
挟天子以令诸侯  xié tiān zǐ yǐ lìng zhū hóu







  • 第三大陷阱就是“连哄带骗、挟天子以令诸侯”。
    third largest trap is the "dinner, to the nobility of their emperor."

  • 例如,东汉末年镇压黄巾起义起家的董卓、挟天子以令诸侯的曹操;
    For example, the Eastern Han Dynasty in order to suppress the uprising started as Dong Zhuo Huangjin, Emperor of Cao Cao in order to make princes;

  • 当时,董卓专权,挟天子以令诸侯,大臣们敢怒不敢言,王允为此整天闷闷不乐。
    At that time, lu, carry venutian to take rulers, ministers dares to speak, for wrath WangYun downhearted all day.

  • 四大集团旗鼓相当,军事上袁强曹弱,政治上曹操“挟天子以令诸侯”,优于袁绍。
    Four well-matched group, Cao Yuan Qiang militarily weak and politically Caocao "With the Emperor as the feudal lords", superior to Yuan Shao.

  • 东汉时政治家、军事家、诗人,统一了北方、“挟天子以令诸侯”(奉天子以令不臣),戎马一生。
    The Eastern Han Dynasty statesman, military strategist and poet, the reunification of the north, "With the Emperor as leaders to make" (Feng-chen is not to make), the army horse life.

  • 东汉时政治家、军事家、诗人,统一了北方、“挟天子以令诸侯”(奉天子以令不臣),戎马一生。
    When the Eastern Han Dynasty statesman, military strategist and poet, the reunification of the north, "With the Emperor as leaders to make" (Feng-chen is not to make), the army horse life.

  • 由于具有上这些优势,同时他“挟天子以令诸侯”,在公元200年后,曹操陆续荡平了南方的割据势力。
    Because of these advantages, added to the fact that he had the Han emperor under his control , Cao Cao put down all the warlords one after another in the north after the Battle of Guandu in 200.

  • 挟天子以令诸侯造句相关
