
反其道而行之  fǎn qí dào ér xíng zhī






  • 过去欧冠赛场的国际米兰,却反其道而行之
    Past Inter Milan Champions League games, but the opposite direction.

  • 为什么现在会出现“反其道而行之”的怪现象呢?
    Why now will be "contrary" to the strange phenomenon?

  • 你们不先生产国民最需要的东西,却反其道而行之
    Instead of beginning with the things the nation needs most, you are beginning at just the opposite end.

  • 成功的关键就是注意别人都在干什么然后反其道而行之
    The key to success is to notice what everyone else is doing and do the opposite.

  • 许多呼吁金融市场管制的学者在自己的系里却反其道而行之
    Many academics who cry out for the regulation of financial markets vehemently oppose it in their own departments.

  • 虽然删除是反其道而行之,它删除应用/游戏图标从您的菜单。
    While remove is doing the opposite, it remove the application/game icon from your menu.

  • 以一个奇怪的,反其道而行之的角度来看,这也未尝没有道理。
    In a strange, backhanded sort of way, that seems to make sense.

  • 在许多国家竭尽全力要助工业一臂之力之际,中国正反其道而行之
    While many nations are straining every sinew to give industry a leg-up, China is doing the opposite.

  • 但笔者却反其道而行之,提出了“重装修,轻装饰”的崭新设计理念。
    But I will do the opposite. Proposed "re-decoration, light decoration" a new design concept.

  • 在任何企业中的好的经验法则是少说大话,多做实事而不是反其道而行之
    A good rule of thumb in any business is to under promise and overdeliver instead of doing the opposite.

  • 我们是唯一一支反其道而行之的球队:人们前往球场,就是为了观看米兰。
    Our team is very competitive and will remain so, but Beckham is something different and intriguing.

  • 就在墨西哥城变得更加自由的同时,这个国家的其他地方却在反其道而行之
    As Mexico City liberalises, much of the rest of the country is moving in the opposite direction.

  • 英国就此事将会反其道而行之,因为他们认为开放的市场对双方都是必需的。
    Britain will take the opposite view, arguing for open markets as desirable in themselves.

  • 电视剧《宋飞传》 的粉丝们将会清楚地记得讲“反其道而行之”的那一集。
    The Seinfeld fans out there will clearly recognize the reference to "the opposite" episode.

  • 他说,“我们应从伊拉克撤军,而不是反其道而行之(而不是与之背道而驰)。
    "We should be bringing our troops out of Iraq, not the other way around, " he said.

  • 丰田则反其道而行之,开发小型节能车,特别是被美国不看好的电油混合动力车型。
    On the contrary, TOYOTA exploit small energy saving car, especially electricity-oil mixing power car type that haven't good view in America.

  • 当法院反其道而行之时,他们等于在向政府颁发肆意侵犯私有土地所有者权利的许可证。
    When courts hold to the contrary, they give the government license to infringe the rights of private landowners willy-nilly.

  • 然,民主之治反其道而行之,笃信上帝之神赋民众以自由并正义,人世间诸君生而平等。
    The other system is based on the conviction that freedom is the universal gift of Almighty God, and that liberty and justice light the path to peace.

  • 但政府常常是反其道而行之,比如它救助了国家支持的航空公司,而任由民营航空公司破产。
    But the government has often moved in the opposite direction: For instance, it bailed out state-backed airlines while letting their private competitors fail.

  • 我们需要利用我们的本能来训练我们战斗的方式,而不是反其道而行之,在压力下搞精准射击。
    We need to train the way we fight, and that is instinctively. Work with your natural responses to stress, not against them with sighted fire.

  • 但在经历过多次经济危机后,有些公司这次“反其道而行之”,把裁员潮看成淘人才、练内功的好机会。
    But after the economic crisis has had on many occasions, for some companies, this time against the " go ", layoffs aquatic as mimotope people, a good opportunity for self-strengthening.

  • 正如移民专家伊莲娜蒂乌尤卡诺娃所说,“政府的‘右手’放开了移民政策,‘左手’却反其道而行之。”
    As Elena Tyuryukanova, a migration expert, says, the "right hand of government is liberalising the law, and the left hand is doing the opposite. ""

  • 正如移民专家伊莲娜?蒂乌尤卡诺娃所说,“政府的‘右手’放开了移民政策,‘右手’却反其道而行之。”
    As Elena Tyuryukanova, a migration expert, says, (4)the "right hand of government is liberalising the law, and the left hand is doing the opposite. ""

  • 我曾经坐在这儿什么也不做,然后在余下的一天里对此感到后悔,所以现在我反其道而行之,我会做一些事情。
    I used to sit here and do nothing, and regret it for the rest of the day, so now I will do the opposite, and I will do…something.

  • 尤其是那些炒作越是厉害,投机比例越是高,准备脱逃数量越大的楼盘,涨幅最为明显,完全来一个反其道而行之
    Especially those more serious speculation, the proportion of the more speculative high for the greater number of projects nationwide, the most obvious increase is completely contrary to one!

  • 事实上,在《孙子兵法》中,往往有对“背道而驰”的经典应用,最简单的“空城计”就是一个反其道而行之的案例。
    In fact, in the "Art of War" often have to "run counter to" the classic application of the simplest "of city" is an opposite case.

  • 这个主意(指“反其道而行之”,译者注)很诚实、很直接,并因采取的是一种人们不太习惯的方式而使他们感到惊奇。
    The idea is to be honest, direct and surprise people by taking an approach that they're not used to seeing.

  • 反其道而行之。”许多人陷入前门拥挤慌乱的人群中难以脱身。妳不妨径直走向后门,那里有代表们在等候来访者的出现。
    Start in the back. Many people get stuck in the stampede at the front. Make your way to the back where there are representatives waiting for someone to appear.

  • 非人类中心主义则反其道而行之,努力要证明自然存在物是道德主体,拥有道德地位,人类对自然存在物负有直接的道德义务。
    Anthropocentrism believes that natural objects own no moral position and no moral subject, consequently mankind carries no direct moral obligations to nature.

  • 银行、法律事务所以及政府部门依然是“您”的领域。然而在一些推崇平等主义的公司里,比如瑞典的宜家,则反其道而行之
    Banks, law firms and ministries remain bastions of Sie, though egalitarian companies like Sweden's IKEA have converted to du.

  • 反其道而行之造句相关
