
声势浩大  shēng shì hào dà








  • 第二项指令则更加声势浩大
    The second order is more momentous.

  • 这件丑闻终止了他那声势浩大的竞选运动。
    The scandal shut off his high - powered election campaign.

  • 声势浩大的山西煤矿兼并重组运动迈出实质一步。
    Shanxi coal mine massive mergers and acquisitions in real terms in step by step movement.

  • 上一次我走得声势浩大,可这次我要走得不出一点儿声响。
    Last time I went with a flourish trumpets, but now I want to go without any fuss at all.

  • 这项活动在端午节前后举行,是一种声势浩大的自发的节日文化活动。
    Before and after the event, held at the Dragon Boat Festival is a massive festival of spontaneous cultural activities.

  • 同样的,声势浩大的反政府红衫军被安全部队镇压以后,也陷入了低谷。
    Similarly, the broader anti-government red-shirt movement is floundering after a crackdown by security forces.

  • 面对这样声势浩大的反对之声,阿什利终于崩溃了,他决定向球迷投降。
    Faced with such massive opposition, Ashley finally collapsed, he decided to surrender to the fans.

  • 选二手车”……各大品牌汽车厂家推出的“品牌二手车”可谓声势浩大
    Chooses the second-hand vehicle …Each big brand automobile factory promotes the brand second-hand vehicle mammoth.

  • 耍钹人耍钹姿式整齐一致,声音粗犷宏亮浑厚,再加大鼓,声势浩大,震人心弦。
    Playing cymbals cymbals were playing the same posture tidy, the sound rough loud and clear simple and honest, plus drums, massive, earthquake people heartstrings.

  • 形式上是越大越好,比如找来大型管弦乐团和唱诗班,举行一系列声势浩大的音乐会。
    Bigger was judged to be better, with enormous orchestral and choirs being assembled for a blockbuster series of concerts.

  • 近年来,在电脑动画、电玩、电视影集、或是电影中,声势浩大的群众场面越来越常见。
    It is getting more and more to see throng of people acting in one scene recently in animation, video games, TV shows or movies.

  • 1997年,国家禁毒委员会统一部署在全国开展了声势浩大的禁毒专项斗争,取得重大战果。
    In 1997, according to a unified deployment the NNCC launched a momentous anti-drug campaign nationwide, with great success.

  • 韩国的台剧迷还专门为台剧设立俱乐部,更为剧中的主要演员建立“粉丝团”,可谓声势浩大
    South Korea and Taiwan also show fans for the establishment of Taiwan's drama club, play a more major actors to establish a "fan group", is massive.

  • 公司网站宣传做得最声势浩大,最闪亮耀眼,也许可以吸引人们,但这样并没有带动实际销量。
    Being the loudest, the brightest, the busiest and the boldest may attract attention, but it does not bring sales.

  • 上周在伦敦,索斯比拍卖公司和克里斯蒂拍卖公司以其崭新的坚毅风格进行了声势浩大的拍卖活动。
    Nowadays, a sale is more like a low-budget soap opera. In London this week, Sotheby's and Christie's put on solid performances in their new gritty genre.

  • 这是一个声势浩大的活动以至于国会在那一天都关闭了,好让大家都可以在自己的街区里参加这一活动。
    It was such a huge event that Congress was shut down for the day, so that members could participate in local Earth Day events in their home districts.

  • 但是尼泊尔人民反对复辟,一年后,又一场声势浩大的民众运动将国王再次推翻,尼泊尔变成了共和国。
    Yet Nepalis resisted and another popular movement a year later toppled him, and Nepal became a republic.

  • 他的委员会现在正在考虑在同盟国的联合声明公布之后发表一次声势浩大、人数众多的向华盛顿的进军。
    His committee was thinking of following up the Allied Statement with a massive populat descent on Washington.

  • 到1914年,这个运动变得如此声势浩大,铁路经理们当时只得求助于国会,使其免遭州委员会的侵害。
    Indeed, so effective had the movement become by 1914 that the railroad managers were then begging Congress to save them from harassment by state commissions.

  • 人们的希望,声势浩大的宣传,千百万人的动员和乐观主义情绪全部被强权政治的重拳击得粉碎,烟消云散了。
    After all the hope and all the hype, the mobilisation of thousands, a wave of optimism crashed against the rock of global power politics, fell back, and drained away.

  • 去年,世界粮食计划署避免了类似难题,因为它成功发起了一场声势浩大的呼吁行动,筹集资金以对抗粮食危机。
    The WFP avoided a similar problem last year after it successfully launched an extraordinary appeal to raise funds to fight the food crisis.

  • 法律规定明明白白,近年来政府打击商业贿赂声势浩大,却未能威慑住酒水经销的“潜规则”,说明打击的力度还不够。
    The law clearly, in recent years, massive government crack down on commercial bribery, but failed to deter the distribution of beverages to live "hidden rules" that the combat strength is not enough.

  • 在全国范围内的关于超级星期二的民意调查即将结束。在这场声势浩大的总统选举中,此次初选在全美近一半的州镇展开。
    Throughout the country, polls will be closing the "Super Tuesday" with primaries and caucuses spread across nearly half the nation in this wide-open presidential campaign.

  • 尽管目前上海世博会并没有当时北京奥运会那样声势浩大,但我认为,在未来几个月里,上海世博会将会引爆中国人的兴奋点。
    Whilst there has been a significantly quieter build up to Expo compared to the Beijing Olympics I think the Expo story is set to explode onto the radar of the people of China in the next few months.

  • 新世纪基金会是一个极端保守的智囊团。他们发起了一场声势浩大的全国性运动,旨在提醒白人对黑人攻击性犯罪的威胁保持警惕。
    The New Century Foundation, an ultra-conservative tank, has launched a Full-blown national campaign to alert whites to the danger of black hate crimes.

  • 在某种意义上,此时作为一名球员真是有些遗憾,你无法感受到世界杯是那么声势浩大的一个活动,它已经成为了一次全球性的聚会。
    In that sense, it is sometimes a shame to be involved as a footballer – you don't always appreciate just what a huge event the world cup is, how much of a global party it can become.

  • 在美国有影响力的农场游说势力中,家禽饲养者是一股声势浩大的力量,他们在寻找出口机遇方面特别积极,因为美国市场已基本饱和。
    Poultry farmers are a vocal part of America's influential farm lobby, and are particularly aggressive in seeking out export opportunities, because the US market is largely saturated.

  • 哪是这一司空见惯的永恒主题的一部分:春天会来到。花园里,芸香银莲花开得声势浩大,颜色就和站在石质胸墙后的玩具士兵一样鲜艳。
    And that is part of this same , unremarkable theme : spring does come . in the garden the rue anemones come marching out , bring as toy soldiers on their parapets of stone .

  • 比如数月前刮起的那场声势浩大的“整顿互联网低俗之风”运动,运动过后中国的互联网依旧低俗,但是一些言辞尖锐的网站和博客却在运动中倒下。
    A most well known example is the anti-vulgarity campaign. After the campaign, the Internet is still full of vulgar content, but a number of critical websites and bloggers have disappeared.

  • 网络专家认为是宽带网络用户的强劲增长掀起了博客发展的惊涛骇浪。与此同时,中国各大网络服务提供商针对狂热的用户的声势浩大的商业推广活动也对此推波助澜。
    Web experts say the surge in blogging is a result of strong growth in broadband Internet use, coupled with a huge commercial push by the country's Internet providers aimed at wooing users.

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