
知其一,不知其二  zhī qí yī,bù zhī qí èr








  • 对于下中国象棋,你就只知其一不知其二了。
    Regarding Chinese Chess,you just have a one-sided view.

  • 任何事物都有两点:说只有一点,叫只知其一不知其二
    I know all about him. A nasty piece of work.

  • 毫无疑问的,这样对实际造成煞车抖动的原因只知其一不知其二
    The actual underlying causes of brake judder are,without a doubt,the most misunderstood aspect of automotive braking.

  • 多数人自以为了解质量是怎麽一回事,但是他们其实只知其一不知其二
    Most people think they know what mass is,but they understand only part of the story.

  • 不过看来你对医学和精神病学懂的不少。可惜的是,你只知其一不知其二
    Tell me what I did not know. I will not call you a psycho just because you tell me what I do not know.

  • 但是人们只知其一不知其二,谢文东又不是神仙,他事先怎么可能道飞机会发生事故呢?
    But people know it a,don't know it two,thank text east and isn't a fairy,how may the another matter know that the airplane would take place trouble first?

  • 但不少人只知其一不知其二。11日,苏女士就带着一家老小5人到市场科申请登记卖房。
    However,many people only knew one,I wonder if the other. 11,Ms So learnt to sit with a person to market Section 5 registration purchases.

  • 黑金刚摇头说:「你只知其一不知其二,文先生另有任务不说,对方对我们早已是严阵相待。
    Black King Kong shook his head,"You don't completely understand. Mr. Wen has his own mission. Besides,our opponent is ready and waiting for us. Mr."

  • 知其一不知其二,”常是影响学生正确理解会话含义的问题。在听力教学过程中,学生常常能听得清字面内容,而不理解话语的真正意图。
    The ESL students are frequently frustrated with the problem that they can get the literal meaning of words,but they cannot interpret the interactive purpose of the speaker in the utterance.

  • 知其一,不知其二造句相关
