
答非所问  dá fēi suǒ wèn







  • 那老僧既聋且昏, 又齿落舌钝,答非所问
    The man proved to be deaf as well as dim-witted, for his mumbled answers were quite irrelevant.

  • 王生答非所问:你不相信我做得到。
    An answer failed to hit the question : You never rest your trust on me.

  • 安格斯: 雷克斯,我想你答非所问
    Angus: Rex, I think that was the wrong answer.

  • 案也许有点答非所问:应该走下去。
    The answer seems to be irrelevant to the question – I have to carry on.

  • 答非所问!我们的是初吻的“地点”!
    You are not answering the question! We are asking for your first kiss "location"!

  • “他正在成长。”这听起来有些答非所问
    "He's growing up. " The answer sounds evasive.

  • “我很希望再次看到你。”都不符合题意,答非所问
    D. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

  • 但是我答非所问,其实她也害怕听到案,也不再亲近我了。
    But I deflected the question and she, fearing the answer, did not look any more closely.

  • 随后进来的萨德尔特里铺天盖地了他许多题,他却答非所问
    Saddle-tree, who entered immediately afterwards, overwhelmed him with questions, which he answered without understanding them.

  • 姚明想了想,答非所问地说:我已经打算好了,明年挖个游泳池。
    Yao Ming moment, neither said : I have the good intention of next year digging a swimming pool.

  • 但是,中国人却会对火车只字不提,即使你起,他也会答非所问
    But a Chinaman will tell you nothing about the trains; if you ask, he will tell you wrong.

  • 是的。我们飞美国、欧洲,飞行员通常说英语。(注:答非所问
    HUO YOULIN, PILOT: Yep. We flew out to America, Europe, just pilots, usually speak English.

  • 面对记者的询,朱骏的答非所问一直有意无意间证实这件事的真实性。
    the inquiry that faces a reporter, authenticity of Zhu Jun that gives an irrelevant answer to confirm this work accidentally of purpose all the time.

  • 你在那复制的一段,断断续续答非所问,你知道我说的什么意思吗,我晕。
    You made a stupid misspelling and some basic misuses of words. I wish to …

  • 这样的回固然不会出什么题,但创意不够,也容易被人看作是答非所问
    A response like that, while unlikely to get you into any trouble, is also unimaginative and often perceived as not really answering the question.

  • 句是你要不要去海边,回却说;我将要他撘公车去海边,有点答非所问
    Yes, I will. I will want him to take a bus to the beach.

  • 律师,觉得这套房子如何,律师答非所问:但愿通州不会成为第二个石景山!
    Asked a lawyer, how to find the house, lawyers me : I will not become a second Shijingshan Tong state!

  • 很显然,潘石屹对上海同行的提法不以为然,但细听之下,老潘又似乎答非所问
    Clearly, the reference to not Pandanyi Shanghai counterparts, but little under Laopan also seem irrelevant.

  • 可是我们在没有分清哪些话是答非所问的不相干的回复时,不能一个人有多少兄弟姐妹。
    but we can not ask him how many brothers and sisters he has without getting precisely these irrelevant subanswers and then totalling them.

  • 反归纳主义者普遍忽视了这一点,因而其质疑或反驳采用的方式多为虚构或所问非所
    Because the philosophers of anti-inductivism generally overlook this condition, So they call in question or refutation of inductivism manyly with false ground of argument or a trick by ancien premier.

  • 在会话结构方面,那些“答非所问”,即“风牛马不相及”的两句话可以构成完美的相邻对。
    At the aspect of the conversational structure, two utterances without correlation at all can form a perfect adjacency pair.

  • 有配音人员一律是专业配音演员,我们已在洛杉矶录下了有英文配音。(得,继续答非所问
    Ray Nakazato: All the voice-overs in Lost Odyssey are performed by professional voice actors. We recorded all English voices in Los Angeles.

  • 费根的答非所问:火箭的医生和麦迪看的其他医生都认为他可以继续强壮腿部,这并不是个别看法。
    Their doctors and other doctors that McGrady saw believed he could continue to strengthen the the leg. They were not alone.

  • 吕某的父亲回到家,便和儿子通电话,发现儿子答非所问,语气也不正常,后来再拨打就显示关机了。
    Lvmou father returned home, he and his son on the phone and found his son give an irrelevant answer, not the normal tone and then dial again to shut down the show.

  • 女主持:采访人物要花大量的时间精力做准备工作。当采访对象答非所问,敷衍了事时,你的工作就……。
    The Hostess: It takes a lot of preparation to interview people and when they are not giving much meat to their answers. It really keeps you working to…

  • 呋喃类药物(如呋喃西林、呋喃唑酮):意识不清、胡言乱语、答非所问、兴奋不安、恐怖幻觉、冲动等。
    furan kind medicaments (be like) of ketone of Zun of furan Xi Lin, furan: Unconsciousness, abracadabra, give an irrelevant answer, horrible and excited uneasiness, psychedelic, impulse.

  • 我的题是,贵公司依据什么调查得到这样的结论。(注:不论对方是否答非所问,我方都应该先向对方道歉。
    My question was related to the kind of survey you have conducted to reach your conclusion.

  • 网友跟帖说“ 从头到尾不知道他在说什么,董倩的很清楚,但是他却答非所问,而且从头到尾都是如此。”
    Netizen threads "from beginning to end, he did not know what to say, DONG Qian asked the question very clearly, but he did give an irrelevant answer, but so are all from start to finish."

  • 昨天晚上没睡觉,早上感觉全身没劲,走路的时候已经意识模糊,别人对我说话也已经是答非所问了,没办法太累了!
    Last night no sleep, feeling body being insipid morning, the walk awareness has been blurred, I speak for others also is confusing, and not way too tired!

  • 测试结果令人担忧,这些平日老百姓眼中的“建筑内行”,连建筑安全的基本知识也是答非所问,交了一份“外行白卷”。
    Test results worrisome, the eyes of ordinary people on the "construction professional" and even the basic knowledge of construction safety is irrelevant, for a "layman blank examine paper.

  • 答非所问造句相关
