
山雨欲来风满楼  shān yǔ yù lái fēng mǎn lóu








  • 山雨欲来风满楼房价“涨声”还能响多久?
    The coming storm In real "price of" can ring for?

  • 腾讯体育讯米兰德比战已经山雨欲来风满楼了。
    Leapt news sports news Milan Derby to fight already the blowing up for rain.

  • 山雨欲来风满楼
    The turbulent wind precedes the mountain storm.

  • 这轮极端的下跌行情之前,市场早就山雨欲来风满楼
    This round of extreme market fell before the market has long been an atmosphere of the wind tower.

  • 而中国在1965年也已经显出了“山雨欲来风满楼”的征兆。
    In 1965, China has also been showing the "atmosphere of the wind over flat" signs.

  • 物业税的征收进程似乎加快了许多,一时间,山雨欲来风满楼
    It seems that the property tax collection process many a time, The coming storm In.

  • 传言和恐慌充斥着金融领域,大有一种山雨欲来风满楼的氛围。
    In the world of financial stocks, fear and rumor have the upper hand.

  • 影片的开场将“山雨欲来风满楼”的氛围营造得还是非常成功的。
    Movie beginning "blowing up for rain" the atmosphere builds is successful.

  • 山雨欲来风满楼”,这句话用在当下房地产市场一点都不为过。
    "The coming storm In", the phrase used in the current real estate market is not an exaggeration.

  • 山雨欲来风满楼”,业界人士纷纷预言:CBD将有一场龙虎斗。
    "The coming storm In" industry have predicted : CBD will be a Longhudou.

  • 山雨欲来风满楼”,用这句话形容当前北京楼市是最恰当不过了。
    "The coming storm In", the phrase used to describe the current property market in Beijing is the most fitting.

  • 山雨欲来风满楼,是否能躲得过这场大风大雨,更多取决于企业的作为。
    Shan Yu is about to come wind full building, whether can hide so that cross this gale heavy rain, more depends on of the enterprise as.

  • 身处房地产调控风口浪尖的北京房地产市场,已是“山雨欲来风满楼”。
    In real estate regulation tuyere Langjian Beijing real estate market is "The coming storm In."

  • 环顾今天的北京房地产市场,可谓“山雨欲来风满楼,黑云压城城欲摧”。
    Looking at today's real estate market in Beijing, said "The coming storm In, though pressure chambers to destroy."

  • 但至少,面对“山雨欲来风满楼”式的房价上涨,政府的警告是理智和清醒的。
    But at least, in the face of "The coming storm In" type of housing prices, the government is sensible and sober warning.

  • 年是互联网神话破灭后最寒冷的一年,整个行业弥漫着山雨欲来风满楼的慌乱与不安。
    In the Internet myth is shattered after the coldest of the year, the industry as a whole filled with an atmosphere of the tower of the confusion winds and uncertainty.

  • “国六条”让央行加息之后刚刚松了一口气的开发商们又感到了山雨欲来风满楼的压力。
    "six States" just breathe a sigh of relief for the central bank to increase interest rates after the developers have also felt the The coming storm In pressure.

  • 第一片乌云是美国持续恶化的金融危机,让李彦宏体会到一种“山雨欲来风满楼”的凉意。
    The first film is a dark cloud of the United States continued deterioration of the financial crisis, so that Li realized that a kind of "an atmosphere of the wind tower"铳笽taly.

  • 在十二个月之前的巴黎,随着雷曼兄弟公司的倒闭,汽车行业胆战心惊——山雨欲来风满楼
    Twelve months ago in Paris, in the wake of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the mood was dread—the knowledge that something terrible was about to happen.

  • 《参考消息?北京参考》:许多人感到这场调控可不是“山雨欲来风满楼”,雨点已经下来了。
    the "reference sources, Beijing reference" : Many people feel that this regulation is not "The coming storm In" raindrop already down.

  • 实际上,次贷危机山雨欲来风满楼的急剧恶化,从某种程度上看就是信心马其诺防线大崩溃的结果。
    In fact, at loan-to-air atmosphere of crisis over the floor, a sharp deterioration, to some extent, from confident to see that the collapse of large Maginot Line.

  • 渐渐地,越来越多的人被淘汰掉,有种山雨欲来风满楼的感觉,现在回想起来,觉得那时安静得可怕。
    Gradually, more and more people fall out, kind of an atmosphere of the feeling of the wind tower, now in retrospect, feel that time was terrible quiet.

  • 最近几个月,普润、汉宇、顺驰等新成立的房产中介公司强势进入市场,大有“山雨欲来风满楼”之势。
    In recent months, Purun, Han Yu, Shun Chi, the new intermediary companies strong property market, a "The coming storm In" tendency.

  • 不言自明,“问责风暴”一词虽系新造,但不可不谓传神地描绘了中国当下“山雨欲来风满楼”的政坛生态。
    Obviously, although "the accountability storm" a word is the reforger, but cannot not say described China expressively immediately "the blowing up for rain" the political ecology.

  • 美国市场的销量占到整个丰田汽车集团的三分之一,这一重大打击让丰田感受到“山雨欲来风满楼”的恐惧。
    S. market sales accounted for the entire one-third of Toyota Motor Group, the major blow to allow Toyota to feel "atmosphere of the wind tower, " the fear of violence.

  • 欲说还“休”山雨欲来风满楼——从湖南卫视“超女快男”的赛制设置看“悬念”在选秀类节目中的战略意义。
    On Significant Suspense Effect on TV Program Taking Competition System of "Super Girls' Voice" and "Happy Boys' Voice", Two Large-draft-programs in Hunan TV Station as an Example.

  • 一时间,山雨欲来风满楼,作为中国金融业中流砥柱的四大商行,如何勤练“内功”、抵御“外敌”,成了理论界、银行业共同关心的话题。
    The tide of afflux of foreign banks is higher than that happened before, which makes the topic that how the Chinese four state-owned commercial banks face the challenger become the hottest one.

  • 以往都是北京业内、业外人士自己说自己,此次我们可以看看已经走过风霜雪雨的上海地产业内人士是怎么样看山雨欲来风满楼的京城楼市的。
    Beijing in the past are, he says he lay, we can look at the coast of Shanghai has traversed wind and frost estate industry is looking at how The coming storm In the capital market.

  • 南面的山脚下是红楼,是袁世凯、黎元洪称帝时的总督府。虽说是“山雨欲来风满楼”,但霸王之气还是咄咄逼人,红墙飞檐,使人望而生畏。
    Red building is below the foot of a hill south, it is the governor government office when Yuan Shikai, Li Yuanhong weighs the Supreme Being.

  • 它意义非凡,因为它是当地的第一次,并首次以世俗市民为主体,而不是巴基斯担的永远无法停止愤怒的穆斯林狂热者。一周之后,卡拉奇市已是山雨欲来风满楼
    It was also the first by secular citizens, as opposed to Pakistan's ever-livid Muslim zealots A week later, the repercussions were felt in Karachi.

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