
刀山火海  dāo shān huǒ hǎi







  • 即使要他上刀山,下火海,他也十分愿意。
    Even if he hell on, he is also willing inferno.

  • 你选择了一个职业就得坚持到底,无论刀山火海
    OM:You picked a class and you stuck with it, come hell or high water.

  • 为了你,我可以上刀山,下火海,也可以去干燥的沙漠。
    For you, I can climb the highest mountain, swim the deepest river and cross the driest desert.

  • 为了完成领导交给的任务,上刀山,下火海,也在所不辞。
    To finish the task ordered by the leader, I will not hesitate to undergo manifold ordeals.

  • 他对自己的主子很忠心,哪怕是上刀山火海也会勇往向前。
    He is very loyal to his master, willing to charge ahead even into the most dangerous places.

  • 我知道前面有刀山火海,但是我坚信我们能够到达胜利的彼岸!
    Sometimes the trek up the mountain is tough. But, I know we'll get there.

  • 现在,就算前面是刀山火海我一样会走下去,只因为我已经没有退路了。
    Now, even if front is the tremendous dangers and difficulties I can walk equally, because I already did not only have the escape route.

  • 踏遍千山万水,闯过刀山火海,临泰山崩而不变色,没有什么能打倒我!
    Traveled thousands of miles, past the Daoshanhuohai, temporary Taishan collapse without color, nothing can defeat me!

  • 其中傈僳族在刀杆节表演的“上刀山,下火海惊心动魄,令人叹为观止。
    One Lisu in the performance of Arbor Day "on Daoshan, under the sea of fire" soul-stirring, eye-openers.

  • 长白山上的雨多,衣服总也不得干,牡丹心中有团烈火,为引天池里的水,她不惧火海刀山
    Changbai Mountains on the rain, nor shall the total dry clothes, heart group Peony fire, cited as the Tianchi in the water, her fear Daoshan sea of fire.

  • 值得去赢得和被赢得是这样一颗心:这颗心一旦赢得,可上刀山,可下火海,永远不变,无所畏惧
    A heart well worth winning, and well won. A heart that, once won, goes through fire and water for the winner, and never changes, and is never daunted.

  • 后来,在片刻之后就遭摧毁城镇中,一位战友对中士说,“刀山火海都过来了,不会仗快打完了却给干掉吧?
    Later, in the by then destroyed town, one of his buddies said to him, "Wouldn't it be a hell of a note to go through all this and then check out so close to the end?"

  • 这名黑装骑士以邪恶的眼光看着林克,然后……故事就是这么简单,王子千辛万苦,刀山火海,拯救公主,王者无敌。
    The Black Knight with the vision to see the evil link, and then…… the story is that simple, the Prince untold hardships, Daoshanhuohai, Save the princess, Wangzhewudi.

  • 每个人都有机会去面对自己心爱的人离开人间的时候,爱如何在此时能带来无尽的勇气。无法面对挚爱死亡的男人带着孩子,努力从死者的世界将妻子带回人间,他们如何度过地狱里刀山火海的煎熬与种种挑战。
    In the story of The Second Goodbye, a man tries to get back his beloved wife, the mother of his child, by daring, by taking risks, by having the courage to travel to the world of the dead.

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