以邻为壑的保护主义,使经济衰退演变成经济萧条。
    One possibility would be a sequence in which the world economy slips into recession and weakening world trade provokes the beggar-thy-neighbour protectionism that then turns recession into depression.

  • 这个即将出世的机构最重要的使命将是在大部分成员国都陷入了一个逐渐盛行的以邻为壑的比赛中的时候,能够让每个成员都坚决的反对保护主义。
    The most important task for this would-be institution is to set itself firmly against protectionism at a time when most of its members are engaged in a game of creeping beggar-thy-neighbour.

  • 以邻为壑造句相关
