
五光十色  wǔ guāng shí sè








  • “特殊”二字无法尽述你生日的五光十色
    Special just didn't have enough razzle-dazzle to describe your birthday.

  • 他以五光十色绚丽夺目的文章给你完全的效果。
    He writes in glorious technicolor to give you the full effect.

  • 早已厌倦了现代的五光十色,夜霓虹,寻找安静的港湾。
    Tired of colorful light, you always want to find a still fleet.

  • 深夜里,普伊托·德·拉·克鲁斯市的海滩依旧五光十色
    The beach promenade in Puerto de la Cruz is still colorful in late evening.

  • 爱米丽亚觉得这世界五光十色,又新鲜,又有趣,又美丽。
    For Amelia it was quite a new, fresh, brilliant world, with all the bloom upon it.

  • 只有寒号虫还是游来游去,到处炫耀它那五光十色的羽毛。
    Only Hanhao bird also lingers around to show off its bright and colorful feathers.

  • 大千世界中的五光十色千变万化的景象被人看作是理所当然的。
    The panorama of color and action which fills the world is taken for granted.

  • 五光十色的生活让鱼儿沉醉其中,大吃大喝、夜不归宿是常有的事。
    They are attracted to glamorous lifestyle, which often includes overindulging in eating and drinking and keeping late hours.

  • 否则,就会在五光十色的希望肥皂泡中蹉跎岁月,浪费自己的青春年华。
    Otherwise, it will bubble in the bright lights of hope in the wasted time, wasted their youth.

  • 他们对满架的摇动木马,娃娃,荷兰玩具等五光十色的陈列品看得出了神。
    They were enchanted by the rich display of hobby-horses, babies, and Dutch toys.

  • 即使没有钱,你仍可以欣赏那些傲人的老树、五光十色的彩灯,以及美丽的花园。
    Even without money, you can still enjoy the proud old trees, the colored night lights and the beautiful gardens.

  • 大厅保留着意大利18世纪巴洛克的风格,四周布满壁画,富丽堂皇、五光十色
    Hall retains the 18th century Italian Baroque style, full of four murals, magnificent, colorful.

  • 让你保留这段芳香的回忆,让你珍藏这串美丽的友谊,让我们为你点燃一首五光十色的诗。
    Keep the fragrant memory and treasure the beautiful friendship, let's light up a colourful poem for you.

  • 银灿灿的五环腾空而起,五光十色的烟火照亮了整个夜空,整个鸟巢灯火辉煌,非常壮观。
    Can-can of silver rings into the sky, the colorful fireworks light up the night sky, the whole nest ablaze with lights and very spectacular.

  • 这个宗教行列夹杂着圣像和教士的法衣,五光十色,缓缓地沿着大路走下坡来,往约旦走去。
    The procession, glittering with the settings of the ikons and the vestments of the clergy, comes slowly down the road and turns towards the Jordan.

  • 在室外的什么地方有一个广阔世界,那是个战火纷飞,英雄辈出的世界,五光十色,人山人海。
    There was a big world out there somewhere, a world of war and heroism, full of color and people.

  • 片刻这前,它还呆在母体里某个黑暗而平静的地方,忽然,它的世界变得五光十色,变得活泼而喧闹。
    A moment before it had the even black nowhere of the womb, and suddenly its world was full of colour, movement and noise.

  • 海宝是对五彩缤纷生活的向往,对五光十色的生命的祝福,也是上海对来自五湖四海朋友的热情邀约。
    Haibao is yearning for a colorful life, praying for the variegated life, and as well as extending warm invitations to friends from all parts of the world.

  • 片刻这前,它还呆在母体里某个黑暗而平静的处所,突然,它的世界变得五光十色,变得活泼而喧闹。
    A moment before it had the even black nowhere of the womb, and suddenly its world was full of colour, movement and noise.

  • 高高的大厦在漆黑的晚空中散发出五光十色的灿烂,暖暖的海风刚刚在你面上吹过,你感觉到但是看不见。
    Colorful lights emanated from the windows of these tall buildings and illuminates the dark night; the warm breeze of the ocean just caressed your face, you can feel it but you cannot see it.

  • 为了逃避法律的制裁,野心勃勃的犯罪分子不仅潜入五光十色的娱乐区,更躲进古雅的餐馆和拥挤的难民港。
    Sheltered from the eyes of the law, enterprising criminals can be found not only in the glittering entertainment district, but also in the quaintest of eateries and in the crowded refugee ports.

  • 这次比赛正式被命名为“世界同志运动会”,在周六晚市政广场上一场五光十色的开幕式后,正式拉开了序幕。
    The contest, formally known as the World Outgames, kick off today after a glitzy opening ceremony in City Hall square on Saturday night.

  • 美存在于五光十色的大千世界之中,摄影者的使命就是运用自己的技巧,从复杂整体中选择最美妙的、简练的画面。
    Beautiful exists brightly with many colors in goes all out in the world, cameramen's mission utilizes own skill, chooses wonderfully, the most succinct picture from the complex whole.

  • 在本案中,设计师利用鲜艳的色彩与五光十色的灯光活化了现场的气氛,以隐藏式霓虹灯管将鲜艳的黄色衬托得更加明亮。
    In this case, stylist uses bright-coloured colour and multicoloured lamplight activation the atmosphere of the spot, foil bright-coloured yellow in order to conceal type rainbow tube more brightly.

  • 即使没有钱,你仍可以欣赏那些傲人的老树、五光十色的彩灯,以及美丽的花园。你可能会以为自己置身于童话故事当中。
    Even without money, you can still enjoy the proud old trees, the colored night lights and the beautiful gardens. You might feel as if you are in a fairy tale.

  • 对于剧中女主人公来说,在上海生活只是意味着高昂的生活成本和巨大的压力,没有半点兴奋,也无从享受五光十色的夜生活。
    For the heroine, living in Shanghai just means high living expenses and stress rather than excitement and a glitzy nightlife.

  • 像秃鹰一样翱翔在南美上空,鸟瞰烟雾笼罩的火山,闪闪发光的铁皮屋顶还有,稀奇的火烈鸟,一幅五光十色壮观的自然画卷。
    A condor's-eye view reveals a colorful mosaic of smoldering volcanoes, gleaming tin and tile roofs, and fanciful flamingos.

  • 为了生存,章鱼必须在五光十色的海底世界里寻觅食物,那些可憎的乌龟还有那保护自己鱼自的红斑鱼都是你的克星,离他们远些吧!
    In order to survive, must octopus colorful undersea world, looking for food, those heinous that there are turtles to protect their fish from the red fish are your enemy, they are far from it!

  • 每年夏天有三个星期,爱丁堡呈现出一派生机勃勃的景象:来自世界各地的艺术节游人与表演者欢聚一堂,爱丁堡市彩旗飘荡,五光十色
    For three weeks every summer, Edinburgh is alive with exhilarated festival-goers and performers who . come from all over the world, and the city is gay with flags and decorations.

  • 同时本厂生产经营各种千层石、龟纹石、麦饭石、沸石、雨花石、活性炭、五彩砂、沉木根等水族用品,品种多、规格全,放入水族箱中更加五光十色,使您的居室更加靓丽。
    At the same time, our Co. can also supply with Shale Rock, Moire Stone, drift wood, Active Carbon and fossils. These products can make your room beautiful.

  • 五光十色造句相关
