
恃强凌弱  shì qiáng líng ruò







  • 恃强凌弱,胁迫、恐吓学生;
    bullying, coercion, intimidation of students;

  • 我们不会屈服与这些恃强凌弱的战术!
    We will not submit to these bully tactics!

  • 他们也比同侪更可能成为被欺负的受害者或恃强凌弱
    They were also more likely than their peers to either be victims of bullying or be bullies themselves.

  • 美国,也已采取行动,恃强凌弱,在最近几年,它已付出了高昂的代价。
    The United States, too, has acted the bully in recent years, and it has paid dearly.

  • 我们鄙视那些曲意逢迎上司的人,这些人通常会恃强凌弱地对待他们的下属。
    We despise toadied who suck up to their bosses; they are generally the same people who bully their subordinates.

  • 在学校,打架斗殴恃强凌弱,这一群儿童似乎在生活能力学习上有一点障碍。
    The child struggles at school and may be bullied. This child likely has a learning disability affecting social skills.

  • 这项发现将握力同攻击行为和性生活史联系起来,并且可能有助于洞察恃强凌弱者的心态。
    The findings link grip strength to aggressive behavior and sexual history and might provide insight into the mindset of bullies.

  • 但他领导的政府无能、腐败,且恃强凌弱,使人很难将其与值得信赖的合作伙伴联系起来。
    But his government—inept, corrupt and predatory—does not look like a trustworthy partner.

  • 对自尊受损的昔日帝国关切太多可能会被错误的解读成软弱,从而鼓励俄国进一步恃强凌弱
    Too much concern for the hurt feelings of a fallen empire could be misread as weakness and so encourage further bullying.

  • 然而,与你共事的人可能是个恃强凌弱者,如果确实如此的话,你会觉得你受够了并结束这个合作。
    Still, the person you are dealing with may be a bully, and if that should become clear, you would have had enough and end the deal.

  • 他那样坐着有半个小时,这时一个高大的制造麻烦的恃强凌弱的人走到他身边,拿起酒杯,一饮而尽。
    He stays like that for half-an-hour. Then, this big trouble-making bully steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down.

  • 摄魂怪展现了忧郁和焦虑,博格特会变作任何你最害怕的东西,比如一个恃强凌弱的恶霸或者一只蜘蛛。
    The dementors represent depression and anxiety and the boggarts change shape to become whatever you fear most, be it a bully or a spider.

  • 有时候几乎全部由锡兰佛教徒(恃强凌弱的多数民族)组成的军队(跟政府一样)告诉他们轰炸即将到来。
    Sometimes the army, which, like the government, is almost entirely composed of Buddhist Sinhalese, a bullying majority, told them the bombardment was coming.

  • 为了获取更高的等级和成绩,许多玩家就会在嫉妒心的驱使下恃强凌弱,“猎杀”新人,完全没有正义可言。
    To get higher order and degree and result, a lot of players can be in of envious heart drive below swashbuckling, "Hunt is killed " new personality, do not have justice completely but character.

  • 而且,一个宗教通过恃强凌弱获取城市某些区域的统治权是对那些希望在这些区域生活的其他宗教成员的侮辱。
    Moreover, urban areas dominated by one religious group in a bullying way are not merely an affront to members of other groups who might want to walk, shop or trade in that place.

  • 导演卡洛斯•萨达纳新增了一个角色巴克,一只恃强凌弱的黄鼠狼,在西蒙•佩吉笔下的它轻率却又精力充沛。
    Director Carlos Saldanha adds a new character called Buck, a swashbuckling weasel voiced with aptly madcap brio by Simon Pegg.

  • 一个叫贺思的男生恃强凌弱,以折磨他人为乐事,偷午餐,在队伍里推推搡搡,在鞋子上尿撒,在操场上打架。
    A bully by the name of Hayes liked to torture the rest, stealing lunches, pushing in line, pissing on shoes, fighting on the play-ground.

  • 普通老百姓常觉得有钱人都是坏人:你钱从哪来我们觉得怀疑,什么肮脏的血呀,有了钱以后你又会恃强凌弱
    Ordinary people often feel that the rich are bad : Where we feel that the money you doubt what she dirty blood, after your money will play the bully.

