
所向披靡  suǒ xiàng pī mǐ








  • 波斯重骑兵铁骑突击所向披靡
    These Persian soldiers will ride down any opponent.

  • 如果你爱自己,你能畅所欲言,所向披靡
    Love yourself, you can say what you want and become unbeatable.

  • 如果你爱自己,你能畅所欲言,所向披靡
    If you love yourself, you can jump into your life from a springboard of self-confidence.

  • 国王归来》在通往奥斯卡的道路上所向披靡
    The Return of the King' is steamrolling its way to Oscar.

  • 这些胸甲骑兵俱为百战精锐,在新大陆所向披靡
    These troops are battle hardened, having fought their way through the new world!

  • 后来,这些鸡在斗鸡时果然迅猛无比、所向披靡
    Later, when the chickens in cock-fighting turned out extremely rapid victory to victory.

  • 的确,目前仍然是主流经济学所向披靡,这一点没有显著的变化。
    Certain it is that mainstream economics proceeded on its way without any significant change. And it continues to do so.

  • 随着消费市场的日益成熟,已经显露出“概念”并不是所向披靡的。
    With the growing maturity of the consumer market has shown a "concept" is not sweep away all obstacles.

  • 拥有这块石头他就能挽回他所爱之人的生命,也能够让国家军队所向披靡
    To seize the stone would allow him to restore life to those he loves, but it will also make it possible for the State Military to obliterate countless more.

  • 也是对于梦想成真的想像,让我们充满希望,斗志昂扬,披荆斩棘所向披靡
    Meanwhile, the real beauty of what we constantly picture in mind refreshes us with full hope and inspiring ambition, encouraging us to go forward without fear.

  • 东部、北部区域七大板块各执一把长剑,发扬亮剑精神,剑锋所至,所向披靡
    Eastern and northern regions seven plate kept a sword, carry forward the spirit Liangjian, double parking, sweep away all obstacles.

  • 瓦尔特·派克斯,还有劳瑞·麦当劳,你们俩架着轰隆隆的战车,一路所向披靡
    Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald, you swooped in on your chariot and ran over everything and everybody in your way.

  • 接下来的美洲锦标赛就像这样进行着,美国队平均每场净胜37.5分,所向披靡
    The rest of the Tournament of the Americas went like that, with the U. S. going unbeaten, winning by an average of 37. 5 points.

  • 电脑只是一种工具,设计是靠你的大脑,而且我奉行手绘与电脑并举将你将所向披靡
    Not to rely completely on computer technology, it is a tool only and cannot substitute your creativity. Remember, you are a designer, not a computer graphic editor.

  • 现在西洋星座所向披靡,许多报纸、网站、收音机节目、电视脱口秀都包括星座这个话题。
    Now that astrology has become all the rage, many newspaper, Internet sites, radio programs, and TV talk shows include horoscopes.

  • 那种锐不可当的方法,加上他的天才,便使战场上的这位沉郁的挥拳好汉在十五年中所向披靡
    A redoubtable method, and one which, united with genius, rendered this gloomy athlete of the pugilism of war invincible for the space of fifteen years.

  • 大部分航母没有任何实质性的武器,但拥有对拦截机群的调署使它们在舰对舰的战斗中所向披靡
    Most carriers have no weapon batteries of any kind, but their deployment of interceptor flights makes them devastating in a ship-to-ship battle.

  • 前锋罗纳尔多、中场齐达内、后卫内斯塔、守门员布冯……如此强悍的之队,必然所向披靡战无不胜!
    Vanguard Luonaerduo, middle place Zidane, guard Nesta, goalkeeper cloth Feng …The so intrepid team, sweeps away all obstacles invincible inevitably!

  • 解读“小唯”——她是《画皮》中的千年美狐,如朱虹般娇艳,靠吃人心保持美貌,媚功一出所向披靡
    Interpretation of "only" - she was a "mask" in the United States and the Millennium Fox, such as Zhu Hong beautiful, people keep eating good-looking, a Meigong skelter.

  • 所向披靡的洛阳铲有力地穿过历史尘埃,清清楚楚地告诉我们,这要归功于一套地下的大型水利工程。
    Luoyang shovel and sweep away all obstacles effectively through the dust of history, tell us clearly, thanks to a large underground water.

  • 两人甚至可以默契合作成就一番事业,因为其强烈的情感和智慧的力量相结合,可以战无不胜,所向披靡
    These two would do well to undertake some sort of project together aside from their love relationship, as they have great potential to get great things done.

  • 网络公关能够为企业提供信誉度,进而在广告中创造可信度,两者的配合则可以让产品在市场中所向披靡
    Network public relations can offer credit to spend for the enterprise, create reliability in advertisement then, cooperate bothly to be able to let a product be in the market invincible.

  • 这原本是属于他的一年,他在球场上所向披靡,女儿兰雅的出生给他献上了一份大礼,使他的生命富有意义。
    He was unstoppable on the court. Layla, his daughter and the gift that made life comprehensible, was born.

  • 在欧洲冠军杯刚创立的那几年里皇家马德里队所向披靡,而艾尔弗雷多 迪 斯蒂法诺就是那个王朝的标志。
    Alfredo di Stéfano was the driving force and symbol of the great Real Madrid CF sides in the early years of the European Champion Clubs' Cup.

  • 他每战披头散发,戴铜面具,一马当先,所向披靡,在4年时间里,参加了大小25次战役,身中8箭,但从不畏怯。
    Hair every battle he wears a mask of copper, lead, skelter, in 4 years, participated in the Battle of the size of 25, are 8 arrows, but not timid.

  • 这位利兹的旧将在冠军教头拉姆西爵士的麾下上阵过35次,他依然相信英格兰在德国会所向披靡,否则就太令人惋惜了。
    The former Leeds player, who won 35 caps under World Cup-winning boss Sir Alf Ramsey, was still convinced England could go all the way in Germany however - and would regret it if they did not.

  • 就一个组织来说,其优势培训和使用,将出现这样理想的结果:先让员工各有作为,产生优秀成员构成的团队后,大家一起所向披靡
    On an organization for training and the use of its advantages, there will be such an ideal result: first as a staff have to produce outstanding team members, people with skelter.

  • 国际在意甲联赛中所向披靡,罗纳尔这时回归被视为疯狂的举动,这给了米兰一个机会,从将他们远远抛下的竞争对手抢夺一些聚光灯。
    With Inter dominating Serie A, Ronaldo's return is seen as something of a distraction, a chance for Milan to steal a share of the media limelight from their high-flying rivals.

  • 首先,为了他自己的安全着想,因为这怪物脑壳坚硬,口鄂强壮,从它过往的经历可以看出它所到之处,势如破竹所向披靡,无人能拦,实不易对付。
    First, for the sake of his own, because the creature is hard of head, strong of jaw, for some time past has shown a great capacity for going over and through whatever comes in his way;

  • 将精益求精、快速行动、日事日毕、追求更高、诚实守信、勇于创新作为我们MTI员工的价值观,让MTI在日益激烈的市场竞争中不断前进,所向披靡
    Take seeking continuously, acting quickly, working energetically, honesty and trustworthiness and creativeness as MTI's sense of value to make MTI develop incessantly and carry all before it.

  • 所向披靡造句相关
