
如入无人之境  rú rù wú rén zhī jìng








  • 升虚邑。【白话】九三,上升到空旷的城邑,如入无人之境
    Nine in the third place means: One pushes upward into an empty city.

  • 相反,维吾尔族小偷在全国各主要城市的街上行窃如入无人之境
    On the contrary, Uyghur thieves burglary in the streets almost all major cities in the country just like there are no one.

  • 观众看到球员们不顾一切的穿过球场,疯狂的奔跑就像是如入无人之境
    players have been observed to throw themselves across the court without considering the consequences that such a move might have on anyone in their way.

  • 而罗本则在左路如入无人之境,连续数次从相同的位置突破成功完成射门。
    And Robben in the left if no one of the habitats, for a number of breakthroughs from the same location the successful completion of shooting.

  • 今夏新近加盟的西班牙边翼里埃拉一次次在曼联右边路从容突破下底,如入无人之境
    This summer recently allied in the Spanish side wing a Ella time under the Manchester United right sidewalk calm breakthrough the bottom, meets no resistance.

  • 他能否用一个转向运球摆脱他的防守球员并且像如入无人之境的那样把球送进篮筐得分?
    Would he lose his defenders on a spin-dribble and drop the ball in the hoop like he was the only one on the court?

  • 其二,这几个不名身份的黑衣人是何顺利闯电子监控森严的小区,且如入无人之境
    Second, these people are not members of the black clothing was how smoothly into the area of electronic surveillance divided, and no one in the territory as?

  • 艾文:你把“资讯王”的订阅卖得如入无人之境。而我们甚至连能用的样品都还没着落呢。
    Elvin: You're selling InfoKing subscriptions like nobody's business. And we don't even have a working demo yet.

  • 阿什利·科尔在杰拉德内切腾出的空间内如入无人之境,因为马里奥·曼季茹基奇的活动区域过于狭窄了。
    Ashley Cole was free to move into space vacated by Gerrard as Mario Mandzukic played too narrow.

  • 小而快的布鲁克斯运球如入无人之境,突破、远投、分球样样得心应手,仅此节他独得11分,拉开了比分。
    Brooks's small and quick dribble like entering an unpeopled land, the breakthrough shot, everything handy-point shot, only this section, he scored 11 points, opened the score.

  • 看看他在对俄罗斯的第二粒球,在禁区里如入无人之境—但这恰恰是技巧所在,不是所有人都可以做到的。
    Look at his second goal against Russia, there didn't seem to be anyone around him in the area. But that's a knack, it doesn't happen to everyone.

  • 他所作的曲子巧妙地融合了古典与现代,诡变多端,又毫无凿痕,行云流水如入无人之境,完全超出常人的想象。
    Melodies he made dexterously combines class and modern elements. With much changes while none traces, his melodies like floating clouds and flowing water, which is beyond imagination of common people.

  • 在谢泼德所处的时代,强盗在光天化日、众目睽睽下拦路抢劫,还大摇大摆、得意洋洋地招摇过市,如入无人之境
    In Sheppard's day highwaymen committed robberies in broad daylight, in sight of a crowd, and rode solemnly and triumphantly through the town without danger of molestation.

  • “我对此毫无办法,因为你不能让其他球员如入无人之境般轻松带球上篮,轻松投篮,轻松扣篮,”爵士教练杰里斯隆说:“我们能做的是要尽最大的努力打出高命中率。”
    "I'd like to go crazy, but you can't give (other) guys lay ups, easy shots, stuff like that, " Jazz coach Jerry Sloan said. "We try to play the percentages in basketball as much as you can.

  • 如入无人之境造句相关
