
羊毛出在羊身上  yáng máo chū zài yáng shēn shàng






  • 但?羊毛出在羊身上?
    The wool leaves on the sheep body?

  • 羊毛出在羊身上
    the wool comes from the sheep.

  • 这就需要买房人好好盘算盘算,毕竟羊毛出在羊身上
    This requires getting a good feeling people get after all wool.

  • 这就是竞争时代的产物,这就是羊毛出在羊身上的本质。
    This is the product of the era of competition, this is simply nature.

  • 羊毛出在羊身上,你可以假设买家理智上可以选择不买,但这不现实。
    In the long run, you can assume can choose to be not bought on the reason that buy the home, but this is not actual.

  • 对于那些左翼政客们来说,答案非常明显:普通工人(羊毛出在羊身上^_^)。
    To a left-wing politician, the answer is obvious: the ordinary worker.

  • 俗语说:“羊毛出在羊身上”,此话用此虽说有些夸张,但也形象说明了这个问题。
    As the saying goes : "wool", his statement on this although some exaggeration, but also the image on the subject.

  • 然而实际上,这一返现是建立原价已经被调整的基础上,正所谓:羊毛出在羊身上
    However in fact, this returns presently is the establishment, in the initial cost was already adjusted in foundation, just so-called: The wool leaves on the chimera!

  • 即便是处于“降价潮头”的河西某楼盘,其降价多少也有些“羊毛出在羊身上”的意味。
    " Even in the "forefront price" of a real estate Hexi, the number of some its price, "you pay for whatever you".

  • 羊毛出在羊身上,移动才不会吃亏的哦。最好是打下客服热线1860,再转人工台问下吧。
    You pay for whatever you, move will not only suffer Oh. It is best to lay a customer service hotline 1860 and then artificial Taiwan, are you asked.

  • 而天天家园的销售主管毛智 民则一针见血地指,暗降其实是“羊毛出在羊身上”,意义不大。
    and every home for sale Maozhi China is sharply pointed out, Anxiang is "similar" and of little value.

  • 可问题是,羊毛出在羊身上,回扣就被纳入装饰品的成本计算中,消费者付的钱自然也要多了。
    May issue was passed, the rebate will be included in the form of cost, consumers pay more money to natural.

  • 实际上由于造价的提高,阳台的价格仍然是算成本之中的,羊毛出在羊身上,购房者照样掏钱。
    Indeed the cost of raising the price remains a balcony at the cost of the machine, property buyers still pay.

  • 最后,不要相信什么抽奖,不过是促销手段罢了,“羊毛出在羊身上”,最终吃亏的还是咱老百姓!
    finally, do not believe what a lucky draw, but it is only a means of promotion, "you pay for whatever you" and eventually lose the people or us!

  • 加上不断上升的劳动力价格,这些成本无疑最终都将落到消费者身上,真正是“羊毛出在羊身上”!
    In addition rises unceasingly the labor force price, these costs will fall without doubt finally to the consumer body on, is truly the wool leaves on the chimera!

  • 参观了多个展位后的赵小姐说,“送旅游、送家电、送装修,羊毛出在羊身上,还不如一步降到位。”
    " Visited the booth after a number of Miss Zhao said, "to send tourism, to send home appliances, decoration send, you pay for whatever you, not as step-down.

  • 其次,羊毛出在羊身上,开发商建豪华售楼处的巨额成本会打入住宅价格里去,无疑会增加业主的负担。
    Secondly, remember that developers build luxury residential sales offices huge costs into the prices go, it will undoubtedly increase the burden on the owners.

  • 事实上,房地产开发、土地占有的税费太多,羊毛出在羊身上”的前提下,造成了房价过高的直接结果。
    In fact, real estate development, land tenure taxes and fees too much, "comes" premise, created a direct result of high prices.

  • 穆先生手持一件紫色毛衣场:“羊毛出在羊身上,好好毛,好毛纺好线,穆牌毛衣,好毛好线更好!
    The Mu Sir's hand hold a purple sweater to appear:"the wool is on sheep's body, good sheep good hair, good hair Fang good line, the Mu sheep card sweater, sheep good hair good the line be better!"

  • 毕竟开发商把“精装房”作为新的赢利点的可能性还是很大的,羊毛出在羊身上,最终吃亏受累的还是消费者。
    After all, developer of the "hard room" as a new potential for profit is great, you pay for whatever you eventually lose the affected consumers.

  • 但其最大借款国中国现已成为其第三大资金供应国,因此就某种程度上来看,中国的借贷是“羊毛出在羊身上”。
    But its largest borrower, China, is now the bank's third largest provider of funds, so it is partly borrowing from itself.

  • 事实上,房地产开发、土地占有的税费太多,羊毛出在羊身上”的前提下,造成了目前房价过高的直接结果。
    In fact, real estate development, land tenure taxes and fees too much, "comes" premise, created a direct result of the current high prices.

  • 因而,以“物业管理零收费”作为卖点进行宣传,只是房产开发商的一种促销手段,其实质仍是羊毛出在羊身上
    Thus, a "zero property management fees" as a selling point for advocacy, property developers only a marketing tool, the essence of which remains huge.

  • 其实,智能化也好,数字化也罢,都只还是买房综合因素之一,因为,买家毕竟明白“羊毛出在羊身上”的道理。
    In fact, intelligent or digitized making, or buy a combination of factors only one, because, after all, understand that buyers "simply" truth.

  • 中国有一句老话“羊毛出在羊身上”,如果家装企业不把设计费用摊入成本,肯定不会自己印刷钞票交给设计中心。
    There is a Chinese saying : old saying "whatever", if not the design fee Tanru Jiezhuang enterprise cost and certainly not their printing banknotes to the design center.

  • 羊毛出在羊身上的道理恐怕无人不知,无论门槛增加多高,增加的最终还是开发成本,也就是售价可以含带的成本。
    Whatever the reason I am afraid no one knows, no matter how high the threshold increase, or increase the ultimate cost of development, that is the price to the cost of containing them.

  • 谁都知道“羊毛出在羊身上”的道理,所以观众听众看到这个新闻的第一反应就是———这些钱会转嫁到我们身上吗?
    Everybody knows " in the long run " truth, is the first response that so audience audience sees this news -- , are these money met does marry again arrive on our body?

  • 可是不少人只看到了眼前的实惠,拿了几个小钱就什么都忘了,实际上还是‘羊毛出在羊身上’,最终是人家干部有利。
    but many people only see the immediate benefits, took a few small money, forget about everything In fact, or 'you pay for whatever you', is ultimately beneficial to other cadres.

  • 一些开发商谈到,北京作项目费用大,办什么事情头绪很多,发展商想薄利多销都不可能,羊毛出在羊身上,最后都摊房价中。
    Some developers said that the cost of major projects in Beijing for, a lot of things around the situation, selling more at the developer can think, remember, the last in the field are assessed.

  • 市民担心的是,最终还会“羊毛出在羊身上”,所有为城市住宅建设而提取的每平方米20元“教育费”,最后全会转嫁到购房者头上。
    The fear is that eventually will "remember" for all urban residential construction and the extraction of 20 yuan per square metre "education fees", the final plenary onto property buyers head.

  • 羊毛出在羊身上造句相关
