
生米煮成熟饭  shēng mǐ zhǔ chéng shú fàn






  • 生米已经煮成熟饭,进言时已晚。
    When a thing is done, advice comes too late.

  • 现在合同已签了。真是木已成舟,生米煮成熟饭,只好如此了。
    As the contract has been signed, what's done is done and can't be undone.

  • 这件事已经生米煮成熟饭了,你应该勇敢的面对现实,思量解决之道。
    What's done is done . You should bravely face reality, and think of a solution.

  • 在飞机上小德华用中文问了她妈妈最后一个问题:什么是生米煮成熟饭
    Aboard small De Hua asked her mom the last question with Chinese: What is to give birth to rice to already cooked mature meal?

  • 若果任违法行为“生米煮成熟饭”,让其挣得存资格,恐怕也没有多少理性的市民赞同。
    If any violations "Martin", earned him survive qualifications perhaps little reason the public.

  • 因为广大购房人一般不会在半夜三更上网查看交易结果,等到第二天早就老母鸡变鸭,生米煮成熟饭了。
    Because the broad masses of people in general will not purchase online in late at night to see the results of transactions until the next day the old hen has changed ducks, Martin.

  • 有知情人讲,潘石屹想赶紧把生米煮成熟饭,造成既定事实,以确保建外SOHO在CBD详规中被确认。
    There are insider said that she would like to Panshiyi Martin establish a fait accompli in the CBD to ensure that detailed regulations 建外SOHO been confirmed.

  • 这是必要的,虽然提比略在家族里已经没有什么竞争对手了,然而元老院有可能不会承认他的地位,这时生米煮成熟饭无疑是上策。
    This was necessary because, although he no longer had a rival within the family, the senate might not confirm for him the unofficial position that Augustus had held.

  • 生米煮成熟饭造句相关
