
风口浪尖  fēng kǒu làng jiān






  • 台北一个处于风口浪尖上的城市。
    Taipei, Taiwan: this is a city with an edge.

  • 房地产业前所未有的处在风口浪尖上。
    Tuyere Langjian unprecedented in the real estate industry.

  • 无疑,蔡育天正好站在了这个风口浪尖上。
    Undoubtedly, the boy was standing at the tuyere Langjian days.

  • 黄光裕被调查传闻正把国美和黄本人推向风口浪尖
    Wong Kwong Yu is being investigated rumors to the country and the United States and Huang himself into the air waves.

  • 风口浪尖之时,其产品代言人邓婕成了受过人之一。
    Tuyere Langjian the time, spokesmen for their products have become one of Dengjie.

  • 黄光裕被调查的传闻,把国美和黄本人推向风口浪尖
    Wong Kwong Yu has been investigating the rumors, the country and the United States and Huang himself into the air waves.

  • 李金华的审计清单又一次将敏感的金融企业推到了风口浪尖
    Li Jinhua audit will be another list of sensitive financial enterprises onto a tuyere Langjian.

  • 但他们却想嫁祸给我们,就因为我们处在风口浪尖、有条运河。
    But they want to scapegoat us because we're visible and have a canal.

  • 正是在这期间,金融部长曾荫权被推到了金融风暴的风口浪尖
    It was during this period that Financial Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-Kuen was pushed to the front of this financial storm.

  • 率先开始调价的地产巨头万科目前正处于舆论的风口浪尖之上。
    First to price adjustment of the real estate giant Wanke is now in the media outlet Langjian above.

  • 过去30年我一直站在政治和社会的风口浪尖,什么场面我没见过。
    I have been stationed on the forefront of all major political and social scandals for the past 30 years.

  • 站在大限的风口浪尖,他怀揣着筹集到的资金,正在寻觅合适的土地。
    On the eve of tuyere Langjian, he got a raise funds are looking for suitable land.

  • 因为沙滩亲密照曝光而处于风口浪尖的章子怡,是否确定会出席此次活动?
    According to the exposure because the closest beach and in the air waves of Zhang Ziyi, will determine whether or not to attend the event?

  • 后来,当坊间传出上海将限制期房转让后,上海房价便被推到了风口浪尖
    Later, when community that Shanghai will limit faster transfer, Shanghai residents will be pushed to the tuyere Langjian.

  • 但在如此风口浪尖,突然跳出来承认自己是始作俑者,是否是又一次自我炒作?
    However, in the case air waves, suddenly jumped out to admit that he is the initiator, whether it is once again self-speculation?

  • 但是对我来说这是一个令人疯狂的时候——我那时正在风口浪尖上,可我不能放弃尝试。
    It went crazy for me and it was an amazing time - I was riding the crest of a wave and I couldn't drop it.

  • 对于站在风口浪尖的中国贸易公司来说,如何承担从国内外接踵而至的巨大压力显得至关重要。
    For wave at the trading company in China, how to take a series from the enormous pressure at home and abroad is crucial.

  • 瑞典头上欧盟轮值主席国的帽子使其一时置于风口浪尖之上,即使它曾有恩于以色列也无济于事。
    Sweden's position as EU president leaves it exposed, even though it has in the past won much kudos with Israel.

  • 处在新一轮风口浪尖山的港区官员、政客以及承包商们都互相指责对方徇私舞弊、贪污腐败和挥霍无度。
    Caught in the new spotlight, port officials, politicians and contractors have traded accusations of fraud, corruption and waste.

  • 那些在风口浪尖上谋生的海盗们,只要心甘情愿,可以洗手不干,立刻成为岸上的一名正直诚实的君子;
    The buccaneer on the wave might relinquish his calling, and become at once, if he chose, a man of probity and piety on land;

  • 各大集团今年有何大动作―――让我们听听那些在风口浪尖上、对楼市发展起着举足轻重作用的巨头们的声音吧。
    Major groups big moves this year -- let us listen to what those in tuyere Langjian, and plays a pivotal role in the development of the property market operators have voices too.

  • 如今,站在新的历史起点上,站在继续解放思想大潮的风口浪尖,当代青年的我们,又能否成为思想解放的先行者?
    Now, standing at a new historical starting point, from the air to continue to mind the tide wave, our contemporary youth, but also can become the pioneer of emancipation of the mind?

  • 但政治只是部分因素:像弗里丹和撒切尔夫人这样的“离经叛道者”其实是被经济和技术力量的暗涌推到风口浪尖的。
    But politics is only part of the answer: such discordant figures as Ms Friedan and Lady Thatcher have been borne aloft by subterranean economic and technological forces.

  • 更有网友对这一事件的负面效应表示忧虑,担心已经处于舆论风口浪尖上的《魔兽世界》再次成为人们口诛笔伐的对象。
    Some users of the negative effects of the incident, said worries that already in the public opinion on the cusp of the "World of Warcraft" once again become vocal opposition objects.

  • 该中心处在中国社会的风口浪尖,寻求精神疾病,家庭问题,成瘾的帮助在传统中是羞愧的丢“面子”的而不被人接受。
    The center is on the cutting edge of Chinese society, in which seeking help for mental illness, family problems, or addiction has traditionally been rejected as a shameful loss of "face."

  • 诗人兼剧作家加西亚•洛尔卡的遗骸便是如此,人们围绕着西班牙血腥的过往争吵不休,如今他的遗骸就处于争论的风口浪尖
    The remains of Federico García Lorca, poet and playwright, at the centre of a row over Spain's violent past, are no exception.

  • 当奥巴马总统试图对情报系统进行大检查时,他面临的一个风险是一场针对美国大陆的恐怖袭击会马上把他推向反恐无力的风口浪尖
    The danger for Mr Obama, as he seeks to overhaul the intelligence system, is that a fresh attack on the American mainland would immediately expose him to the accusation of being soft on terrorism.

  • 这是本赛季利物浦最酣畅淋漓的一场胜利,他们保罗·杰维尔的球队推倒了风口浪尖,开场45分钟,他们就已经用4个进球宣读了本场比赛的胜利。
    It's the Reds' biggest win of the season so far and one they thoroughly deserved after they put Paul Jewell's side to the sword with all four goals in the opening 45 minutes.

  • 当然,你得确实相信你所采取的立场,这其中的理念是,如果你相信你的立场,那么哪怕是在你的群落中捅破了一片天,你也得把它往风口浪尖上推。
    Of course, you actually have to believe in the stand that you take, but the idea is that if you believe in it, push towards the edges even if it causes a big rift in your community.

  • 在这样一个风口浪尖的时刻,你可能会以为,对于斯代尔斯那群身居一流裁判行列的同伴们来说,唯一符合道德的行动就是应该马上团结起来组织**和罢工——兄弟们,把哨子放下,运动啦!
    At which point, the only moral course, you would have thought, for Styles's fellow officials on the elite referees list, was to announce a strike in solidarity. Whistles down, brothers.

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