
决一胜负  jué yī shèng fù







  • 这四个队将在今晚的半赛中决一胜负
    The four teams are going to battle/fight it out tonight in the semifinals.

  • 他咬紧牙关准备决一胜负
    He set his teeth and prepared to fight it out.

  • 那位游泳冠军提出同世界上任何人决一胜负
    The champion swimmer challenged anyone in the world to beat him.

  • 我离开时, 两兄弟还在汽车库后面决一胜负
    When I left, the two brothers were still battling it out behind the garage.

  • 豆:小凤‚逼她落到地上‚我要在地面上跟她决一胜负
    Doug: Phoeny, force her to land. I want to fight her on the foot!

  • 这是场伟大的比赛,非常愿意在曼切斯特球场与曼城决一胜负
    I have been to watch City a few times this season and they are a strong very powerful and athletic side.

  • 这是场伟大的比赛,非常愿意在曼切斯特球场与曼城决一胜负
    "It's a good game for us and great to play at the City of Manchester Stadium, " he said.

  • 在今年南美洲举行的2009达喀尔™锦标赛上,与你的对手在这激动人心的地域上决一胜负吧。
    With this year's DAKAR™ 2009 championship in South America, battle it out with your competitors over breathtaking terrain.

  • 在今年南美洲举行的2009达喀尔?锦标赛上,与你的对手在这激动人心的地域上决一胜负吧。
    With this year's DAKAR? 2009 championship in South America, battle it out with your competitors over breathtaking terrain.

  • 追溯到英格兰,划船是项很受欢迎的体育项目,最佳代表就是牛津和剑桥决一胜负的大学生划船比赛。
    Originating in England, rowing is a popular sport, typified by the annual University Boat Race where Oxford and Cambridge battle it out.

  • 印度内部在气候政策上无法达成致意见。“增长第”的拥护者跟全球变暖批评者和被围攻的进步人士之间将决一胜负
    There is little consensus on climate policy in India, where growth-first advocates battle it out with global-warming cynics and beleaguered progressives.

  • 但是HD-DVD和蓝光的推广直都保持在低水平,因为在索尼和东芝决一胜负的时候,消费者对购买哪种格式还持观望态度。
    But take-up of HD-DVD and Blu-Ray has been low as consumers have held off buying while Sony and Toshiba battle it out.

  • 周五的抽签使这两支球队需要决一胜负,是在欧洲足球联合会因为现在中东现在的动乱局势要求以色列对其主办足球赛的安全做出保证。
    A draw on Friday pitted the clubs against each other, one day after UEFA asked Israel for safety guarantees in hosting soccer matches because of the current unrest in the Middle East.

  • 印度内部在气候政策上无法达成致意见。“增长第”的拥护者跟全球变暖批评者和被围攻的进步人士之间将决一胜负。那吾热孜•K•杜巴什报道。
    There is little consensus on climate policy in India, where growth-first advocates battle it out with global-warming cynics and beleaguered progressives. Navroz K Dubash reports.

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