
土生土长  tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng







  • 我是一个土生土长的北京女孩。
    I am the Beijing girl which locally borns.

  • 我是土生土长的台湾人。
    I was born and raised in Taiwan.

  • 事实上,绝大多数土生土长的英国人属于bc级。
    The overwhelming majority of the indigenous English are, in fact, BCs.

  • 卡罗也是土生土长的内华达州人。他在那一带路熟。
    After all. Carlo is a native of Nevada, he knows his way around.

  • 老白昨天很郁闷,土生土长的他竟然在合肥摸不着路了。
    Yesterday, a very depressed old White, a native of Hefei, he even touched the road by now.

  • 不过有经验的人,可以一眼看出,谁是土生土长的纽约人。
    But the trained eye can always spot the ones who were born there.

  • 汤姆·刘是个在美国土生土长的华裔,他希望到中国定居。
    Tom Liu is an ABC, he hopes to settle in China.

  • 人们是否应该移民或是留在他们土生土长的地方呢?为什麽?
    Should people immigrate to other countries or stay in the country they were born in? Why?

  • 这才发现,原来中国土生土长的品牌也一样可以被市场接受。
    This found that China's home-grown brands can also be acceptable to the market.

  • 只有知道树林里哪里有生长茂盛的蘑菇的人,才是土生土长的人。
    The only folks who know where the mushrooms bloom in the woods are native sons.

  • 你说哪里?双K农场。没听过。你是这里人吗?是的,土生土长
    What you call it?Double K Ranch. No. You from around here? Yeah, born and raise.

  • 你说哪里?双K农场。没听过。你是这里人吗?是的,土生土长
    What you call it?Double K Ranch. No. You from around here? Yeah, born and ra.

  • 卖掉托蒂的确是个真正的灾难,因为他是罗马本地土生土长的英雄。
    There is a genuine fear in selling Totti coz he is homegrown hero and local boy!

  • 巴克莱资本也有土生土长的企业家精神——始于大宗商品业务的扩张。
    There has been home-grown entrepreneurship, too - starting with the expansion of the commodities business.

  • 事实上,台湾土生土长的百姓,他们完全没有南京大屠杀那样的血海深仇。
    Speaking truly, people living in Taiwan have no intense and deep-seated hatred of Nanjing Massacre.

  • 所以说我是一个土生土长的乡下人。我母亲的亲戚已经在佛罗里达住了好几代了。
    So to say I am a native is an understatement. My mother's side of the family has been in Florida for generations.

  • 目前怀疑那是奥萨姆•本•拉登干的,但也有其它可能,包括土生土长的美国疯子。
    Suspicion points to Osama bin Laden, but there are other possibilities, including, just conceivably, home-grown lunatics.

  • 他们虽然不是土生土长的利物浦人,但是他们命中注定就是红色,他们对俱乐部了如指掌。
    They may not be born and bred Scousers but they have all been born red and know everything about the club.

  • 乘车上班族如潮水般喧嚣;土生土长族使纽约稳固,延续;而外来移民给纽约带来了激情。
    Commuters give the city its tidal restlessly; natives give it solidity and continuity; but the settlers give it passion.

  • 但是土生土长的瓦哈卡母亲向来是亲自哺乳喂养,习惯抱着孩子,很少用摇篮,也不用吊兜。
    But indigenous Oaxacan mothers traditionally breast feed their babies for a year and rarely use bassinets, carrying their infants instead in a rebozo, a type of sling.

  • 居住者:荆棘谷的主要居住者是土生土长的丛林野兽,还有丛林巨魔和小部分地精也居住于此。
    Inhabitants: Stranglethorn is primarily inhabited by native jungle beasts, though the jungle trolls and small groups of goblins also live here.

  • 上党剪纸历史悠久,土生土长,像原野的花,散发着浓厚的芳香,是我国优秀的民间艺术瑰宝之一。
    Shangdang paper cutting has a long history, who was born and raised, like fields of flowers, the fragrance exudes a strong, our country's finest treasures of folk art.

  • 作为一个土生土长的法国人他发现,用英语与亚州同事交谈要比与母语是英语的同事交谈相对容易些。
    As a native French speaker he found it much easier to hold conversations in English with Asian colleagues than native English speakers did.

  • “羌山彩虹”艺术团成员都是土生土长羌家儿女,音色纯美,表演风格纯朴可爱,羌笛之声更是令人回味不已。
    "the Qiang mountain rainbow" the art group members are locally born the Qiang children, the timbre are fine, performance style simple lovable, sound of the bamboo flute is makes the person aftertaste.

  • 现在好了,欧典事件以后,没有国货去宣称欧洲名牌了。这才发现,原来中国土生土长的品牌也一样可以被市场接受。
    Well now, the EU Code of the incident, there is no brand-name products to the Europe that. This found that China's home-grown brands can also be acceptable to the market.

  • 视频是未来的发车位置,一个土生土长的小正方形旷日持久的冲突中的纯白色积雪,个人数据的影响,冷战开火完全透明的!
    Video is next on the grid, a native of the small square of the protracted conflict in the pure white snow, personal data on the impact of the Cold War and opened fire completely transparent!

  • 这位土生土长的后卫选择在那场比赛中成为第一个效仿前红军球员凯文·基冈(当时在汉堡)的球员,在观众面前展示他的新发型。
    The homegrown defender chose that match to become the first player to imitate former Red Kevin Keegan - then at Hamburg - by unveiling his new-look perm to the watching world.

  • 唐县特产唐河鲤鱼:是唐河土生土长的本地鱼种,它和其它流域同类鱼种有所不同,以其肉味肥美,色泽金黄和无污染纯天然而著称。
    Tang County Specialty Tanghe carp: Yes, Tanghe native local species, it is different from other basins of similar species, with its meat plump, golden color and clean natural known.

  • 我是一个乐观,开朗的女孩。我喜欢交朋友,而且我是土生土长的中国人,我很乐意与你们分享粤语的乐趣,有兴趣学粤语的就找我吧。
    I'm a kindly Chinese girl, I like make friends with you. Chinese is my mother tongue, I would like to share the Chinese with you.

  • 21岁的斯皮尔灵一直是利物浦青训队以及预备队的领袖,土生土长的他也被看做是利物浦未来的代表,因此贝尼特斯很有可能将会把他租出去进行锻炼。
    The 21-year-old Scouser, who has captained the club at youth level, is considered a big prospect at Anfield and boss Rafa Benitez is keen to get him out on loan.

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