
自圆其说  zì yuán qí shuō







  • 这个理论也有不能自圆其说之处。
    This theory also can not justify it.

  • 你要相信你你说就能自圆其说
    You can add up when you believe you said.

  • 她的辩解就是无法自圆其说
    Her excuse just doesn't add up.

  • 他总是能自圆其说
    What he said always can add up!

  • 如果是这样,他对责备她的事,如何自圆其说?
    If this is the case, how is he justified in blaming her?

  • 怕就怕为了面子,牵强附会,诡辩却无法自圆其说
    Fear of fear in order to face and far-fetched, but could not justify sophistry.

  • 他们相互推卸责任,向培训厅所作的解释无法自圆其说
    They tried to pass the buck to each other and provided inconsistent explanations to the Ministry.

  • 此话一出,全场纷纷交头接耳,都想知道史都华怎麽自圆其说
    When he finished, those present began murmuring to one another. They all wanted to know what Steward was going to say.

  • 这是根据混沌理论推论出来的结论,不精确,但能够自圆其说
    This is based on Chaos Theory inference from the conclusion imprecise, but can justify.

  • 最后,如果计算的额外销售自圆其说的额外成本,并调整中标。
    Finally, calculate if the extra sales justify the extra cost and adjust the bid accordingly.

  • 为何这个例子对达尔文理论造成了冲击?而达尔文又如何自圆其说
    Why does this instance raise a difficulty for Darwin's theory and how does he deal with it?

  • 你像你的父亲一样聪慧!我赞同你的看法,所谓的诅咒难以自圆其说
    I think you have the same mind as your father! I agree with you, there's something not very coherent about this so-called curse.

  • 很长时间,我都自圆其说地告诉自己为了”团队“,我最出了特定努力。
    For a long time, I self-righteously told myself that I made certain efforts "for the team."

  • 其实只是自欺,只是一种自圆其说。智慧的优长或贫乏,待看他真冷静与否。
    The possession or lack of wisdom depends on whether the person involved is really able to calm down and remain detached.

  • 除非你是去是一个历史学家,很难自圆其说如何您主要是要帮助您在您的工作。
    Unless you are going to be a Historian, it's hard to justify how your major is going to help you in your job.

  • 那是你自圆其说!上帝可有下凡向你说世界是他一手创造,他所关注的与你无关?
    That's what you say! Did God come and tell you that the world is His creation and concern and not yours?

  • 在另一篇文章中,诺奖得主罗伯特·索罗指出经济学家都有乐于自圆其说的倾向。
    In another context, Robert Solow, a Nobel prize-winner, has noted the tendency of economists to congratulate themselves for retrieving juicy plums that they themselves planted in the pudding.

  • 物理学是由物理概念、物理定律、物理定理所构成的能自圆其说的严密逻辑体系。
    Physics is a strict reasonable logical system, which consists of physical concepts, physical laws and physical theorems.

  • 如果你寻求从现在到无限的未来全球只削减5%的碳排放,碳抵消政策就能自圆其说
    Carbon offsetting makes sense if you are seeking a global cut of 5% between now and for ever.

  • 他们不断做试验,又是解剖,又是心电图的,但这是一种牵强的、不能自圆其说的妄想。
    So, they keep making experiments with dissection and cardiogram, but it is an eisegesis which cannot be justified by the extreme materialists themselves.

  • 好,就让我们研究一下俗套的看法目前站的住脚的五个支持点,看看他们究竟怎样“自圆其说的“。
    a look at five pillars of contemporary conventional wisdom that have current standing, and see how well they hold up.

  • 一位专业的统计人员,不会遵从那些无法自圆其说的方法,来取悦某些人,也无法依此方法进行推论。
    A professional statistician will not follow methods that are indefensible merely to please someone nor to support inferences based on such methods.

  • 对此这两部新传记作品没有一个能自圆其说,不过所提供的材料再清楚不过地表明——答案是肯定的。
    Neither of these new biographies answers the question categorically, though the material they present leaves little room to suppose otherwise.

  • 实际上,所谓的“造船遗址”并不具备造船的基本要素,文中提出了一系列“船台说”者无法自圆其说的问题。
    In fact, the so-called "Berth Site" does not have any basic factors of ship-building. This paper is put forward some questions, which the holders of "Berth Site Theory" can not answer by themselves.

  • “如果成功率不改善和总拥有成本不下来,买家将寻找CRM的投资难以自圆其说,尤其是如果预算开始萎缩” 。
    If success rates don't improve and total cost of ownership doesn't come down, buyers will find CRM investments harder to justify, especially if budgets begin to shrink.

  • 绑架者被认为是某位近期刚刚失去自己的孩子或者不能怀孩子的妇女,她告诉人们她怀孕了,为此她需要偷一个孩子来自圆其说
    a child die recently or as someone who could not have children, told people she was pregnant and needed to steal a child so her lie would not be found out.

  • 如果在未来几周内,还会有几千人死亡的话,那么看那些现在反对采取行动的人(尽管他们的反对并没有多大作用)如何自圆其说
    If thousands more people are to die in the coming weeks, let those who oppose any action now, however modest its effect, then explain why they favoured a policy of doing nothing.

  • 如果发生在西藏的一切真如CNN试图想让我们相信的那样,那么CNN之流为什么要借助对图片的剪辑和对事实的歪曲来自圆其说呢?
    If what happened in Tibetwas like how CNN made it sound to be, then why did CNN and the likes had to rely on image cropping and blatant fact distortions to justify its claim?

  • 对于刚刚细细道来的这一令人惊心动魄的事实,即使良心上不能自圆其说,于理说来倒也稀松平常,但是在我心灵中,总留下一个深刻的印象。
    Although I thus readily accounted to my reason, if not altogether to my conscience, for the startling fact just detailed, it did not the less fail to make a deep impression upon my fancy.

  • 本文在列举各种新观点的基础上,对其逐一进行评述,指出上述观点在理论上存在不能自圆其说之处,从而最终得出通说理论仍具有合理性的结论。
    This paper has discussed these comments one by one on the basis of listing all kinds of new viewpoints, and pointed out that the above-mentioned viewpoints are inconsistent in theory.

  • 自圆其说造句相关
