
东拉西扯  dōng lā xī chě







  • 东拉西扯, 说个没完。
    He talks aimlessly without stopping.

  • 她讨厌那老人东拉西扯的唠叨。
    She dislikes the disconnected ramblings of the old man.

  • 东拉西扯——移去娶她为妻!
    Moved ramble —— him to marry her is the wife!

  • 到了五月底,他就开始有点东拉西扯
    By the end of May he began to ramble .

  • 这样可以让人们开口,东拉西扯谈起来。
    That'll make people open their mouths and say something one way or the other.

  • 东拉西扯,回答问题!
    Stop waffling and answer the question!

  • 大多数人总是东拉西扯的毫无真正的目标。
    Most people are talking randomly and actually have no true goal.

  • 为什么你总是东拉西扯
    why do you always say this shit to me?

  • 所以我轻松地东拉西扯,把心藏在话语后面。
    That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words.

  • 东拉西扯地谈了半小时,也没说到点子上。
    He beat around the bush for a half hour without coming to the point.

  • 不要东拉西扯,直截了当地抓住你的说话机会。
    Without rambling on, try to stretch out your turn to speak.

  • 东拉西扯了一会才绕到真正要说的事情上来。
    It was some time before he worked around to what he really wanted to say.

  • 小伙子带著妄自尊大的神态没完没了地东拉西扯
    The young man ramble on with an air of great consequence.

  • 小伙子带著妄自尊大的神态没完没了地东拉西扯
    The young man rambled on with an air of great consequence.

  • 切记限定自己在30秒内完成表述,不要东拉西扯
    Remember to limit yourself to about 30 seconds without rambling on and on.

  • 我们东拉西扯了一会儿,她靠了过来开始舔我的耳朵。
    We were talking about this and that, and she leaned over and started sucking on my ear.

  • 我们东拉西扯地聊起来,之后他问我做过什么样的工作。
    We talked about one thing another, then he asked me what kind of work I did.

  • 我们东拉西扯地聊起来,之后他问我做过什么样的工作。
    We talked about one thing and another, and then he asked me what kind of work I did.

  • 两个老女人一起聊天,东拉西扯,最后话题便落到了性上。
    Two elderly women chat together, Donglaxiche finally falls on the topic of on.

  • 他们继续东拉西扯,亲谈了头号天,一看钟,已经下半夜一点了。
    They continue drag in all sorts of irrelevant matters, talked about number one day in person, see a bell, already the latter half of the night a bit.

  • 她每次去购物时,到了最后都会跟朋友东拉西扯至少一个小时的时间。
    Every time she goes shopping, she ends up nattering with her friends for at least an hour.

  • 三个男孩站在黑暗之中,起劲地、东拉西扯地谈论着了不起的成人生活。
    The three boys stood in the darkness, striving unsuccessfully to convey the majesty of adult life.

  • 笨蛋…阁下得到了错误的意思和现在阁下东拉西扯的装疯卖傻的回覆真像一位愚人!
    STUPID…you have got a wrong meaning and now just reply like an idiot!

  • 他的画室就在广州画院的二楼,这普通50多平方的二居室,却是“东拉西扯”的构成。
    His atelier is in Guangzhou the 2 buildings of imperial art academy, this is common the two-room flat of 50 much square, it is however " drag in all sorts of irrelevant matters " form.

  • 莎拉离开以后,他们开始把许多毫无关联的事情东拉西扯,凑在一起,得出了可怕的结论。
    When they were alone again they began to piece many unrelated things together and get horrible results out of the combination.

  • 当然罗,派珀尔太太有许多话要说,可是,主要是些东拉西扯,杂乱无章的话,而没有什么内容。
    Why, Mrs. Piper has a goood deal to say, chiefly in parentheses and without punctuation, but not much to tell.

  • 当然罗,派珀尔太太有许多话要说,可是,主要是些东拉西扯,杂乱无章的话,而没有什么内容。
    Why, Mrs. Piper has a good deal to say, chiefly in parentheses and without punctuation, but not much to tell.

  • 在撰写每一段时要注意内容集中,不要东拉西扯。说明合同双方同意做什麽,不同意做什麽就可以了。
    Complete each paragraph by writing the contract terms that apply to that paragraph. Just explain in words what the parties agree to do or not do paragraph by paragraph.

  • 他也知道大部分人都不喜欢笑话,所以他会先东拉西扯,然后冷不防地把笑话插进来:“前几天我在和本•伯南克聊天。
    He also knows that most people don't like jokes. So he slips them in under the radar: "I was chatting with Ben Bernanke the other day."

  • 对于母亲的赡养问题,杨学华东拉西扯一阵后才表示,自己对母亲有赡养的义务,可究竟要怎么尽这个义务他却没有任何的说明。
    The mother of a maintenance problem, Yang Xue-beating for a while after that, his mother had an obligation to do this is to how he has no obligation to explain this.

  • 东拉西扯造句相关
