
胜不骄,败不馁  shèng bù jiāo,bài bù něi








  • 作为亲善大使,你们应胜不骄败不馁
    As ambassadors of goodwill,you will be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

  • 在运动场上我们能够学到胜不骄败不馁
    In sports fields we can learn to win without pride and lose with grace.

  • 胜不骄败不馁,这需要莫大的仁慈和勇气。
    It takes kindness and courage to win and lose gracefully.

  • 一个人要学会奋力拼搏,但要公平竞争,要胜不骄败不馁
    One learns to fight hard but fight fair,to win without pride and to lose with grace .

  • 胜不骄败不馁,顽强拼搏,争创第一”是他们的共同心声。
    "Not be conceited,defeat is not hungry,tenacious struggle and striving for first" is their common aspiration.

  • 他的父亲继续说:『胜不骄败不馁,这需要莫大的仁慈和勇气。
    His father continued,"It takes kindness and courage to win and lose gracefully."

  • 多米诺骨牌堆积,让我们体会胜不骄败不馁的道理,学会了做事的细心与耐心;
    The dominoes stack,lets us realize that wins is not arrogant defeats not the hungry truth,has learned care which and the impatience works;

  • 因此,生活中,任尔东西南北风,我乃稳坐钓鱼台,胜不骄败不馁,心静则体健。
    Therefore,the life,any east-west wind Seoul,I was tight in the Diaoyutai,not arrogant victory,defeat is not hungry,calm the body health.

  • 因此,生活中,任尔东西南北风,我乃稳坐钓鱼台,胜不骄败不馁,心静则体健。
    Thus,in life,he served as Seoul East and West winds,I is sit back,victory is not arrogance,defeat is not hungry,calm the mind,the body health.

  • 我一定胜不骄败不馁,脚塌实地用自己的行动感动自己,感动老师,感动父母,感动上苍。
    I will surely "never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat",to move myself,my teachers,my parents and God.

  • 不怕山高路远,胜不骄败不馁,在汹涌澎湃的经济大潮中乘长风,破巨浪,直挂云帆济沧海。
    We don't fear high mountains and long roads,and we neither are dizzy with success nor lose heart because of failure and ride the wind and break the waves in turbulent economic tide in full sail.

  • 但在传统上,最能抓住英国人心的不是失败,而是“输得起的人”??能够胜不骄败不馁的竞争者。
    But traditionally it is not the failure who most captures the British heart but the good sport the competitor willing to accept victory or defeat with equal geniality.

  • 但在传统上,最能抓住英国人心的不是失败,而是“输得起的人”——能够胜不骄败不馁的竞争者。
    But traditionally it is not the failure who most captures the British heart but the good sporthe competitor willing to accept victory or defeat with equal geniality.

  • 输赢是常有的事,要胜不骄败不馁,用平常心看待,做到友谊第一,比赛第二,做笑到最后的那个人。
    Winning is often the case,the proud to lose with grace,with ease,accomplish friendship first,competition second,make the person has the last laugh.

  • 这就是马刺队为什么一直这么好,因为他们胜不骄败不馁,他们谦虚,他们互相尊重团结。我想我们有必要来复制他们的胜利。
    That's why the Spurs have always been so good is because they've been able to be successful and still keep that same appreciation and humility that I think is necessary to replicate success.

  • 在要使性格有所发展并非简单之事,只有通过艰难和困苦的磨练才能使心灵强化,视野开阔,雄心振奋,从而达到成功的目的。2。胜不骄败不馁
    the development of a person's character is not a easy thing,just pay more effort so that you can open up your eyes and reached goal 2.

  • 胜不骄,败不馁造句相关
