
成年累月  chéng nián lěi yuè








  • 成年累月打理这个菜园。
    She worked all year long preparing that garden.

  • 成年累月的劳累, 使他看起来十分苍老。
    He looks aged, because he has worked hard for years and years.

  • 她就是这样风里来雨里去。成年累月地工作着。
    This how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year round.

  • 成年累月地思考。
    I think and think for months and years.

  • 虽然他所支持的农业新技术被人成年累月的批评。
    Yet his support for new agricultural technologies has been criticized at times over the years.

  • 她衔呀,扔呀,成年累月,往复飞翔,从不停息。
    She title of the country, throwing the country, the accumulation of reciprocating fly, and never let up.

  • 她就是这样,风里来,雨里去,成年累月地工作着。
    This is how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year round.

  • 她就是这样风里来, 雨里去,成年累月地工作着。
    This is how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year round.

  • 癌患者直到死亡为止,成年累月过着 悲惨的生活 。
    The cancer patient may lead a life of misery for months or years before his suffering is brought to an end by death.

  • 如果打算成年累月地“博”下去,你早晚要提供一些有分量的东西。
    If you're going to blog successfully for months or years, sooner or later you need to actually say something.

  • 这样在今后成年累月的平凡生活中,空间才不至让人厌烦、使人感觉过于平淡。
    Such is in henceforth year in year out in ordinary life, the space just does not come make a person cheesed, make the person feels too insipid.

  • 他在他自己的实验室里成年累月的作实验,之后,当他还是个年轻人的时候,他发明了无线电报。
    He experimented for years in his own laboratory, while he was still a young man, he invented wireless telegraphy.

  • 他在他自己的实验室里成年累月的作实验,之后,当他还是个年轻人的时候,他发明了无线电报。
    He experimented for years in his own laboratory, and while he was still a young man, he invented wireless telegraphy.

  • 对于个人而言,一个人因种族属性而成年累月遭受的人际攻击会使他产生痛苦和愤怒 ,并对其家庭成员产生负面作用。
    For an individual, a person because of race and property suffered by a time when people would attack him pain and anger, and their family members have a negative effect.

  • 为此,宙斯下令将普罗火修斯锁在高加索山上的一块绝岩峭壁上,成年累月地受著一只老鹰的折磨,它天天啄食他的肝,却总不把它吃光。
    By Zeus' order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it.

  • 为此,朱庇特命令将普罗米修斯锁在高加索山上的一块绝岩峭壁上,成年累月地受着一头老鹰的折磨,它天天啄食他的肝脏却总不能把它吃光。
    By Jove's order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it.

  • 为此,朱庇特下令将普罗米修斯锁在高加索山上的一块绝岩悬崖上,成年累月地受着一头老鹰的折磨,它天天啄食他的肝脏却总不能把它吃光。
    By Jove's order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it.

  • 不幸的是,这是一个很长的故事,这些事情是成年累月发展而来的,在这一点上我们确实有所不知,信心无所不在,取决于信息和谁知道什么。
    Unfortunately, it's a long story, and these things evolve over months and years, and we really don't know at this point, confidence jumps around, depending on news and who knows what.

  • 为此,朱庇特命令将普罗米修斯锁在高加索山上的一块绝岩峭壁上,成年累月地受著一头老鹰的折磨,它天天啄食他的肝脏却总不能把它吃光。
    By Jove's order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it.

  • 成年累月造句相关
