
一无所能  yī wú suǒ néng






  • 个体的人一无所能却又无
    A  man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusium.

  • 如此性情者,终于毫无用处,一无所能
    For men of this disposition turn out utterly useless and good for nothing whatever;

  • 他的意志简直是一无所能
    His will is simply no one can;

  • 甚至可说他的精神与他的心也是一无所能
    We can even say his spirit and his heart is no one can.

  • 爱是当你一无所有时也明白你真正拥有的!
    Love is realizing you have something even though you have nothing.

  • 那么你定仰首无愧,一定站立稳定,一无所惧;
    Surely then you may lift up your face in innocence; you may stand firm and unafraid.

  • 几乎没有人万事皆通,也几乎没有人绝对一无所能
    There is hardly anybody good for everything, and there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing.

  • 我们现下一无所能,因为我们的田地和葡萄园,已属于别人。
    Yet we can do nothing about it, for our fields and our vineyards belong to others.

  • 一些在郊区生活中聪明的人到了荒郊野岭就变成为一无所能
    Maybe someone who is intelligent in suburbia might be stupid in the wilderness.

  • 阿弥陀要救的人,是除必堕地狱外,一无所知,一无所能的笨伯。
    Bombu knows nothing, Cannot do anything except end in hell Such a person Amida saves.

  • 在印度,我们一无所有,但我们所能分享的,正是一无所有的境界。
    In India, we have nothing to offer, yet that's what we can offer.

  • 它让我们了解自己的贫乏,一无所有、一无所能,里面毫无良善可言。
    It leads us to know our absolute and entire impotence as unable of ourselves to do any good.

  • 虚拟的成就感让男人心情明朗起来不好吗?没人喜欢自己一无所是。
    Virtual Man feeling a sense of achievement can not clear up, please? No one no one likes their own yes.

  • 正如枝条若不留在葡萄树上,凭自己不结实;你们若不住在我内,也一无所能
    Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.

  • 正如枝条若不留在葡萄树上,凭自己不结实;你们若不住在我内,也一无所能
    As the branch is not able to give fruit of itself, if it is not still on the vine, so you are not able to do so if you are not in me.

  • 这是一无所有者的年代。你坚持着你所能坚持的。而慈善就像你一年只穿两次的外套。
    This is the year of the empty hand. Oh, you hold on to what you can. And charity is a coat you wear twice a year.

  • 当你在精神上、心理上和身体上都预备好了时,你就一无所惧,你就抓住每一个机会。
    When you're prepared, spiritually, mentally, and physically, you have nothing to fear, also you can seize any opportunity around you.

  • 天主教思高译本:我不再同你们多谈了,因为世界的领袖就要来到;他在我身上一无所能
    I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me.

  • 神将使用的器具是那感觉自己一无所有,一无所能,算不得什么的人,荣耀必须都是他的。
    God will use the instrument that feels he is nothing, can do nothing, and amounts to nothing. The glory must be His.

  • 我并不以为他会是一无所知、一无所能的白痴;但纵然是一无所一无所能的白痴也仍旧是太子或王子。
    I would not believe he was an ignorant and worthless idiot but, even if he was, he would still be the crown prince or the prince.

  • 一无自我意识时,艺至其最高之境界。一个人一旦超乎其做事物成败之关切,则必可发现“自由”为何。
    Art reaches its greatest peak when devoid of self-consciousness. Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make.

  • 猫王一向钦佩那些白手起家的好汉。英雄不问出处,一无所有中打出自己的一片江山,实在非常人所能为。
    The hero ignores source, can from penniless in a land that makes oneself, be not an ordinary person to be able to be really.

  • 我并不以为我的儿子会是一无所知、一无所能的白痴;但纵然是一无所一无所能的白痴,也仍旧是太子或王子。
    my son was an ignorant and worthless idiot but, even if he were, he would still be the prince or the crown prince.

  • 我并不以为我的儿子会是一无所知、一无所能的白痴;但纵然是一无所一无所能的白痴,也仍旧是太子或王子。
    I would not believe my son was an ignorant and worthless idiot but, even if he were, he would still be the prince or the crown prince.

  • 科兰德的类比并未暗指经济学家们一无所得:他们在他们选的山峰上取得进步,即便有其他更高的山在召唤。
    Mr Colander's analogy does not imply that economists are getting nowhere: they can make progress up their chosen peak, even if other, higher mountains beckon.

  • 特别需要思想到自己本身是何等渺小,一无所有、一无所能,只有仰赖全的上帝,在信祂的人中要做奇妙的善工。
    Under a sense of its own nothingness and utter impotence, it trusts the power of an Almighty God to work wonders in the heart in which He dwells.

  • 哦,主耶稣,愿我们都听见你的声音。我们一无所是,一无所有,也一无所能;但是我们有你作我们的一切。阿们!
    Lord, may we all hear Your voice. We are worthy of nothing. We are nothing, we have nothing, and we can do nothing.

  • 哦,主耶稣,你是如此富有怜悯,我们一点都不配得。我们一无所是,一无所有,也一无所能,但是我们有你作我们的一切。阿们!
    Lord, You are so merciful. We are nothing, we have nothing, and we can do nothing. But we have You as our everything. Amen.

  • 她自己把这种偏见描述作“一种普遍为人接受的看法--要使一位女性成为一名好护士,惟一的条件是情场失意或在其他方面一无所能
    that it requires nothing but a disappointment in love, or incapacity in other things, to turn a woman into a good nurse.

  • 我的弟兄们,你们遭受各种试炼时,都要认为是大喜乐,因为知道你们的信心经过考验,就生忍耐。但要让忍耐发挥完全的功用,使你们又完全又完整,一无所缺。
    Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

  • 一无所能造句相关
