
作恶多端  zuò è duō duān







  • 所以我从不担心作恶多端的人。
    so I never worried about all kinds of evil people.

  • 男巫对作恶多端的国王念咒法。
    The wizard uttered a spell against the wicked king.

  • 他们祈求老天爷惩罚那些作恶多端的人。
    They called down punishment on the people for their evil ways.

  • 作恶多端,是个大罪犯。
    He is higher up the criminal food chain.

  • 星期一堪萨斯州警方追捕了一名作恶多端的家伙。
    Police in Kansas City chased down a bad guy Monday.

  • 后来,犹大王约沙法和作恶多端的以色列王亚哈谢结盟。
    Later, Jehoshaphat king of Judah made an alliance with Ahaziah king of Israel, who was guilty of wickedness.

  • 此后,犹大王约沙法特与作恶多端的以色列王阿哈齐雅联盟。
    After these things Josaphat king of Juda made friendship with Ochozias king of Israel, whose works were very wicked.

  • 作恶多端,暴虐残酷,自然要因这不义的行径而日夜痛苦。
    You are day and night oppressed with the sin of iniquity for the crimes and wanton cruelties you have committed.

  • 此后,犹大王约沙法特与作恶多端的以色列王阿哈齐雅联盟。
    After this, King Jehoshaphat of Judah allied himself with King Ahaziah of Israel, who did evil.

  • 在一些国家,军队往往作恶多端,而在越南则相对比较清廉。
    The armed forces, such a baleful influence in some countries, are fairly clean.

  • 此后,犹大王约沙法特与作恶多端的以色列王阿哈齐雅联盟。
    After this, Jehoshaphat king of Judah allied himself with Ahaziah king of Israel, who led him into evil ways.

  • 有些女人涂脂抹粉想掩盖那由于作恶多端和行为放荡而留下的痕迹。
    Some of the females had tried to conceal the ravages of vice and dissipation by coating their faces with powder and paint.

  • 坎萨斯警方周一捕获一作恶多端之人。这名犯罪嫌疑人特征明显——裸体!
    Police in Kansas City chased down a bad guy Monday. This suspect was specially easy to spot, he was naked.

  • 他是个作恶多端的犯罪头目,他唯利是图而且心狠手辣,他会把他的人都杀掉。
    He is a powerful crime leader who has an affection for only money and will kill anyone who stands in his way.

  • 您整日闷闷不乐是因为您惨无人道,作恶多端。有多少小动物被您无情地吞吃掉啊!
    You are day and night oppressed with the sting of iniquity for the crimes and wanton cruelties you have committed.

  • 她的敌人可用烧红的烙铁给她打上烙印,把作恶多端的美艳烧掉的这种日子是过去了。
    The days were gone in which her enemies could have branded her with white-hot irons, and burned away the loveliness which had done such mischief.

  • 相传,共工氏有不才子,作恶多端,死于冬至这一天,死后变成疫鬼,继续残害百姓。
    According to legend, a total of workers there's no genius, all kinds of evil, died the winter solstice the day after his death to become infected ghost and continue to hurt the people.

  • 他不能够瞭解为什麽上帝会选择藉著野蛮又作恶多端的迦勒底人来处罚及纠正以色列人。
    He could not understand why did God choose the savage, infinitely more wicked Chaldeans as his instrument to punish the Israelites and right the wrongs of his people?

  • 圣经明确地宣布,因为这两个城市作恶多端,它们将来都要受惩罚,但是受惩罚的方式是不一样的。
    The Bible said plainly that each of these cities was to be punished for its wickedness. But the nature of their punishments was to be very different.

  • 他从不相信天堂与地狱,神和灵;作恶多端的他在临死的一刹那作出了生平:第一个,也是最后一个的祈祷。
    For he believes in no Heaven or Hell, believes in no God or spirit, and for he had committed thousand of sins, he made a prayer for the first and last time in his life time.

  • 他看似作恶多端,一生中却只杀过两个人,一个是伤害他母亲的那个人,另一个,是企图伤害男孩的那个人。
    he appears to be all kinds of evil, life has only killed two people, one hurt him Mother of the man and the other is an attempt to harm the boys that person.

  • 虽然他们作恶多端,老三还是不忍心看到自己的哥哥落得如此下场,因此他买回了他们的自由,大夥一块赶路。
    Though they had done great wrong, the lad could not see his brothers meet such an end, so he bought their freedom, and together they traveled the road.

  • 这时有人提问:“这个女人前生做土匪时可以说是作恶多端,今生又为何会遇到对她如此情深义重的丈夫呢?”
    Someone then asked, "Since this woman has committed so many atrocities when she was a robber in her previous live, why did she has a husband that is so faithful and committed to her?"

  • 安提阿哥作恶多端,但是三年后马加比带领忠心耿耿的犹太人取得胜利,重新洁净了圣殿,修殿节庆祝的就是这一事件。
    Antiochus harmed many, but three years later the Maccabees led faithful Jews to victory and re dedicated the temple, an event celebrated at Hanukkah.

  • 据徐克介绍,这些海报中呈现的只是电影中的一小部分,换言之,剧中女人们的“小坏事”还要更多,甚至是作恶多端
    According to Tsui Hark, The posters show in the film is just a small part, in other words, women play a "small thing" even more, or even all kinds of evil.

  • 此人的落网对建立一个自由的伊拉克至关重要,它标志着他(萨达姆)以及在他的名义下作恶多端、疯狂杀戮的人走到了末路。
    The capture of this man was crucial to the rise of a free Iraq. It marks the end of the road for him, and for all who bullied and killed in his name.

  • 佛教中有个故事,说一日佛祖闲坐于花园的井边向下望去,看到无数生前作恶多端的人正因自己的邪恶而饱受地狱之火的煎熬。
    Buddhism is a story that on the 1st Buddha sit down in the garden wells in expectation. When the former because many people see themselves and the evil suffered the torments of hell fire.

  • 道·撒里:我们需要人们了解这里正在发生的事情。我们需要总统巴希尔和其他作恶多端的人知道他们的一举一动都在人们的监视之下。
    DAOWD SALIH: We need people to understand what is happening. We need President Bashir and other perpetrators to understand that they are being watched.

  • 萨达姆的落网对建立一个自由的伊拉克至关重要,这标志着萨达姆本人以及那些在他的名义下作恶多端、疯狂杀戮的人已经走到了尽头。
    The capture of this man was crucial to the rise of a free Iraq. It marks the end of the road for him, and for all who bullied and killed in his name.

  • 这里我们学到一个很重要的教训,那就是一旦作恶多端的人变得有钱,他们就可以获得巨大的政治影响力,你就更拿他们没有办法,唯一能做的就是防患于未然。
    There's an important lesson here: Once wrong-doers get rich, they get enormous political power and you can't stop it, so the key is to nip things like this in the bud.

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