
天伦之乐  tiān lún zhī lè








  • 那位老人家正享受着融融的天伦之乐
    That old man is basking in the love of his family.

  • 在法国和英国,早餐是一种天伦之乐
    In France and Britain, breakfast is a family affair.

  • 罗夫希望多花一些时间和家人共享天伦之乐
    Rove says he wants to spend more time with his family.

  • 这也是我们与儿子共享天伦之乐的最好机会。
    It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son.

  • 但同时一家人在一起的天伦之乐又是飞常幸福的。
    While at the same time I experience a lot of fun being together with my family.

  • 鸟要有巢,人要有家,如果夫妻子女各居一方,何来天伦之乐?
    Birds have nests; people have homes. If family members live far apart, how can they have a happy family life?

  • 鸟要有巢,人要有家。如果夫妻子女各居一方,何来天伦之乐
    Birds have nests; people have homes. If family members live far away from each other, how can they enjoy a happy family life?

  • 美兆让林庆山不但收入倍增,还有更多时间与家人享受天伦之乐
    MJ gave Qing-Shan Lin not only duplicate income but also more time to enjoy family happiness.

  • 退休,对有些人来说是天伦之乐,而对有些人来说可谓是噩梦一场。
    Retirement from work is a dream to some; a nightmare to others.

  • 而在异国,或者说在我曾经呆过的那些地方,我并没享受到天伦之乐
    When you're in another country, or in the state I was in, I didn't enjoy my family.

  • 您还记得您遣送两千宫女回家吧?我过去的侍女已经有两个孩子了,尽享天伦之乐
    Remember you released two thousand palace maids? My old maid has two boys now, she is so happy.

  • 卢瑟福相信,如果科学家傍晚和家人一起享受天伦之乐,经常度假,他们将更具创造力。
    Rutherford believed that scientists were more creative if they spent evenings relaxing with their families and enjoyed frequent holidays.

  • 重视家庭生活的徐中雄,自参选以来,每天早出晚归,已经很久没有时间享受天伦之乐了。
    Shyu, who places great emphasis on his family life, has been out the door early and home late ever since the election, and hasn't had the chance to enjoy his family in a long time.

  • 百丽厨柜,让您更贴恋厨房生活,更贴近天伦之乐……领略“幸福常在”,体会幸福无处不在。
    BELE Kitchen lets you love the life of kitchen and create better family relationship…appreciate "Happiness always exits", and taste happiness everywhere.

  • 其二则可能是人们将金钱全部取出用于消费,从而不得不找工作,放弃退休或与儿女共享天伦之乐
    The evisceration of their wealth may have led people to look for work rather than retire or stay at home with the children.

  • 他告诉他的老板预备离开建筑业的打算,他说他想和他的妻子过一种更休闲的生活,享受天伦之乐
    He told his employer contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life.

  • 他告诉他的老板他准备离开建筑业的打算,他说他想和他的妻子过一种更休閒的生活,享受天伦之乐
    He told his employer contracter of his plans to leave the building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extened family .

  • 他在有些人眼中也许是超人,但他的体能已随着年纪渐长而走下坡,于是他决定趁早退休,以便享受天伦之乐
    He might be Superman to some, but his body is catching up with his age and he opted to get out with plenty of time to enjoy his family.

  • 于是,他跟雇主——一个承包商说了他的退休计划:退出建筑业,和妻子一起过些舒适的生活,享受天伦之乐
    He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisurely life with his wife and enjoy his extended family.

  • 回国后,他义不容辞地担当起照顾年迈的姥姥和姨姥的责任, 让他们的晚年没有孤独的感觉。尽享天伦之乐
    Since he returned home, he's taken of the responsibility of caring for his aged grandma and her sister, replacing their loneliness with the happiness of being with their grandson.

  • 今天是个喜庆的日子,在您辛劳了几十年的今天,子孙欢聚一堂,同享天伦之乐,祝您寿与天齐,并祝美好明天!
    Today is a happy occasion, your hard work for decades, children and grandchildren gathered together to share the family happiness, I wish you life and Tianqi, and wish a better tomorrow!

  • 幸福是一边听着咏叹调一边清洗百叶窗;幸福是花一个快乐的时光整理一下壁橱;幸福是一家人围在饭桌旁共享天伦之乐
    It's cleaning the Venetian blinds while listening to an aria, or spending a pleasure hour organizing you closet. Happiness is your family assembling at dinner.

  • 足球解说员约翰麦登工作三十年后,光荣退休。73岁的他称,退休与健康无关,只是想有更多的时间与家人共享天伦之乐
    After three decades, John Madden is retiring from football announcing. The 73-year-old says his health is fine and he wants to spend more time with his family.

  • 再如爱心家装,主题围绕一个“爱”字展开―――浓浓的爱心、或特殊习惯、或天伦之乐、或儿女尽心尽孝的深情都是出发点。
    Moreover love Jia Zhuang, a theme around "love" -- the words came out of love, or special habits, or family happiness, or people dedicated themselves deep are the starting point.

  • 2月23日下午,工体南路,老人陪着孩子荡秋千,尽享天伦之乐。许多市民选择户外活动迎接春天的到来。竞报记者崔浩/摄。
    A child playing on a swing while this grand father looks on, on east Gongti Street, February 23. Many citizens enjoy the spring with out-door activities.

  • 我们甚至牺牲了与家人共享天伦之乐的时间。在于曼联的比赛结束之后我们就没有回过伦敦,一直在曼彻斯特精心准备这场比赛。
    We sacrificed our families a little bit to try and play these two matches at the maximum because we haven't gone back to London, we are staying in Manchester to prepare.

  • 乌鸦有反哺之恩,羊羔有跪乳之德。物犹如此,人何以堪?如今不管生意多忙,我也会抽时间陪伴两位老人,让他们尽享天伦之乐
    Today, no matter how busy the business are, I would take the time to accompany my parents to enable them to enjoy the family.

  • 独自住在乡下的老人,总是能收到城里儿子寄来的钱物,很让乡亲们羡慕,但老人最想要的不是这些,而是儿孙膝下承欢的天伦之乐
    An old man living alone in the country often receives money and parcels from his son in the city, which is envied by the neighbours. However, what he really wants is to spend his time with his family.

  • (享,) 享著那个天伦之乐吧, 一家人, 爸爸, 妈妈, 四个小孩都在, 对吧? 生活不就挺快活挺自在的吗, 谁愿意在外面跑啊?
    Right?Who t doesn't want to stay home, enjoy the q family life?One family, dad, mom, four children, right?

  • 减少开销与家人共进晚餐,享受天伦之乐是目前形势下的主题曲,这也是大连杰菲食品有限公司出品的家庭自酿啤酒设备畅销的原因。在饮酒的同时,掌握了啤酒酿造知识,从中享受到了制作的快乐。
    To reduce expenses and having dinner with your family to enjoy happiness is in the present situation theme song, this is the reason Dalian JieFei Food Company Limited products gain popularity.

  • 天伦之乐造句相关
