
自暴自弃  zì bào zì qì








  • 我们一定阻止莱瑞,不让他自暴自弃
    We must stop Larry from giving himself up .

  • 自暴自弃的人是不能成功的。
    Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed.

  • 她自杀的诱因是自暴自弃
    Her suicide was motivated by desperation.

  • 当我们遇到问题时不要抱怨和自暴自弃
    You shouldn't complain or give yourself up hopelessly when you come across something unlucky .

  • 不要悲观失望,不要自暴自弃。(“放纵”)
    Do not abandon yourself to despair.

  • 我把它从黑暗的思想和自暴自弃的精神里救出来。
    I withdraw it from black thoughts and the spirit of perdition.

  • 千万不要抱怨,千万不要自暴自弃,千万不要选择逃避!
    Do not complain, do not becomes, do not choose to avoid!

  • 一个人如果没有生活目标,就可能丧失希望,自暴自弃
    If someone haven't got the life's goal, he or she maybe lose hope, even abandon themselves.

  • 决不可自暴自弃。开步走吧,只要走,自然会发生力量。
    Can not give up on themselves. Go off, as long as the following, natural forces will occur.

  • 身边的人们一直在帮我,能让我远离那自暴自弃的自己。
    Being with some people can keep me away from the far distance to be self-abandoned.

  • 对红利隆重的报道引起某些人的嫉妒并使许多人自暴自弃
    The ritual reporting of bonuses provokes envy in some, and self-loathing in many.

  • 担忧、恐惧、自暴自弃,必然重创心灵,令心灵屈从、精神蒙尘。
    Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

  • 一旦天线倒塌,锐气被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生。
    When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism.

  • 可是这样一个自暴自弃的女孩子,永远也不能成为一个有成就的歌唱家!
    But a girl like Chen, who had no urge for self-improvement, would never become a successful singer.

  • 我们应该多帮帮他们,让他们抛弃以前自暴自弃的生活方式,开始新的生活。
    More should be done to rebuild their lives and separate them from their own destructive lifestyles.

  • 一个人的存在通常只在某些人显得重要罢了,于是别狂妄自大,也别自暴自弃
    One's existence is only meaningful to some certain people, therefore, please get rid of hubris and stop abandoning yourself.

  • 不能自暴自弃,要自强不息, 不断努力。目前没有好的机会,不代表以后不会有。
    Don't give up and keep striving for the chances in the future.

  • 要想找回我们自暴自弃的自由,最简单、最容易的方法就是,你作为个人绝不参与谎言。
    And the simplest and most accessible key to our self-neglected liberation lies right here: Personal non-participation in lies.

  • 贫困大学生的“精神贫困”主要有自我封闭、焦虑忧郁、忌妒心理、自暴自弃等几种表现。
    "Spiritual poverty" of the poverty university students mainly has several kinds of behavior such as self-obturate, anxiety and melancholy, green-eyed monster, abandonment.

  • 一个人即使穷得一无所有,只要他志气尚在,不自暴自弃,就算前途艰难曲折也能走向成功;
    Even if a person who does not own a thing in the world, as long as he or she has aspiration and does not give up hope, he or she will head for success even the passage is difficult.

  • 一旦天线倒塌,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实以垂垂老矣;
    When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20;

  • 一旦天线到他,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实已垂垂老矣;
    When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snowsuit of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20;

  • 另外,一位高材生由于校长拒绝为他签写一份有关学业奖项的申请,感到不满,开始自暴自弃,成绩每况愈下
    A good student goes bad when Principal Steve won't sign off on his application for an academic award. And Key Grip struggles to keep track of the ten other plot-lines piled on top of this.

  • 因此,我们要明白失去是痛苦的,但不能因此失去对生活的信心与希望,不能陷在焦虑与遗憾的泥沼里自暴自弃
    I regret it now because we showed people on TV that it was ok to play with them and take them out of their natural habitat.

  • 其实自己好有噶,但是一遇到少少野就林起以前好多好多既野,又突然之间完全失去信心,又回复到自暴自弃的状态。
    Acutally, I have, but just once I face a little tiny single mistake, I'd probably recall a lot of memory, and suddenly lose my faiths and go back to abandoning myself.

  • 开展大规模的教育运动是目前唯一行之有效的手段,因此认为这种运动难度大、代价高而无法实施是一种自暴自弃的态度。
    A massive educational campaign is the thing conceivable at the moment that can help; to argue that this campaign is difficult, expensive therefore impossible would be quite self-defeating.

  • 当家辉在家里自暴自弃的当儿,一道年青的橙光,因为厌倦了自己的职务,加上性格贪玩,从奇异境界“光世界”来到人间度假。
    As Jiahui wastes his life away in his home, a ray of orange light, Orange, decided to leave his home, "The Light World" after feeling bored of his daily routine.

  • 其实,在孩子们的生活中,如果只有批评,缺少表扬,会使孩子变得自卑,缺乏自信心,有时甚至会自暴自弃,任何意见也听不进去。
    In fact, the children's life, if only criticism of the lack of recognition, will become the children of inferiority, lack of self-confidence, sometimes even Zipuziqi, Ting Bujin to have any comments.

  • 如果整日面对悲事,人容易丧失信心进而自暴自弃、颓废沉沦;而整日面对喜事,人又会被眼前的事物所迷惑,缺乏社会经验,容易上当受骗。
    If all people easily, with sorrow and loss of confidence, decadent destruction of pessimism, All happy face, but also will be in front of deluded and lack of social experience, gullible.

  • 然而,当别的行星相位冲突的时候,木星和海王星却走在了一起,我们能够看到激进行为在不断增加,自暴自弃的人数也在上升,罪恶和欺诈也在攀升。
    However, when other planets clash against these two while they are teamed up together, we could see an increase in passive-aggressive behaviors, self-sabotage, gullibility, and/or deceitfulness.

  • 自暴自弃造句相关
