
投鼠忌器  tóu shǔ jì qì








  • 我甚至愿意理解上海市政府部门“投鼠忌器”的心理。
    I even willing to understand the Shanghai municipal government sector "might" mentality.

  • 从此,人们投鼠忌器,少有企业敢再动投资大型商业物业的念头。
    From then on, people felt that few large commercial property investment companies dare to move the idea.

  • 本地品牌想要欺骗本地人是比较困难的,他们多多少少会有投鼠忌器的心理。
    Domestic brands want to deceive the local people is more difficult to stir up grievances that they will be more or less psychological.

  • 真要去开发一个价格不菲的专利,就要承担很大的风险,当然会投鼠忌器了。
    Really expensive to go to the development of a patent, it is necessary to assume great risk, of course, has to stir up grievances.

  • 而的确,法院对他的这招也确实投鼠忌器,万一吴淑珍出庭真的猝死,法官也将担不起责任。
    And indeed, his court, this is also true to stir up grievances, Wu Shu-chen in the event of sudden death really appear in court, the judge will be the responsibility can not afford.

  • 他们本应该为自己的行为负责的,但政府似乎是投鼠忌器,担忧他们的倒闭会危及金融体系。
    They should be responsible for their actions, but it seems to stir up grievances, they are worried about the collapse would endanger the financial system.

  • 但是,尽管政府出于经济的考虑而“投鼠忌器”,投资者也有足够的理由为未来的资产价格走势担忧。
    But even if governments judge that the risks posed by raising rates now outweighs that of keeping them low, investors still have plenty of reasons to worry.

  • 记者在采访中了解到,许多典当行都有开办该项业务的愿望,但囿于政策不明确,往往有投鼠忌器的感觉,不敢放开手脚。
    The reporters learned that there are many hock OK desire to run the business, but are limited by policy uncertainty, often reflects the feeling that dare not go.

  • 自去年春季以来,在“投鼠忌器”这样一个复杂心态下实施的房地产宏观调控政策,没有给这个燥热的行业带来退烧的作用,房价反而一路飙升。
    since last spring, in the "exercise" such a complex mentality of the real estate macro-control policies have failed to bring down a fever of the hot industries, but has prices soaring.

  • 投鼠忌器造句相关
