
半斤八两  bàn jīn bā liǎng








  • 他们俩是不是像你们说的是半斤八两呢?
    Are they two birds of a feather, as you say?

  • 如果普及工作永远停留在一个水平上, 那么教育者和被教育者岂不都是半斤八两?
    If popularization remains at the same level for ever, won't the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?

  • 你和你的孪生兄弟是不是半斤八两呢?
    Are you and your twin brother six of one and half a dozen of the other?

  • 我们这不是半斤八两吗?枪在我手上。
    This isn't a standoff. I've got the gun.

  • 大家都半斤八两,这即是他们的立场。
    Six of one, half a dozen the other, that was their position.

  • 半斤八两,有啥区别,”我爸爸说。
    "Well. Same difference, " my father says.

  • 锅嫌壶黑。五十步笑百步半斤八两
    AndyFish : The pot calling the kettle black.

  • 我也感到困惑。事实上,他们半斤八两
    I'm confused too. In fact they are Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

  • 我也搞不懂。其实﹐他们根本是半斤八两
    B. I'm confused too. In fact they are Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

  • 是「半打六个」,也就是「半斤八两」的意思。
    You two are six of one dozen !

  • 汤姆是笨蛋而玛莉是傻女,他们真是半斤八两了。
    Mary is a dumb Dora . The are exactly fifty-fifty .

  • 我认为他们和那些否认抽菸会造成肺癌的人可说半斤八两
    I'd liken them to the people who denied that smoking causes lung cancer.

  • 半斤八两的第二个例子,是一位先生在旧金山行将登机时的事。
    A close second was submitted by a guy whose story starts as he is about to board a plane in San Francisco.

  • 吉姆认为杰拉尔德是一个说谎的人——得了,他们俩人半斤八两
    Jim called Gerald a liar—well, it takes one to know one!

  • 主打歌『半斤八两』是许氏兄弟的第三部电影《半斤八两》主题曲。
    Title song is the theme song for The Hui Brother's third film The Private Eyes.

  • 所以,烧秸秆和烧煤炭绝对不是半斤八两,而是有“天”“地”之区别。
    Therefore, the difference between straw burning and coal burning is extremely large.

  • 是不是就是说我们俩都半斤八两,我不用说你,其实我自己也是很粗鲁的?
    That's right. When you told mean be rude, thought that that was rude. Sosaid.

  • 是不是就是说我们俩都半斤八两,我不用说你,其实我自己也是很粗鲁的?
    That's right. When you told me I can be rude, I thought that that was rude. So I said.

  • 无可否认,若一个人对其仇敌施加报复,那他与被报复者不过是半斤八两
    Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy;

  • 当我们两个孩子吵架时,我从不知道该骂谁,因为他们都是半斤八两,差不多。
    When my two children quarrel, I never know who to blame because it's usually six of one and half a dozen of the other.

  • 他彻底地明白,孔子与他比较,一个是心灵残缺,一个是身体残缺,半斤八两
    He finally understood that Confucius and he were similar, one spiritually insane, the other physical disabled.

  • “两人都很健壮,比赛半斤八两,”查韦兹说,“马奎兹有心计,但迪亚兹没有;
    "They both have strengths that make it an even match, " Chavez said. "Juan Diaz lacks the craftiness that Marquez has.

  • 小丽:哦,我明白了。原来在半斤八两这个词出现的时候,一斤就等于十六两啊。
    Oh, I see. So half a jin, 8 liang, when this saying emerged, one jin equaled 16 liang.

  • 他彻底地明白,孔子与他比较,一个是心灵残缺,一个是身体残缺,彼此可以说是半斤八两
    He finally understood that Confucius and he were similar, one spiritually insane, the other physical disabled.

  • 大碟『半斤八两』可说是许冠杰歌唱生涯的第一个高峰,亦是许氏兄弟电影的第一个里程碑。
    This album was probably Sam Hui's first peak in his music career, it also marks the first milestone for Hui Brother's films.

  • 既然两个工作都是100块一个小时,而且又同样都很无聊,我觉得选哪个都一样,半斤八两
    Since both jobs pay 100yuan an hour and are equally boring, it is about as broad as it is long whether I take one or the other.

  • 这样就离不开计量单位,古代把一斤分成16两,应该是你我听说过的什么“半斤八两”的由来吧我想。
    This can not be separated units of measurement, the pound is divided into 16 two ancient, it should be you and I heard about the "Private Eyes" by Come on I think.

  • 彼此彼此,神车团和反神车团半斤八两,这世界确实只有两种人,神车团员和反神车团员,剩下的都不是人。
    there are only three kinds of people in the world, those who can count, and those who cannot.

  • 其他维和部队的情况与此半斤八两,或许最常规的维和部队是个例外,但他们的效率还得由当地的好战分子决定。
    And so it goes with all but the most routine UN peacekeeping missions, which are effective only to the extent that their host combatants allow.

  • 我的建议是,如果你已经拥有了16-35L,那么根本没必要改变,因为他们的成像质量和速度上的差别是半斤八两的。
    My recommendation is that if you already own the 16-35mm f/2. 8L there's no need to change.

  • 半斤八两造句相关
