
波澜壮阔  bō lán zhuàng kuò








  • 过去20年波澜壮阔的故事需要新的篇章。
    The great story of the past 20 years needs a new chapter.

  • 1840年鸦片战争以来,中国正经历着波澜壮阔的社会大转型。
    Since the Opium War in 1840, China is experiencing the magnificent society transformation.

  • 年启动的股权分置改革,成功推动了过去两年中波澜壮阔的牛市。
    The year start's stockholder's rights mounted cylinder reform, the success impelled in the past two years the mammoth bull market.

  • 市场化改革在中国走过了波澜壮阔的30年,它极大地改变着中国。
    The reform of market has undertaken for thirty years in China, it changed China significantly.

  • 当一个股票出现非常明确的信号之后,一轮波澜壮阔的行情就诞生了。
    When a stock appears very clear signal after a surging market on was born.

  • 伟大的诀窍在于如何壮丽地生存,去感受商业胜利中波澜壮阔的脉搏;
    The trick is to survive gallantly, to feel the surging impulse of commercial mastery;

  • 我感受到当教师的从容和平淡,我从未奢望波澜壮阔轰轰烈烈的生活。
    I feel calm when teachers and dull, I never expect magnificent and vigorous life.

  • 这十三年来,国际局势风云变幻,我国改革开放和现代化建设的进程波澜壮阔
    These 13 years have witnessed a highly volatile international situation and a magnificent upsurge of China's reform, opening up and modernization.

  • 《天地人》改编自火坂雅志的同名小说,讲述了战国时代明将直江兼续波澜壮阔的一生。
    "Heaven, Earth, " adapted from the fire-chi Osaka Ya novel of the same name, about the Warring States Period, Ming Jiang and continued to direct the magnificent life.

  • 酒店每个房间的私人阳台都设有超大浴缸,您可以在沐浴的同时欣赏波澜壮阔的美丽海景。
    Spectacular sea views are yours to relish in the comfort of your own room with private balcony and tub.

  • 我们认为,2009年的年报行情不会像2008年那样波澜壮阔,而会演绎成个股行情。
    We believe that the 2009 Annual Report of the market will not be as magnificent as 2008, and will be interpreted into a stock market.

  • 第一次闯进零下30度的冰川雪地,火山石和银色冰雪黑白相间,宛若一幅波澜壮阔的画卷;
    It was my first time to this place covered by ice and snow at -30 ℃ with black volcanic rocks and the sliver snow, just like a magnificent picture.

  • 本书主要介绍十一届三中全会前后的思想解放及改革开放的艰难起步这一波澜壮阔的历史进程。
    Thins book is about the brilliant historical process of mind liberation and opening and reform that happened before and after the Third Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC.

  • 新中国成立60年来,我国教育发展走过了波澜壮阔的发展历程,取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。
    Since its founding 60 years ago in 1949, the People's Republic of China has witnessed spectacular achievements in its educational development, capturing worldwide attention.

  • 及至本世纪二十和三十年代,岛内反抗日本殖民统治的群众运动更加波澜壮阔,席卷台湾南北。
    The 1920s and 1930s witnessed surging waves of mass action sweeping across the island against Japanese colonial rule.

  •   四川保路运动是武昌起义和辛亥革命的导火索,率先开启了近现代中国波澜壮阔的历史画卷。
    Protection Movement in Sichuan is the Wuchang Uprising and the fuse of revolution, opened the first modern Chinese history magnificent.

  • 30年波澜壮阔的改革开放进程中,农村改革始终是重中之重,而土地制度又是农村改革的核心。
    Int he magnificent 302year reform and opening up process , t he rural reform has always been t he top priority , and the rural land system is the core oft he reform.

  • 对于北美殖民地挣脱英国殖民枷锁进行国族建构这样一个波澜壮阔的时代。欧文持有保留的看法。
    The North American colonies broke free from British colonial yoke for the construction of such a magnificent group of the times. Owen reservations views.

  • 斯大林体制占统治地位后,苏联文学经历了曲折发展的道路,波澜壮阔的文学大潮被分裂为三个支流。
    When Stalin's system became dominant, Russian literature went through a zigzag road of development, as a result of which the idling stream of literature divided him three tributaries.

  • 一个人的河流呈现一个人的思想,它应该有波涛汹涌的时候,应该有波澜壮阔的时候,也应该有波澜不惊的时候。
    A person's rivers show a person's thought, it should have the choppy, it should have great time, it should also have rather uneventful time.

  • 一部世纪图书馆学波澜壮阔的画卷——读《20世纪西方与中国的图书馆学基于德尔斐法测评的理论史纲》随感。
    Century Magnificent Picture of Library Science——the Comment on "the Western and China Library Science in 20th Century——the Program for Theoretical History Determined by Delphi""

  • 中国共产党领导全国各族人民,以一往无前的进取精神和波澜壮阔的创新实践,谱写了自强不息、顽强奋进的壮丽史诗。
    Since then, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese People in writing an epic of nation building with the spirit of undaunted perseverance and unrepentant creativity.

  • 波澜壮阔的大牛市进入调整阶段,证券市场的明天依然充满希望,经过充分调整后,新一轮的大牛市会更加地光辉灿烂。
    Surging into the big bull market correction, the stock market tomorrow, still full of hope, been fully adjusted, a new round of the bull market will be more brilliant.

  • 民歌的内容波澜壮阔,艺术形式灵活多样,本文试图对两个十年的汉族民歌从内容、艺术、价值等方面展开了有限的分析。
    Its contents are of grandeur; its art forms are versatile. This thesis tries to make a limited analysis of its contents, art forms and value etc during the period of two decades.

  • 为了让生命的华彩片段绵延成波澜壮阔的乐章,我愿意去承担真正去面对这项事业的时候所要承担的庞大繁杂的事务性工作。
    To change short-term happiness into long-term happiness, I'm willing to face numerous complex affairs in movie industry.

  • 近期刚刚开放测试的本土《征战》,取材于群雄争霸的三国时代,以般波澜壮阔的剧情,为玩家们打造了一个真实的战争体验。
    Testing has just recently opened the local "campaign", based on hegemony of the Three Kingdoms era of warlords in order to magnificent as the story for players to build a real war experience.

  • “民主改革是西藏历史上最为广泛、最为深刻、最为波澜壮阔的社会变革,为西藏的发展繁荣开辟了崭新的道路,”马朝旭说。
    The democratic reforms are the most profound and most comprehensive social reforms in Tibetan history, blazing a new path for Tibet's prosperity, " he said."

  • 本书再现了陈寅恪追求学术独立和精神自由的曲折而辛酸的一生,他和傅斯年是20世纪波澜壮阔的时代洪流中涌现的众多大师的杰出代表。
    This book reproduces the hard life of Chen Yinke, who pursues academic independence and spirit freedom all his life. Chen Yinke and Fu Snian are the representatives of the 20th masters.

  • LED瀑布灯,是LED圣诞灯中新开发的装饰灯之一,其独特的外形,流水般的效果,多种颜色的选择,波澜壮阔的闪烁,一定能满足你装饰的要求。
    LED Waterfall Light, It's a new product for decoration. It must satisfy your demand with its special features, flowing water effect, various color and great momentum flicker effect.

  • 几个朋友先后加入到卢克的旅途中——他们中有太空飞行员,不法之徒,机器人,还有一个大个子毛烘烘的武基。在波澜壮阔的银河系内战中,他们并肩与无数恶人和邪恶生物作战。
    Luke in joined by several friends - space pilots, outlaws, mechanical robots, and a large furry Wookie - and together they battle numerous villains and creatures in a massive Galactic Civil War.

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