
病入膏肓  bìng rù gāo huāng








  • 危机前的证券市场已是病入膏肓
    The pre-crisis securitisation markets were deeply murky.

  • 他虽病入膏肓,却尚能苟延数月。
    Though desperately ill he could onger on for months.

  • 玛莉的父亲已病入膏肓了。
    Mary's father has already been serious ill.

  • 首先中国足球已是病入膏肓,无药可救。
    First of all Chinese football is Bingrugaohuang, Wuyaokejiu.

  • 一个富翁病入膏肓
    A wealthy man lay critically ill.

  • 但此前病人必须由两名医生诊断其确实已病入膏肓
    The patient must be diagnosed as terminally ill by two doctors.

  • 当她们被释放的时候已经病入膏肓,不久就死去了。
    When they are released some are in such bad condition that they die.

  • 考虑一下是否可以对一个病入膏肓的病人隐瞒病情的问题。
    Consider the problem of whether to lie to a terminally ill patient about her condition.

  • 急诊室的医师抱怨他们不得不同时救治很多病入膏肓的患者。
    Emergency-room medics complain of having to treat too many desperately ill patients simultaneously.

  • 谣传说总统已病入膏肓,没有能力在任期内返回内乱中的尼日利亚。
    Rumours that the president was critically ill and unable to return to the presidency have been swirling around Nigeria.

  • 是否应该帮助病入膏肓的人结束他们的生命是一个令许多人难以回答的问题。
    Whether very sick people should be helped to end their own lives is a question many people cannot answer.

  • 他认为由于申请缓缴社保费用的企业多已“病入膏肓”,因此破产可能性极大。
    He believes that because of the social security costs of applying for holding enterprises have been "beyond cure", the great possibility of bankruptcy.

  • 总之,人类社会是已经病入膏肓不可救药了,我们修行人还是选择独善其身吧!
    Society of human has been incurable. Let's we, the man of practice, conduct ourselves virtuously and respectively.

  • 人类已经病入膏肓,而且是不洁、毫无希望、永远失丧、远离上帝的救赎作为的。
    Mankind was terminally diseased and unholy, without hope and eternally lost, apart from some redemptive act on God's part.

  • 他尝试过戒菸贴片和戒菸口香糖,都没有见效,而且只有到他病入膏肓时才不得不戒掉。
    He tried the patches and the gum with no success, and stopped smoking at last only when his medical prognosis got too grim to ignore.

  • 但是他又告诫民众,这些人服用药物时已经病入膏肓,此类药物不一定是他们致死的原因。
    But it cautioned that many of those patients were already seriously ill and that the drug might not have caused their deaths.

  • 当病人病入膏肓、毫无恢复的希望时,安乐死可以给病人和病人家庭带来精神和肉体的解脱。
    Euthanasia can bring mental and physical release to the patient and his family when he is terminally ill and has no prospect of recovering.

  • 发生癌细胞突变的诱因及其病入膏肓后的垂死状态,就是我在这部疯狂想象的作品中所想要描述的。
    The inducement of cancer cell and the state on one's last legs would be described in this film which is full of crazy imagination.

  • 当病人极为疼痛而且看来没有康复希望的时候,这涉及结束一个病入膏肓的病人的生命的极端措施。
    It involves the extreme measure of taking the life of a terminally ill patient when the patient is in extreme pain and the chances for recovery appear to be none.

  • 无论在主人富裕之日还是贫穷之时,无论主人健康无恙还是病入膏肓,守卫在他身边的始终是他的狗。
    Gentlemen of the jury, a man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness.

  • 但现在,一种新颖而无伤深入活体大脑的激光技术可以帮助患者在病入膏肓之前诊断出到阿滋海默症。
    But now a new laser that harmlessly penetrates deep into the live brain could help diagnose Alzheimer's before its most tragic effects are apparent.

  • 她表示该体系已经因为案子太多、人手太少而已经变得”病入膏肓”了,但是电子探索却预示着致命一击。
    This system, she says, was already a "sick patient"-with crowded dockets and understaffed courts-but electronic discovery now threatens a lethal "spike in fever".

  • 但此法实践时不可行之过度,以免因为你的缄默而令他人误入歧途,或者因一己之利而坐视他人病入膏肓
    But let not silence be carried to excess lest you go wrong, nor let another's failing grow incurable for the sake of your own advantage.

  • 去年八月,即使已经病入膏肓,他仍然戏剧性地出现在丹佛举行的民主党全国大会上,庆祝奥巴马获得提名。
    Already mortally ill he made a dramatic appearance at the Democratic National Convention in Denver last August to mark Obama's nomination.

  • 而艺术家自己的影子在画面里也早已病入膏肓了,他的头发、他的面部筋络和血脉,已经成为微生物最好的宿主。
    The artist's own silhouette inside the painting is also not curable; his hair, his face, his muscles and his blood pressure, had already become the best shelter for the microorganisms.

  • 当一个人病入膏肓而且极为疼痛的时候,那些反对由医生帮助的自杀的人说,病人的命运不应当由病人自己来决定。
    Life is precious. Many people believe that it is not up to human beings to decide when to end their own or another's life.

  • 当时在我们眼前浮现的画面,并不是童话故事和宗教传说中那一片片流着奶和蜜的人间乐土,而是一副病入膏肓腐朽垂死的经济肌体。
    Then came the picture in our eyes, not fairy tales and religious legends that turned into a promised land of milk and honey in, but a rotten and decadent dying economic fabric.

  • 黛自豪地回忆道,麦凯恩坚决拒绝接受特殊待遇,当越南人向他示好,要把他早点释放的时候,他也一口回绝了,即使当时他已是病入膏肓
    Mr. Day recalls with pride Mr. McCain stubbornly refusing to accept special treatment or curry favor to be released early, even when gravely ill. Mr.

  • 长期以来,沙特问题专家一直在揣测,继病入膏肓的苏尔坦之后,谁会接受钦命,成为这个拥有世界四分之一石油储量的国家的统治者继承人。
    Saudologists have long speculated over who might follow the ailing Sultan as named successor to the rule of a country that holds a quarter of the world's oil reserves.

  • 那时,我的母亲已经因为癌症病入膏肓,但是她还是认为这是又一个传播她的信念的机会。在那封信的结尾,她写道:对于那些接受了许多帮助的人们,对他们的期待也更多。
    My mother was very ill with cancer at the time, but she saw one more opportunity to deliver her message, and at the close of the letter she said: From those to whom much is given, much is expected.

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