
放之四海而皆准  fàng zhī sì hǎi ér jiē zhǔn








  • 您在学校学的那些文则并不是放之四海而皆准的。
    The rules of grammar that you learned in school are not universal.

  • 当然,这并不意味着这些国家的经验放之四海而皆准
    But that does not mean that any country can ditch selection and do as well.

  • 毫无疑问,针对任何问题并没有放之四海而皆准的理论;
    It is true that no theory explains everything there is to know about a topic.

  • 批评家困惑的是他的电影里有没有放之四海而皆准的信息。
    Critics wondered whether there was a general message in his films.

  • 我猜想那一句名言“草总是篱笆外的绿”真是放之四海而皆准
    I guess the saying "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" holds true even across the ocean.

  • 一个家财万贯的单身男人肯定会需要一位贤妻,这是放之四海而皆准的真理。
    It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

  • 这表明,新自由主义并不是西方国家所宣称的放之四海而皆准的“万灵药”。
    This makes clear, new latitudinarian not be western state institute allege universally applicable " catholicon " .

  • 假如让让你来判断保守党是否有一套放之四海而皆准的理论,他们似乎会让你失望的。
    If the Tories are to be judged on whether they have a theory of everything, they look like failing the test.

  • 因此,与碳捕获技术不同的是,二氧化碳储存技术不存在“放之四海而皆准”的规划方案。
    Thus, unlike capture technology, there is no "one size fits all" blueprint for carbon dioxide storage.

  • 安德森冒昧地刻意淡化其某些观点的意义和新奇性,企图表明“长尾巴”放之四海而皆准
    In trying to find long tails everywhere, Mr Anderson risks diluting some of his idea's meaning and novelty.

  • 方舟子:所谓西医,也就是现代医学,是医学科学,作为一门科学,就是放之四海而皆准的。
    Fang Zhouzi: Western medicine, ie. modern medicine, is a kind of medical science which is the proper size to fit all.

  • 这些策略并不试图放之四海而皆准,不是供名人广告应用时照搬的教条,是供参考的原则。
    These principles don"t want to be a universal one; they are not the dogma used in celebrity advertisement but the principles can be consulted."

  • 苏联十月革命和中国革命的成功则进一步证明了这一思想体系“放之四海而皆准”的实践性。
    The October Revolution and the Chinese revolution, the Soviet Union's success is further proof of this ideology, "one size fits all" practicality.

  • 在我心目中,人,才是根本,一切方法都是考察和选择的对象,没有绝对正确的放之四海而皆准的方法。
    In my view, man is the basis for examiningchoosing any learning methods, there isn't such an absolutely correct method being valid everywhere.

  • 在我心目中,人,才是根本,一切方法都是考察和选择的对象,没有绝对正确的放之四海而皆准的方法。
    If a learning method is used by someone unnaturally even painfully, we should conclude that this method is unsuitable for him.

  • 在我心目中,人,才是根本,一切方法都是可以考察和选择的对象,没有绝对正确的放之四海而皆准的方法。
    In my view, only man is the basis for examining and choosing any learning methods, and there isn't such an absolutely correct method being valid everywhere.

  • 以上就是我的七条炒股经验,这些经验并不是放之四海而皆准的真理,要根据经济形势的变化不断进行修正。
    These are my seven stocks experience which is not a universal truth, and according to the changing economic situation, it has been amended.

  • “应该根据各国的实际情况和需要具体制定方法,一个“放之四海而皆准”的方法是无法推进问题的解决的”他说。
    "This has to be tailored to country needs based on their resources. A one-size-fits-all solution is not going to be the way tomoe forward, " he said.

  • 虽然要形成放之四海而皆准的标也许永远只是镜中花,水中月,但人们也不可能永远处于一种摸着石头过河的阶段。
    Although the standard may be applicable to a just man, the water, but people can not always be in a conscience for stones to cross the river stage.

  • 因为放之四海而皆准的理论告诉我们,那种生产过剩并不是真的超过了人们的需要,只不过是超出了有支付能力的需求。
    Because universal theory tells us that is not really the kind of overproduction over the needs of the people, have the capacity to pay is only exceeded demand.

  • 数学规律,从古至今,放之四海而皆准。欧几里德、欧拉,以及其他数学家们,发现了这些规律,然后用文字表达出来。
    Mathematical laws are universal and have remained unchanged since the beginning of time. Euclid, Euler and all the others discovered and put into words things that were already there.

  • “找到合适的人才,让他们施展自己的才华”是一条放之四海而皆准的优秀管理原则,对于追求知识言更是再适用不过。
    "Find good people and let them get on with it" is a good management principle everywhere, but nowhere more than in the pursuit of knowledge.

  • 随着金融危机对经济影响的深入,企业需要进一步调整和优化人力资源的配置,人才管理的策略亦不再放之四海而皆准
    The current economic downturn and underlying talent shortage are impacting the way companies allocate and optimize their workforce. Talent management strategies are no longer one-size-fits-all.

  • 虽然色彩带来的感觉可能因人异,在不同的文化背景中也有不同的涵义,但是人们对某些颜色影响的界定还是放之四海而皆准的。
    While perceptions of color are rather subjective, and have different meanings in various cultures, some colours affect us in a similar way.

  • 虽然色彩带来的感觉可能因人异,在不同的文化背景中也有不同的涵义,但是人们对某些颜色影响的界定还是放之四海而皆准的。
    While perceptions of color are rather subjective, and have different meanings in various cultures, some colours affect us in a similar way. The human eye sees warm colours before cool hues.

  • 有关性健康的这些定义的正确性可能不是放之四海而皆准的和永恒的,但是这些性健康的定义所揭示的理想目前对于我们的社会具有一定的价值。
    These definitions may not be universally and eternally valid, but the ideal they proclaim has some value for our own society at the present time.

  • 我、本人、我的、自己的……惟一值得使用这些词的事物,是那些放之四海而皆准的优秀品质,我们却往往不能将这些品质与“我”联系起来。
    the only things that enable worthwhile uses of these words are the universal good qualities which we are not too often able to place with them—faith, trust, love, responsibility, regret, knowledge.

  • 你最不想看到光猪的往往就是那些有裸体嗜好的人,那些粗手笨脚、肌肉松软或肌肉下垂的人,还包括德国人,这简直成了放之四海而皆准的真理。
    It's a universal truism that the people you least want to see naked are precisely the ones most anxious to get naked: the lumpy, the flabby, the saggy, the Germans. The thing is that St.

  • 方舟子:所谓西医,也就是现代医学,是医学科学,作为一门科学,就是放之四海而皆准的。既然物理、化学、生物学都适合中国人,为什么医学科学就不适合中国人呢?
    Fang: the so-called Western medicine, that is, modern medicine, medical science, as a science is universal. Physics, chemistry, biology for the Chinese, Western medicine Why not Chinese?

  • 在社会上能出人头地(语境有些不妥,有“要做人上人”意)/有所作为(取得长足进步)的方法唯有读书破万卷、受教有方加上勤学苦练。我相信这些放之四海而皆准/通行天下。
    The way to the advancement in society is through books and education, as well as hard work. I believe these principles hold time for everyone and everywhere.

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