
颐指气使  yí zhǐ qì shǐ








  • 我们以前是朋友,,但她总是对我颐指气使
    We used to be friends, but she always ordered me around.

  • 我受不了被这个小丑颐指气使,我想重新开始。
    I want to make a fresh start.

  • 你可以对马颐指气使,但是对毛驴只能耐心探问。
    You can tell a horse , You can only ask a donkey.

  • 尽管弗瑞德才十几岁,但他会反抗别人的颐指气使
    Although he is a teenager, Fred could resist being told what to do and what not to do.

  • 巴比对观众的颐指气使被乔丹无奈耸肩的魅力所取代。
    Babe's pointing to the bleachers replaced by the charm of a backpedaling shoulder shrug.

  • 他将之比作婚姻关系,妻子颐指气使而丈夫唯唯诺诺。
    He compared the situation to a marriage in which the wife was bossing around her henpecked husband.

  • 他和女朋友分手了,因为他厌倦了忍受她的颐指气使
    E. g. (1)He broke up with his girlfriend because he got tired of putting up with her demands .

  • 天天颐指气使,指手划脚,那咱算是没有出头之日了。
    Every day Yi spirit make, row feet, that Za was regarded as to have no successful in career day.

  • 巴比对观众的颐指气使使被乔丹无奈耸肩的魅力所取代。
    Babe's pointing to the bleachers replaced by the charm of a backpedaling shoulder shrug.

  • 由于喜欢为圈子里的驱动力,也许使他们看起来颐指气使
    They may appear bossyjust because they want to be the driving force in their circle.

  • 因为喜欢成为圈子里的驱动力,也许使他们看起来颐指气使
    They may appear bossyjust because they want to be the driving force in their circle.

  • 他神情淡漠,六十多岁,留着小胡子,一付颐指气使的神气。
    He is a stolid man, in his sixties, with a mustache and an authoritative air.

  • 霍显没有意识到自己正处于危险之的漩涡之中,仍然颐指气使
    Khodorkovsky was not aware of their own are in danger of the vortex, still Yizhiqishi.

  • 董事们会发现时代已经变了。他们再也不能对工人们颐指气使,使其俯首听命了。
    The directors will find that times have changed; they can no longer kick the workers around and make them do whatever they want.

  • 他以共产国际自居,目空一切,独断专行,颐指气使,企图夺取中央最高领导权。
    He with Comintern pose as, supercilious, be a law onto oneself, order people by gesture, the purpose captures central highest hegemony.

  • 软件架构师普遍喜欢坐在舒适的环境里对开发人员颐指气使,下达他的技术决策和指令。
    ALL TOO OFTEN, SOFTWARE ARCHITECTS sit in their ivory towers, dictating specifications, technology decisions, and technology direction to the developers below.

  • 洁身自好,也许不能颐指气使做领军人物,但满庭芬菲怡人,自是悠然南山采菊东篱。
    Clean living, she may not be so insufferably arrogant leader, but people, of course, a leisurely nanshan Dongli Picking chrysanthemums.

  • 要学会分享,不要惟我独尊;要相互理解,不要颐指气使,即使受到伤害,也不要耿耿于怀。
    share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, and get hurt but never keep in the pain.

  • 你不能容忍被你的配偶颐指气使。你讨厌别人侵犯你的空间,假如对方约会迟到你也无法忍受。
    infringed upon and you can't stand it if your mate shows up late for a date.

  • 美国政府在人权问题上理应先清理自己的门户,根本没有资格对其他国家颐指气使、发号施令。
    S. government ought to first clean up its own record of human rights before qualifying itself to comment on human rights situations in other countries, let alone arrogantly telling them what to do.

  • 如今,人人都可以抢在老板之前,对他们的一举一动加以分析和奚落,对员工颐指气使已不再可能。
    Now that everyone can analyse and ridicule their chief executive's every move almost before they've made it, it has become impossible to order people about.

  • 她的活动并无政治性,她也不曾打算,但是整个游行却成为伦敦东区反对颐指气使的法官和警方怒号。
    Though she wasn't political, and never intended to be, the whole campaign was an East End howl against years of dismissive treatment by judges and the police.

  • 如果我能使之振奋、使之鼓舞,那就要以身作则、条分缕析、提出建议,而不是强制命令、颐指气使
    and if I can uplift or inspire, let it be by example, inference, and suggestion, rather than by injunction and dictation.

  • 倘若该首脑阶层现在颐指气使地让民众一直投票到给出“正确”的答案为止,那就真成为了一场民主闹剧。
    It would be a travesty of democracy for the elite now to order the people to keep voting until they give the "right" answer.

  • 如果你受雇于一家大公司,也许会碰到一个想晋升的同事,为了得到那个职位,他会骑在你头上行事颐指气使
    If you are employed in a large company, there may be a co-worker who wants to be promoted and may think that the best way to do that is to simply act as your boss.

  • 美国重新兴起强硬应对中国的论调,欧盟则疑惧强大的中国会对欧洲颐指气使,冒出了中国是高傲强权的说法。
    S. response to China's re-emergence of hard-line rhetoric, the EU has doubts and fears a strong Europe, China would have the insufferable arrogance of power emerge that China is arrogant to say.

  • 我们已经通过我们的努力取得了一些进展,我不确定(那些只会颐指气使的)政府首脑取得了什么更好的成果没有。
    We have been able to achieve something. I am not quite sure that heads of government have achieved much more than we have done.

  • 北京更有可能会试图取得一个地位,在这个地位上它能颐指气使地向邻国下达行为准则,如同美国在西半球所做的那样。
    It is more likely that Beijing will want to be in a position where it can dictate the rules of behavior to its neighbors, as the United States does in the Western Hemisphere.

  • 他们或是惯于向每个人抛送飞吻,或是表现得像个颐指气使的女王,或是惯于欺凌弱小,一旦违逆其意,便会一口把你吞掉。
    They may turn out to be chronic air-kisses, unbearable drama queens, or bullies who bite your head off whenever things don't go their way.

  • 而喜欢直接了当,富于决断力的狮子可以帮助双子作出决策,如果两人可以灵活相处,因为两人可以看到所有的可能方案,但是狮子必须小心不要太颐指气使,这会让双子不快,让他走开。
    Direct, decisive Leo can help Gemini make a decision if they start to vacillate due to their ability to see all the options -- but Leo must take care not to be too bossy, which will turn Gemini off.

  • 颐指气使造句相关