  • 不管你采取哪种策略,都要尽快把恃强凌弱的老板摆平,因为“一旦建立起服从于强权的关系,就很难再有所改变。”
    Whatever strategy you choose, deal with the bully as soon as possible, because "once a dominant subservient relationship is established, it becomes difficult to unshackle."

  • 是的。我早就跟谈判团队的其他成员讲过。我们不会屈服于他们那种恃强凌弱的策略。而且只要我们保持冷静。我们最终一定会赢。
    Yes, earlier I had told the rest of the negotiations team that we would not submit to their bully tactics, and if we just kept calm we would eventually prevail.

  • 这一精神也推动了1995年美国和越南外交关系的恢复。由于老布什执政时期,美国过于热心,恃强凌弱,双方外交关系曾经中断。
    That same spirit fostered the restoration of full U. S. diplomatic relations with Vietnam in 1995. It was lost in the bullying zealotry of the Bush years.

  • 一方面是因为美国的恃强凌弱以及软硬兼施的援助政策,更重要的是由于黑市毒品交易所带来的暴力和腐败问题使拉美国家遭受了重创。
    That was partly because of the carrot and stick of American aid and bullying, but mainly because they suffer the brunt of the violence and corruption inflicted by trafficking mafias.

  • 一份调查报告公布的最新研究结果显示,美国4岁儿童看电视的时间越长,他们在稍后的校园生活中就越容易成为恃强凌弱的不良少年。
    The more television 4-year-old children watch the more likely they are to become bullies later on in school, a U. S. study said Monday.

  • 是的。我早就跟谈判团队的其他成员讲过。我们不会屈服于他们那种恃强凌弱的策略。而且只要我们保持 冷静 。我们最终一定会赢。
    Yes, earlier I had told the rest of the negotiations team that we would not submit to their bully tactics, and if we just kept calm we would eventually prevail.

  • 美国管理心理学家哈里·莱文森将问题老板做了个分类,从欺压下属的恃强凌弱型到缺乏主见的优柔寡断型,再到求全责备的完美主义型。
    Harry Levinson, an American management psychologist, had catalogued problem bosses, from the bully to the indecisive jellyfish to the disapproving perfectionist.

  • 通常,我遇到过的企业中的恃强凌弱者之所以能够爬到较高的管理岗位,是因为他们除了人际沟通技能欠佳外,在工作的其它方面却都很擅长。
    Typically, the corporate bullies I have met have achieved their high management positions because, despite their poor interpersonal skills, they are very good at other parts of the job.

  • 挪威卑尔根大学的欧维斯(DanOlweus)是最早质疑「恃强凌弱者尽管外表凶恶,他们内心其实承受著不安全感与自我怀疑」的人之一。
    Dan Olweus of the University of Bergen was one of the first to dispute the notion that under their tough exteriors, bullies suffer from in securities and self-doubts.

  • 欧盟委员会充斥着一群态度粗暴、狂妄自大之人,他们并不是通过友好的共识来进行管理,而是经过拉帮结伙、行贿受贿和恃强凌弱达成肮脏的妥协。
    The European Council is a rough, swaggering sort of grouping. It operates not by finding cosy consensus, but by reaching grubby compromise after lots of camp-forming, bribery and bullying.

  • 加强了他的怀疑主义的一个令他担心的事情是,在新的冷战中,英国和法国的任何对埃及的恃强凌弱的行为将疏远阿拉伯人,亚洲人以及非洲人,并且将驱使他们倒向共产主义阵营。
    Intensifying his scepticism was a fear that, in the new cold war, any British and French bullying of Egypt would alienate Arabs, Asians and Africans and drive them towards the communist camp.

  • 英国全国防止虐待儿童协会最近公布的一项研究报告显示,对于那些在家中总是受到虐待且处于被忽视地位的孩子们来说,其学习成绩很有可能会落后于同学们,举止异常并成为恃强凌弱者的牺牲品。
    Children who are abused and neglected at home are more likely than their peers to do badly at school, to have behaviour problems and to become victims of bullying, according to a report.

  • 恃强凌弱造句相关
