
漏网之鱼  lòu wǎng zhī yú








  • 漏网之鱼看起来比实际要大。
    Every fish that escapes appears great than it is.

  • 首先,这一办法成本极高而漏网之鱼众多。
    First, the high cost of this approach and left many.

  • 漏网之鱼般的光的精灵,和我们一起游戏。
    The fairy as the light of escape fish, play with us!

  • 警察逮捕了大部分的歹徒,但仍有漏网之鱼
    The police arrested most of the gangsters, but there were stell stragglers.

  • 哪些开发商是房产宏观政策调控下的漏网之鱼?
    What is the real estate developers under the macro-economic control and fish?

  • 高档房成税收调整漏网之鱼豪宅不宜征消费税?
    Gaodangfang% adjusted net property tax levy is consumption tax?

  • 房价是政治问题哪些开发商是政策调控漏网之鱼?
    Real estate developer is a political issue which policy control fish?

  • 在现有的监测措施下,究竟还有多少“漏网之鱼”?
    Below the existing measure that monitor, how many to still have after all " the fish of escape unpunished " ?

  • 试验一下,看看哪些能当作”漏网之鱼“而不被人发现。
    So experiment and see which things can fall through cracks without anyone noticing.

  • 据说每年世界有差不多2550亿美元的税款成为漏网之鱼
    Some say as much as $255 billion a year slips through tax nets around the world.

  • 胡泳关注的重点是,在这个标准之下,是否还会有漏网之鱼
    The key that Hu Yong pays close attention to is, it is under this standard, whether can you still have the fish of escape unpunished?

  • 海、陆、空密切联系,联手打击犯罪,务求没有「漏网之鱼」。
    Sea, land, and air channels must be sealed off tightly to eliminate loopholes for smuggling.

  • 当她发现大卫的后裔中竟然有一条漏网之鱼,她著实大吃一惊。
    What a shock for her to find that one of David's descendants had escaped her plan of extermination.

  • 但是,他们说此举会有漏网之鱼,网络博彩和网络赌马仍然会存在下去。
    But they say that there are exemptions that would allow online lotteries and Internet betting on horse racing to continue.

  • 另一方面,若有漏网之鱼,也会被凝胶释放出来的抗病毒物质“消灭”。
    On the other hand, if they slip through the net, gel will be released from the anti-viral substances "eradication."

  • 几只「漏网之鱼」逃出鲸鱼的血盆大口,这时鸟就可以捡些「劫后」剩菜来吃了。
    A few fish will escape and so here come the birds for their share.

  • 在我的随身笔记本上,我的计划总是分布得很分散,这样很容易就会产生漏网之鱼
    In my notebook, my notes are scattered and it's easy to lose track of them.

  • 但年轻的谢尔盖成了漏网之鱼。他在莫斯科一家织机厂干着卑微的工作,业余写点诗歌。
    But young Sergei slipped through that net, working humbly in a Moscow loom factory and writing poetry on the side.

  • 就算采用了新的程序,还是会有一些烂专利变成漏网之鱼──为了撤销专利就必须打官司。
    Even if these new procedures are instituted, bad patents will still be granted—and suits will be brought to invalidate them.

  • 新容器锅采用耐高温透明玻璃,煮的时候可见食物的翻腾,吃的时候较也不会有漏网之鱼外。
    The new containers using high-temperature transparent glass pan, cook the food can be seen when the somersault, to eat more when there will not be falling through the outside.

  • 这些猎物是菜谱上的常客,但是长相古怪的猎物却常常成为漏网之鱼,得到繁衍生殖的机会。
    The majority that share a common look are always on the dinner menu, while oddballs are left to reproduce.

  • 从养殖到市场要经过五六道关卡,层层关卡设计,均存在漏洞,难免有“漏网之鱼”被端上餐桌。
    From breed the market to want to pass 56 toll-gate, layer upon layer toll-gate is designed, all put in flaw, hard to avoid has " the fish of escape unpunished " table be getting ed on by end.

  • 要想真正刮得彻底、光滑,刮完一遍后应该再刮一遍,这样可以刮掉第一次“扫荡”时的“漏网之鱼”。
    Want to be blown thoroughly truly, smooth, after be being blown, should blow again, can scrape so for the first time " sweeping " when " the fish of escape unpunished " .

  • 由于本届环法大赛很多参赛选手药检没有过关,组委会决定绝不放过一个漏网之鱼,要对参赛选手的送检样品再次进行检查。
    The Tour de France because many players did not test clearance, the organizing committee decided to never let a slip through to the participants of the samples sent once again to be checked.

  • 发言人表示,警方已经逮捕了17名恐怖分子,正在追捕少数漏网之鱼。警方同时也缴获22枚手雷,1500枚半成品手雷。
    The police captured 17 terrorists and are pursuing a number of others, the spokeswoman said. They also seized 22 hand grenades and more than 1, 500 others the terrorists had not finished making.

  • 丁硕表示,一旦出现“漏网之鱼”,奥组委方面并不会因此立即对“涉事”网站“痛下杀手”,而是将通知该网站即时删除相关侵权内容。
    Dingshuo said that once the "slip through" respect and BOCOG will not immediately "She Shi" Site "under the pain killers, " but will notify the site immediately remove infringing content-related.

  • 比赛期间,组办方会尽量阻止携带或穿着印有非赞助商标识的食物、饮料或衣服的观众入场,若有漏网之鱼,电视转播公司会尽量避免给他们特写镜头。
    And at each event if any spectators manage to get past the officials with unofficial food, drinks or clothing, broadcasters will be obliged to avoid showing them in close-up.

  • 而在这个网络以外,我们还可以搜寻到德国、意大利、芬兰、希腊、西班牙、罗马尼亚、波兰、保加利亚、土耳其报纸的英文网,而且还有些漏网之鱼
    Beyond this network, a non-exhaustive trawl finds English-language websites of big newspapers in Germany, Italy, Finland, Greece, Spain, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and Turkey. Many are recent ventures.

  • 而在这个网络以外,我们还可以搜寻到德国、意大利、芬兰、希腊、西班牙、罗马尼亚、波兰、保加利亚、土耳其报纸的英文网,而且还有些漏网之鱼
    Beyond this network, a non-exhaustive trawl finds English-language websites of big newspapers in Germany, Italy, Finland, Greece, Spain, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and Turkey.

  • 而另外两个新成员(塞浦路斯和马耳他)则成了漏网之鱼。这些限制条款本该在2009年作废,然而德国政府援引一项在“劳工市场陷入或即将陷入严重混乱”时适用的法律,将其时限又延续了两年。
    The controls were meant to fall away in 2009, but Germany invoked a clause allowing two more years in case of "serious labour-market disturbances", or the threat of them.

  • 漏网之鱼造句相关
