
求大同,存小异  qiú dà tóng,cún xiǎo yì






  • 我相信大家有更多共通的地方。求大同存小异
    I believe that they have a lot in common and many more similarities than differences.

  • 我们确有分裂,必须求大同存小异,弥补裂痕,我将尽力带头去做。
    We have known divisions,which must be healed to move forward in great purposes -- and I will strive in good faith to heal them.

  • 这个方针体现了民主集中制原则的精神,也体现了求大同存小异的精神。
    the spirit that this guiding principle reflected democratic centralism principle,also reflected the spirit that begs Great Harmony to keep little surprise.

  • 通过维持现状,两岸都应该求大同存小异,为两岸所有的中国人民开创一个双赢的未来。
    By maintaining the status quo,both sides should seek more common grounds while reserving differences and create a win-win future for all the Chinese people across the Straits,he said.

  • 在这个大前提下,任何问题都可以本着求大同存小异的原则,通过友好协商妥善解决。
    Under this major premise,all problems can be solved appropriately through friendly consultation with the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences.

  • 愿羊年能够为世界带来和平,全港市民能够求大同存小异、互相包容,发挥团结精神,缔造祥和社会。
    All people in Hong Kong would set aside their differences and weld a common bond for a harmonious community.

  • 本论文从语言功能和语体之间的关系入手,探讨了建立在双语的共性上的“求大同存小异”的翻译方法。
    and the way of 搒eeking common ground among differences?. This paper deals with the former by using language functions and stylisticcharacterized features to accomplish the bilingual transformation.

  • 也就是说,我们各族群都必须牢记,身为新加坡人,我们应该抱着“求大同存小异”的精神,寻求共同的目标和理想,一齐来实现未来的新加坡。
    In other words,all communities should bear in mind that,as Singaporeans,we should all work for the common goal while preserving our small differences.

  • 求大同,存小异造句相关
