
一定之规  yī dìng zhī guī






  • 成功并无一定之规
    There is no sure formula for success.

  • 在时间中,美国政府实用的贴现率,无一定之规
    In practice, the us government applies discount rates inconsistently.

  • 在印度这个宗教多样化、文化多样化的社会,婚礼并无一定之规
    In India's multi religious, multicultural society, there's no set agenda for weddings.

  • 所以,臆造法无一定之规,主要是在针对消费者的购买欲而另辟溪径。
    Therefore, no definite rules about the fanciful France, mainly in the targeted consumers desire to purchase and open up Creek Trail.

  • 对水的最低需求量没有一定之规,通常随气温的上升和活动量增大而显著增大。
    Minimum water needs vary with each situation but increase markedly with raised air temperature and physical activity.

  • 可是早晨怎样补水才更健康呢?其实,没有一定之规,早餐补水也要因人而异。
    But in the morning how water is more healthy?In fact, there is no Yidingzhigui, almost on a daily breakfast also varies from person to person.

  • 参赛时,或30盘,或40盘,没有一定之规,越多越热闹,越红火,越有看头。
    Entries, or 30 or 40, there is no Yidingzhigui, the more the more lively, more prosperous, more worth seeing.

  • 对水的最低需求量没有一定之规。它通常随气温的上升和活动量增大而显著增大。
    Minimum water needs vary with each situation but increase markedly with raised air temperature and physical activity.

  • 银行家获得的奖金依然没有一定之规,且受到无数因素的影响,不在自己的掌控之内。
    The bonus a banker receives is still arbitrary and subject to countless forces beyond his control.

  • 当然,在猛冲猛打、勇于打破常规的对冲基金业,一向没有多少可供遵循的一定之规
    Of course, in the hard-driving, norm-busting world of hedge funds, there have been few rules to bank on.

  • 挑选床上用品的花色虽没有一定之规,不过还是要考虑卧室的整体风格和色调进行搭配。
    Although the design and color that chooses bedding does not have fixed pattern, the integral style that do not pass or should consider a bedroom and tonal undertake collocation.

  • 他们可能有他们自己的一定之规,或者他们至少对你是什么样的人、你想要什么有自己的见解。
    They may have their own agenda, or at least their own perception of who you are and what you want.

  • 不过两个人“从不比较和分析各自的职业生涯”,埃林说,美容护肤用品购买使用方面没有什么一定之规
    Though the two"never compare or analyze career paths, "says Erin, borrowing beauty products is not off-limits.

  • 性情绝对不会一成不变,否则会多么的乏味——但如果只有变化而没有一定之规的话,又会是多么的混乱。
    Dispositions are never wholly consistent. What a bore it would be if they were——and what chaos if they were not at all consistent.

  • 不过两个人“从不比较和分析各自的职业生涯”,埃林说,美容护肤用品购买使用方面没有什么一定之规
    Though the two "never compare or analyze career paths, " says Erin, borrowing beauty products is not off-limits.

  • 批评这一救援行动的人士说,救援规则不透明,具体执行也没有一定之规,导致人们对美国金融体系迟迟无法恢复信心。
    Critics of the bailout program say its rules are opaque and its execution ad hoc, leading to a lingering lack of confidence in the the financial system.

  • 而迁徙中的鸣鸟(雀?)对食物的需求时间则并没有一定之规,它们需要的食物是大量的,往往仅仅在迁徙而过的一两天。
    Migratory songbirds need large amounts of food for varying amounts of time, often just a day or two.

  • 一定之规造句相关
