
三人行,必有我师  sān rén xíng,bì yǒu wǒ shī







  • 孔子曰“三人行,则必有我师。”
    Confucius said,"There must be my teacher among three people."

  • 三人行必有我师”是孔子说的话。
    Confucius said Three walk,I have the devision.

  • 三人行必有我师
    Of three people,one can be my master.

  • 三人行必有我师
    Three person of lines,must have my teacher.

  • 笨人也可给智者出点子。(三人行必有我师矣。)
    A fool may give a wise man counsel.

  • 笨人也可给智者出点子。(三人行必有我师矣。)
    A fool may put somewhat in a wise man's head.

  • 体现出谦虚,孔夫子曾说:“三人行必有我师焉。”
    "3" reflects the modest,Confucius once said: "three lines,there must be my teacher behavior.

  • 另一句谚语又浮现在我的脑海里:“三人行必有我师”。
    Another proverb thus comes to mind: in the company of three one always can find a teacher.

  • 靠办学发了财的孔先生对它的学生说,“三人行必有我师“。
    "Three people line,necessarily have me the teacher" the student who depended to do to learn hair the bore Sir of wealth to it say,.

  • 孔夫子说的是“三人行必有我师焉。”“焉”在古文里才有。
    Confucius said,"Amongst three people walking,one can certainly be my teacher. "Yan" is only used in classical Chinese.

  • 子曰:“三人行必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。”
    Confucius said:"Three people together,there must someone better than me in some area. Learn his good side,remove the bad side."

  • 学习中是应该推行小组学习的方法,因为子说过“三人行必有我师焉”。
    Confucius said: "Reviewing what you have learned and learning anew,you are fit to be a teacher."

  • 安全技术从头学起,三人行必有我师,大家可以全无顾忌的讨论安全技术。
    Security technology from the school,my teacher must have three lines,we can not discuss about the security technology.

  • 孔子曰:“三人行,则必有我师。”老师和学生并没有什么不可逾越的界限。
    Confucius says,"Out of three men,there must be one that can teach me."

  • 三个人背对背,互相支持,取三人行必有我师之意,三角形也是团结的代表。
    Three people support each other by back to back,means "Among any three people walking,I will find something to learn for sure. " The Triangle also emblematize solidarity.

  • 三人行必有我师焉。人生事事都有明师可访求请益,不是只限于自己的职务而已。
    You can seek mentors in all aspects of your life,not just your work.

  • 我喜欢朋友,三人行必有我师。有机会通过网络结识各路英雄豪杰,是种很愉快的经历。
    I like the concept of friendship,and believe in two heads are better than one. It's a pleasant experience to get to know you here at AFF.

  • 交流中,李肇星表示“相信会从网民中学到许多东西”,他说,“我的那位古代同乡(孔子)曾说,三人行必有我师
    Exchanges,Li said,"I believe Internet users from secondary school to many things," he said,"I who Ancient Society (Confucius) said that there must be three lines I division.

  • 从前孔子说的“三人行必有我师”之意,也不一定是从正的一方面着想,反过来在负的一方面,也何尝不可以为鉴戒。
    However,it doesn't necessarily follow that one of the three is always a teacher by positive example; on the contrary,he could be a teacher by negative example for us to take warning from.

  • 学习本身就是一个不断提高自己、不断完善自己知识的过程,圣人都说“三人行,则必有我师”,况且还在求学中的学生。
    Study itself improve oneself,perfect one's own course of knowledge constantly constantly one,sage say " three people trip,must have I teacher",moreover also in student of of going to school.

  • 靠办学发了财的孔先生对它的学生说,“三人行必有我师“。可见他老人家的用心,不然的话,他会说,“三人行,必有灯泡“。
    "Three people line,necessarily have me the teacher" the student who depended to do to learn hair the bore Sir of wealth to it say,.

  • 因此转载过来,以为分享,也借以鼓励自己:它山之石,可以攻玉,三人行必有我师,一定要尽可能多的从更多的人身上吸收营养。
    I cited this article here to share,and to remind myself to learn as much as possible,to learn from whoever I knew.

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