
打肿脸充胖子  dǎ zhǒng liǎn chōng pàng zī






  • “他真会打肿脸充胖子!”
    “He's just making himself look fat by slapping his own face!”

  • 他这个人总是喜欢打肿脸充胖子
    He always did like this to pretend to be a wealthy man.

  • 打肿脸充胖子,吃亏的是自己。
    If you get beyond your depth, you'll suffer.

  • 打肿脸充胖子,吃亏是自己。
    If you get beyond your depth, you will suffer.

  • 打肿脸充胖子,吃亏是自己。
    If you get beyond your depth, you'll suffer.

  • 打肿脸充胖子,吃亏是自己。
    If you get beyond your depth, you' ll suffer.

  • 打肿脸充胖子吃亏是自己。
    If you get beyond your depth, you will suffer.

  • 人家都知道我们快破产了,何必还打肿脸充胖子
    There is no point in keeping up appearances when everyone knows we are nearly bankrupt .

  • 人家都知道我们快破产了,何必还打肿脸充胖子
    There's no point in keeping up appearances when everyone knows we're nearly bankrupt.

  • 许多人认为,英国该停止打肿脸充胖子,故作繁忙了。
    Many maintain that Britain should give up the pretence of being a busy power.

  • 在这种情况下,买房盲目追大、求洋只能是打肿脸充胖子
    In such circumstances, blindly chasing big purchases, and foreign forces can only.

  • 简总是喜欢光鲜的服装和宝石,可实际上她只是在打肿脸充胖子
    Jane always love beautiful clothes and jewelery but in fact she is big hat, no cattle.

  • 但实际投资盈利并不乐观,大部分公司都是为了支撑销售而“打肿脸充胖子”。
    But the actual investment profit is not optimistic, the majority of companies are to support the sale, but injures oneself in putting on a vain show.

  • 俄罗斯没有解决不了的问题,但这需要一贯的政策和开诚布公的精神,打肿脸充胖子没用。
    None of Russia's problems is unsolvable, but all require strategy and transparency rather than overconfident rhetoric.

  • 在上海人心目中,如果是住着一室一厅,而出门却开着私家车,简直是“打肿脸充胖子”。
    Shanghai people in the eyes, if lived Yishiyiting, but your car and home, is simply "doing."

  • 安迪总是在他新女友面前装作是百万富翁。但是他只是普通公职人员---这真是所谓的打肿脸充胖子
    Andy always shows up as a millionaire in front of his new G. F. but he's just a nine-to-fiver---this is so said big hat, no cattle.

  • 像是一个打肿脸充胖子的人,表面风光无限,却有苦说不出,可能更悲哀的是,自己都不觉得难堪,还悠哉悠哉。
    For example, a word of infinite surface scenery, but say, may be more sad is that they do not feel embarrassed, hanging loose.

  • 安迪经常在他新交的女朋友面前装成百万富翁,实际上他只不过是一个朝九晚五的工薪族,这真是打肿脸充胖子
    Andy always shows up as a millionaire in front of his new G. F. but he's just a nine-to-fiver—this is so said big hat, no cattle!

  • 而且,硬着头皮吃下这“天价”的土地后,往往还得“打肿脸充胖子”,说“这个地价不高不高,这个项目利润大着呢”。
    Moreover, the struggle caused the "price" of land, often still "trying", said "the premium is not dependent, the project qualifies big profits.

  • 打肿脸充胖子造句相关
