
不管不顾  bù guǎn bù gù






  • 你没有过付出,没有过不管不顾的爱。
    You do not pay off, regardless of whether No, love.

  • 但在一个你爱的家庭,你好象不管不顾
    but the family you love, you seem to abuse.

  • 如此的不管不顾,终究得到的是一身伤痕。
    Thus of ignore regardless of, finally what to get be a whole body scar.

  • 很多煤矿对工人的安全问题根本不管不顾
    Many coal mines are careless with worker safety.

  • 男人像睫毛膏,通常是心血来潮就不管不顾
    Men are like mascara. They usually run at first sigh of emotion.

  • 对于一个战场上的小组不管不顾,疏散或者倾向他们。
    Leave a squad alone on the field, evacuate or tend to them.

  • 洋男人看着女人独自打拼而不管不顾令中国女人感到可思议。
    Many Chinese women find it unbelievable that Western men would allow their girlfriends to rough it on their own.

  • 对我来说,不管不顾那么我知道的人口贩卖的受害者是非常困难的。
    It's very difficult to leave behind people I know are victims of human trafficking.

  • 保持头脑明锐,说爱就爱,这也算是一种特别的不管不顾的勇气。
    And there is a kind of desperate courage in being lucid and refusing to love.

  • 自以为是的态度或测试时对犬主不管不顾,当然会导致犬只或犬主的敌意。
    A self-righteous attitude or conducting the test without concerns for the owner will most certainly meet the dog or the owner with hostility and rightfully so.

  • 信你在我躁狂发作时跟我顶牛试试---我会不管不顾,变得非常好斗。’
    Try disagreeing with me when I'm manic, and I'm evil; I become quite combative.

  • 可它却好象为以前反通货紧缩的微薄成果气闷苦恼,以至于不管不顾,坐等经济恢复。
    It is almost as if it is so exasperated by the flaky achievements of its previous anti-deflationary efforts that it would rather sit back and wait for a recovery.

  • 如今,没有哪家公司可以对自己的产品不管不顾,造出来,扔出去,然后忘得一干二净。
    No company regardless of what they make can nowadays just make a product, bung it out there and forget about it.

  • 可能的友谊可以开花结果,重要的事业可以不管不顾,灰飞烟灭的希望可以重新点燃。
    Unlikely friendship can blossom, important careers can be tossed aside, a long-lost hope can be rekindled . Still , we should be grateful for whatever changes life throws at us.

  • 看他们远离人群,一个人默默的玩着,不管不顾外界的一切,抑或是大哭大闹,自伤自残。
    To see if they stay away from the crowd, a person who's playing, regardless of the outside world in spite of everything, or is crying scene, self-injury self-mutilation.

  • 环境是人类赖以生存的根本,但一些企业、商家、甚至跨国企业为了效益,根本不管不顾
    The environment is what humans depend on for survival, but some corporations, businesspeople, and even multinational corporations, in the name of efficiency, completely overlook it altogether.

  • 存在著邪恶的剥削,来源于每个人对安全的渴求,惜一切地自我保护,对整个人类不管不顾
    It is the evil of exploitation engendered by individuals through their longing for security, self-preservation at all costs, irrespective of the whole of human beings;

  • 还有一种人把最起码的绘画基本功不管不顾,把传统看的一文值,一路狂奔,成了十足的疯子。
    There is also a sort of people, they ignore basic skills of painting and regard tradition worthless. On the painting creation way wildly rush and become an utterly lunatic.

  • UNDP的结论说:“在水源管理问题上,全世界肆无忌惮的做法就好像一个不管不顾的败家子。
    The UNDP concludes: "When it comes to water management, the world has been indulging in an activity analogous to a reckless and unsustainable credit-financed spending spree."

  • 但是,假如他可以加入那种不管不顾的投篮球队,像爵士和76人,戈登相对来讲还是错的选择。
    Still, if he could join a team desperate for perimeter shooting, say the Jazz or 76ers, Gordon should be a decent option for fantasy owners.

  • 这个神经紧张的年青人常常没完没了地担心自己领带的颜色,对面试要准时这么重要的事情却不管不顾
    EXAMPLE: The nervous young man foolishly used to fret over the color of his tie instead of important things like arriving on time for his job interview.

  • 尽管如此,我决不管不顾这个国家的人民和他们给予我的信任,因此,我只会为了工作来持续露面。
    Still, I would never walk away from the people of this country and the trust they ve placed in me, so I'm just going to keep showing up for work.

  • “滚开,你这只傻鸟~~”他对企鹅嚷道,但是企鹅仍然不管不顾愿离开他,不管他去哪里,都紧跟着。
    "Go away, you silly bird, " the man said to the penguin, but the bird ignored him. It simply would not leave him alone. Wherever he went, the bird went too.

  • 缅甸统治集团对外部世界对其罪行的关注已自信到完全不管不顾,将军们终止了与国内反对派和联合国代表团的对话。
    Confident that the outside world's focus on their misdeeds has shifted elsewhere, the generals have stalled on dialogue both with their opponents at home and the UN's envoy.

  • 对他的驴你应这样做,对他的衣服也应这样做;对你兄弟所失,而由你找到的一切物件,都应这样做;决不管不顾
    You shall do the same with his ass, or his garment, or anything else which your kinsman loses and you happen to find; you may not be unconcerned about them.

  • 又好像是有人推着装满重物的小车,急速跑过布满裂纹的大理石地面,那裂纹还由远及近的不管不顾的裂开来,从地底深处劈入你的躯体;
    or someone forces a fully loaded cart through a cracky marble floor, and a big crack cleaves into my body from abaddon;

  • “让他们听见好啦,”达林先生不管不顾地回答说,“让全世界的人都来听吧。我可再也能容忍那只狗在我的育儿室里主宰一切,一刻也能。”
    Let them! " he answered recklessly. "Bring in the whole world. But I refuse to allow that dog to lord it in my nursery for an hour longer. "

  • “把我的简历发给和你们打交道的猎头公司。我现在签了50-70家的中介公司,他们之间都不管不顾的”(这句话我看得是很明白,随便译了一下。
    Keep me posted on which headhunters you deal with. I am currently tied into 50-70 placement agencies, none of which are aware of the others.

  • 喜欢一个人,总是让你受伤,让你没有存在感,让你变得自言自语,让你闭塞,让你耳聋眼瞎,让你歇斯底里不管不顾。无法排解和宣泄,是一种怎样的悲哀啊。
    Love somebody, always make you hurt, no exist feeling , only have yourself, almost can't see and hear anything and despite your hysteria and can't find a gap to releave. what a sadness it is !

  • 就拿米莉来说吧,她曾是一个铁石心肠的可卡因瘾君子,对周围的事不管不顾,当她的孩子出世后,她把所有恶习都改了,从那以后,她成为了四个孩子的好母亲。
    Take Millie who was a stone cold neglectful cocaine addict when her child was an infant and who, against all odds, turned her life around and got clean and has been a great mom to her four kids since.

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