
放长线钓大鱼  fáng cháng xiàn diào dà yú







  • 放长线钓大鱼。呵呵,中文的说法更丰富!
    You let the small fish go to catch the big fish.

  • 本次签约的一些项目意在“放长线钓大鱼”。
    this contract projects intended to "throwing a long line to catch a big fish."

  • 放长线钓大鱼,这是被大多数论坛采用的一种方法。
    Put long term angle big fish, this is a kind of method that is used by most forum.

  • 放长线钓大鱼
    Long Distance Casting, Get Bigger Fish?

  • 面对遍布荆棘的婚姻之路,你可以耐下性子,放长线钓大鱼
    You can take the time to casually wade through the barracuda-infested waters of the dating pool and set your hook for the prize catch.

  • 面对遍布荆棘的婚姻之路,你可以耐下性子,放长线钓大鱼
    You can take the time to casually wade through the barracuda-infested waters of the datie pool and set your hook for the prize catch.

  • 要像《三国演义》中诸葛亮在草庐里纵观天下般“放长线钓大鱼”。
    Like Liang of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, " in cottage where we can look at the world as "a long line to catch big fish.

  • 长线钓鱼,就是放长线钓大鱼,这是被大多数论坛采用的一种方法。
    Long term fishing, put namely long term angle big fish, this is a kind of method that is used by most forum.

  • 丹尼经常意气用事,有时也会操之过急,因而在他成为放长线钓大鱼的高手之前,还得好好学会如何耐心行事。
    Often impulsive, occasionally over-eager, Danny had to learn to be patient before he could become skilled in the ways of the long con.

  • 但对于消费者而言,此时的价格已走高,因此,一些眼光独到的投资客和商家早已将目光瞄准一些销售良好的规模型大盘,开始放长线钓大鱼
    But for consumers, at a time when prices are high, some whose vision and business investment-will look at some long good scale retail sales began throwing a long line to catch a big fish.

  • 放长线钓大鱼造句相关
