
一般见识  yī bān jiàn shí






  • 好在沈从文脾气好,不与他一般见识
    Luckily, Shen had a good temper and didn't mind.

  • 它觉得它是大猫不能和小娃娃一般见识
    A miao miao (MOo is a little cat.

  • 何必和这种人一般见识
    Don't stoop to arguing with such people.

  • 不要和地球人一般见识
    and the Earth do not normally see!

  • 用人家老百姓的话说,叫作不跟小人一般见识
    Others use the words of ordinary people, called with the bad people in general do not see.

  • 虽然我觉得我们没必要跟他们一般见识,但是我谢谢你。
    Well, though I didn't think we needed to react like that, but thanks, Jason.

  • 他那样对你是不对的,你是个明白人,别跟他一般见识
    He's behaved badly towards you, as a sensible person like you shouldn't want to take him up on it.

  • 年轻时所付出所见识的,又是一般大厨所见不到的一面。
    Young when what give an experience, it is general the one side that large kitchen place does not see.

  • 你自己很像一个大女孩了,就不要和像他这样的小男孩一般见识
    You are too much of a woman to even bother with such a little boy as him.

  • 请不要和她一般见识(或请不要生她的气),她只是个黄毛丫头。
    Please do not be angry with her. She is just a silly little girl.

  • 当他听到人们井底之蛙似的言论时,大都一笑置之,不与他们一般见识
    He laughed off others' talk outlook of which are like that of a frog in well and was not bothered to argue with them.

  • 当他听到人们井底之蛙似的言论时,大都一笑置之,不与他们一般见识
    He laughed off others' talk, the outlook of which was like that of a frog in well, and did not bother to argue with them.

  • 因此,当他听到人们井底之蛙似的言论时,大都一笑置之,不与他们一般见识
    He laughed off others' talk, he deemed they were like a frog in the well and was not bothered to argue with them.

  • 他们的智力一般正常,不少人表现得有见识、有才能,能赢得别人的好感和信任。
    Their intelligence is general and normal, many person performance must have experience, have ability, can win the good impression of others and credit.

  • 我很想对他们说这样的话,可是我不想说,也不想和他们一般见识。就是觉得头痛。
    So, too bad, fat pigs, you never saw a lot of thing, just go home and fuck yourself.

  • 在很深奥的问题上,我比一般人更有见识。(不是指所以的人)这能引起你的注意吗?
    I'm way more knowledgeable than the average person on a couple of pretty arcane topics. (Doesn't everyone?) Does that impress you?

  • 一般的旅游节目不一样,“世界第一等“带你到不一样的地方,见识一般的景与物。
    Hosted by Xiao Ma, this travelogue programme takes you to places unlisted on conventional tour itineraries.

  • 偏在刻薄的,一定时常近祸。一般人没有见识,眼光像被一层膜给遮住了,甚麽都看不到;
    Worldly people often do not see what is actually going on, as if their vision was blurred.

  • 争吵过后﹐且不论婆婆的言行如何﹐错的往往是你﹐因为你作为年轻一辈﹐不应该与其一般见识
    It's no fault to keep silence, while more words when you were too angry would cause serious quarrel.

  • 买高档房子的人更不一般,其见识、其能量决非寻常人可比,不少人不仅不是弱势,反而是“强势”。
    Buy luxury houses are less general, and its insights, its people comparable energy not unusual that many people is not weak, but is "strong."

  • 但应该知道,这种张口就骂的人,一般都没有修养,没有风度,有什么必要与他们一般见识,争论不休呢?
    But should be aware that this opening reproved those who are generally not self-cultivation, no manners, what with them the necessary general knowledge, debating it?

  • 接着,是死一般的寂静,爱丽丝想:“不知道它们下一步想干什么,如果它们有见识的话,就应该把屋顶拆掉。”
    There was a dead silence instantly, and Alice thought to herself, 'I wonder what they WILL do next! If they had any sense, they'd take the roof off.

  • 接着,是死一般的寂静,爱丽丝想:“不知道它们下一步想干什么,如果它们有见识的话,就应该把屋顶拆掉。”
    There was a dead silence instantly, and Alice thought to herself, 'I wonder what they WILL do next! If they had any sense, they'd take the roof off. '

  • 上个月刚经历类似事情,真相出来的时候差点想去放火烧了她家,后来一想,不能跟这种人一般见识,不然咱也掉价不是。
    I wish I could be As cool as you and I wish I could say The things you do But I can't and I won't live a lie - No, not this time.

  • 而他们可以具有这些能力,是因为他们代表著一个读书明理的知识份子的族群,致使他们的心志、见识、和操守不同于一般世俗。
    The reason why they possess this capability is because they represent a cluster of educated intellectuals whose mind, knowledge and virtues are quite different from the general populace.

  • 笔者见识浅陋,向来以为学术著作一般比较枯燥,拜读了《关联经济》,才发现经济学理论也能够写得这么优美,实在让人惊喜不已。
    I have only humble knowledge and thought academic works very boring. I didn't know economic theories could be written so wonderfully until I read the book Relating Economy.

  • 笔者见识浅陋,向来以为学术著作一般比较枯燥,拜读了《关联经济》,才发现经济学理论也能够写得这麽优美,实在让人惊喜不已。
    I have only humble knowledge and thought academic works very boring. I didn't know economic theories could be written so wonderfully until I read the book Relating Economy.

  • 一个成功的商人永远不会与他的根基失去联系,“糊”的成功混合了古老学校一般的魔力,悠久家族的见识,以及一颗残忍无情的商业头脑。
    A successful businessman who never lost touch with his roots, Pappy had a winning blend of old-school charm, down-home common sense, and ruthless business savvy.

  • 该动物园的女发言人表示,来宾们在园内观看了中式茶艺表演,并见识到了送给这对“新人”的一份不一般的“结婚蛋糕”——一座分为四层的冰雕,上面摆满了熊猫爱吃的各种水果。
    The guests witnessed a Chinese tea ceremony and a feast of cake — a four-layer ice sculpture filled with fruits that pandas typically eat, said a zoo spokeswoman, Rossukhon Chuicomwong.

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