
壁立千仞  bì lì qiān rèn








  • 壁立千仞,无欲则刚。
    stand like high wall without selfish desires.

  • 宽容是壁立千仞的泰山,是容纳百川的江河湖海。
    Tolerance is a stand like a wall of Taishan Ren 1000, is the capacity of the rivers and lakes rivers.

  • 抬头仰视,黑白相间的外墙立面耸入云霄,壁立千仞
    Its black-and-white walls tower into the clouds.

  • 位于藏山口七机岩峰顶,于两山之中一峰突起,壁立千仞
    Tibet is located in Yamaguchi top seven rock Machine, in the mountains of the two processes a peak, stand like a wall a thousand Ren.

  • 位于藏山口七机岩峰顶,于两山之中一峰突起,壁立千仞
    Tibetan mountain pass in seven-rock peak, in two mountain peaks in an processes, Ren Bili 1000.

  • 连珠峡壁立千仞、奇峰林立、古树盘岩、虬枝倒挂,千姿百态。
    Lianzhu gorge rise steeply 1000 Ren, Qi Lin, old plate rocks, sticks Qiu upside down, mix.

  • 进山的唯一通道瓮圪廊,两旁壁立千仞,双峰对峙,举目仰望,蓝天一线。
    The only access into the mountains圪Wengfu Gallery, 1000 Maninsan rise steeply on both sides, confrontation between the two peaks, look look, the blue line.

  • 此刻,你可能正在凝望壁立千仞的山峰、波光粼粼的海湾或荒无人烟的沼泽。
    One moment you're gazing upon rocky mountain peaks, shimmering sea lochs and desolate moors.

  • 当然,在考取公务员时或工作初期,我完全相信你所说的话,因为壁立千仞,无欲则刚!
    Certainly, when admitted to a civil servant or in initial stage of working, I totally believed what you said, because stood like a wall a thousand ren, had not just wanted!

  • 当我们设计乌特加德要塞副本时,我们从一开始就知道我们需要建立一个所谓“壁立千仞、牢不可破的要塞”。
    When we started working on Utgarde Keep, we knew from the start that we wanted some sort of "impenetrable fortress in the side of a mountain."

  • 以该洞为中心的方圆10余平方公里的地带,险峰耸立,林木吐翠,泉流蜿蜒,风景秀丽。进山的唯一通道瓮圪廊,两旁壁立千仞,双峰对峙,举目仰望,蓝天一线。
    To the hole as the center of a radius of more than 10 square kilometers of area, Xianfeng stand, Tucui trees, winding Quan Liu, beautiful scenery.

  • 沿著立雾溪的峡谷风景线而行,触目所及皆是壁立千仞的峭壁、断崖、峡谷、连绵曲折的山洞隧道,大 理岩层和溪流等风光。行程中,我们将停留于长春祠、燕子口、九曲洞、天祥等风景区。
    A road carved into sheer walls of rock snakes its way past forested peaks and cliffs towering thousands of feet above it, while hundreds of feet below a river roars past gigantic marble boulders.

  • 壁立千仞造句相关
