
一失足成千古恨  yī shī zú chéng qiān gǔ hèn








  • 一失足成千古恨, 再回头已过百年身。
    One single slip brings eternal regret, and looking back, your whole life has passed away.

  • 一失足成千古恨。 小失误会铸成大错。
    Little mistakes lead to big ones.

  • 使坏一年,悔恨七年;一失足成千古恨
    He that lives not well one year sorrows for it seven.

  • 中国有句古话是这样讲的:一失足成千古恨
    There is an ancient Chinese saying goes : a false step may result in great regret .

  • 一次做流氓,永远是流氓。(一失足成千古恨。)
    Once a knave, ever a knave.

  • 一失足成千古恨
    A single slip brings eternal regret.

  • 后来,多亏达西挽救,莉迪亚才没有“一失足成千古恨”。
    Later, thanks to Darcy save, Lydia was not "Lose a step makes the hate foreever."

  • 人生如橡皮筋,拉得愈紧愈难恢复原状,所以当心一失足成千古恨
    Life is like a rubber band; harder you go forward, harder you snap back.

  • 如果我们不在前期搞好调查做好定位,便有可能“一锤定型”,最终“一失足成千古恨”。
    If we do not advance in the investigation positioning may "one hammer stereotypes, " the ultimate "show.

  • 热胶一旦黏上那透明胶光滑的一面就完蛋,一失足成千古恨,那迫我花时间换掉其中一块……
    Hot glue can pollute the smooth surface of the window very easily, once the glue is on it's on, that made me replacing one of them.

  • 我做过让我感到不值一提的事情,惹了很多不应该有的麻烦,我的生命几乎就要一失足成千古恨
    I did some things I'm not proud of, and got in more trouble than I should have. And my life could have easily taken a turn for the worse.

  • 中国有句古话是这样讲的:一失足成千古恨。实在不能让的青少年受到不良影响,从而走上犯罪的道路。
    An old Chinese saying goes like this: one step wrong leads to regret lifelong. Therefore, we can not sit back see our youngsters be influenced by any unhealthy tendencieshence become criminals.

  • 我像只蜘蛛一样身子紧贴着岩壁,左右开弓,两手轮换着紧抓住铁杆,还得时时关注脚下,步步踩实,生怕“一失足成千古恨”。
    I like a spider up close to the same rock hands to seize the irons tight, but also always concerned about the foot, step on it step by step, for fear that?

  • 所以我不能够专注自己的精力。我做过让我感到不值一提的事情,惹了很多不应该有的麻烦,我的生命几乎就要一失足成千古恨
    So I wasn't always as focused as I should have been.  I did some things I'm not proud of, and got in more trouble than I should have.  And my life could have easily taken a turn for the worse.

  • 最让人意外也让人感慨的便是,很多观众都看出了本片的警世意义——“勿以恶小而为之”,以及“一失足成千古恨”这些古老朴素的道理。
    The most surprising is the feeling letting a person is, many audience have seen the film "warning - is a sin to steal a pin", and "short pleasure, long lament" these ancient simple sense.

  • 一失足成千古恨造句相关
