
嗜杀成性  shì shā chéng xìng







  • 那将军是个嗜杀成性的人。
    The general is a real butcher.

  • 那将军是嗜杀成性的人。
    The general is a real butcher.

  • 昨天法官斥责他“嗜杀成性”,判他终身监禁。
    The judge described him as a Sparton dog and sentenced him to life imprisonment yesterday.

  • 虽然雌狼蛛嗜杀成性,但抚养子女却体贴入微。
    AlthoughShishachengxing female wolf spider, but the child has an enhanced level.

  • 那个嫌疑犯嗜杀成性,但对自己的小儿子却异常温柔。
    The suspect is a Spartan dog but he is surprisingly gentle to his little son.

  • 他最后说,严惩这样一个嗜杀成性的人对社会是有益的。
    It would be beneficial to society to punish such a cruel being, he concluded.

  • 那嫌疑犯嗜杀成性,但他对待自己的小儿子却异常温柔。
    The suspect is a Sparton dog but he is surprisingly gentle to his little son.

  • 然后他们闯入亚洲和欧洲,或许在那里重演一番他们嗜杀成性的把戏。
    Then they broke free into Asia and Europe, perhaps in their bloodthirsty way to do the same thing there.

  • 哥特部以野蛮、凶狠、嗜杀成性而著称,与欧洲黑暗的中世纪有很多相似之处。
    The Goth tribe was famous for its barbarousness, fierceness and sanguinariness, which was quite similar to the darkness European Middle Age.

  • 那是圣安托万区的杰克三号,一个嗜杀成性、食人生番式的、满怀血腥的陪审员。
    A life-thirsting, cannibal looking, bloody-minded juryman, the Jacques Three of St. Antoine.

  • 那杀人犯在过去三年内竟杀了九个人!昨天法官斥责他“嗜杀成性”,判他终身监禁。
    The murderer has killed nine people during the last three years! The judge described him as a Sparton dog and sentenced him to life imprisonment yesterday.

  • 虽然他们曾经被误解为嗜杀成性的侵略者,但是现在他们的悠久和传统的历史已经得到了重新的认识。
    Though they were once misunderstood as simple, bloodthirsty invaders, the long and noble history of these proud people is now rightly acknowledged.

  • 夏桀、桀,夏朝最后一个君王,被描述成一个嗜杀成性的暴君。商汤是商部落的族长,他起—钻燧取火。
    Jie, d the last king of the Xia Dynasty, is said to be a bloodthirsty despot. Tang of Shang, a tribal leader, revolted against and controversy.

  • 天庭看见上帝的“牺牲者”被卖到嗜杀成性的暴徒手里,一路上受著讥诮和虐待,匆匆忙忙地从这个审判厅被带到那个审判厅;
    Heaven beheld the Victim betrayed into the hands of the murderous mob, and with mockery and violence hurried from one tribunal to another.

  • 在《伊里亚德》里,雅典娜激励希腊英雄,并同他们一起战斗;在战争中,她代表了正义和技巧纯熟,与嗜杀成性的战神阿瑞斯相反。
    In the Iliad, she fought alongside the Greek heroes, and she represented the virtues of justice and skill in warfare as opposed to the blood-lust of Ares.

  • 然而,跟其他嗜杀成性的统治者一样,萨达姆赢得的并非只是虚情假意的阿谀奉承,他同样也赢得了人民的拥护,这着实让人感到意外。
    Yet, like those other thuggish rulers, Saddam won not just fawningly insincere adulation but a surprising degree of support from his people.

  • 爱丽丝梦游仙境里面的红心女王大叫“砍掉他们的头!”。怎么在你需要的时候,就不会出现一个嗜杀成性,独裁专制,目无法纪的精神病呢?
    "Off with their heads! " yelled Wonderland's Queen of Hearts. Why isn't there ever a bloodthirsty sociopath with dictatorial powers and no regard for legal niceties around when you need one?

  • 进化论生物学家们喜欢援引一些极端的例子说明观点,最著名的就是嗜杀成性的慕雷·伊斯梅尔,这个摩洛哥的统治者曾生有超过1000个子女。
    Evolutionary biologists are fond of quoting extreme examples to make the point, the most famous being Moulay Ismail the Bloodthirsty, a Moroccan ruler who fathered over 1, 000 children.

  • 嗜杀成性造句相关
