
藏龙卧虎  cáng lóng wò hǔ








  • 虽然公司不大,但是这里藏龙卧虎
    Although the company is not big, but still have lots of latent talented people.

  • 在洛阳,有的是藏龙卧虎之辈。
    They are all here in Luoyang, hidden tigers and crouching dragons.

  • 要知道每一个小组都是藏龙卧虎之地。
    You know in every small group, there is hidden talent. Would you agree with that?

  • 北京是一个藏龙卧虎的地方。
    Beijing is a place full of hidden/unknown talents.

  • 真可以说是藏龙卧虎啊!
    It's really where dragons hide me and tigers crouch!

  • 真可以说是藏龙卧虎啊!
    It's really where dragons hide and tigers crouch!

  • 他可算是藏龙卧虎:赚大钱,可谁也不知道。
    He's a bit of a dark horse : he was earning a fortune, but nobody knows.

  • 只是没想到其他高官中藏龙卧虎者亦不在少数。
    But they did not think of other senior officials, were far from a minority block.

  • 他可算是藏龙卧虎: 赚大钱, 可谁也不知道。
    He's a bit of a dark horse: he was earning a fortune, but nobody knew.

  • 神秘文化从来不乏藏龙卧虎之辈,高手就在您的身旁。
    There is never lack of able person in mystery culture , and master-hands are near you.

  • 论坛乃开放之地,藏龙卧虎百家争鸣也是论坛一大特色。
    Forum is an open place, and publishing every ideas is the feature of forum.

  • 你知道在广州和深圳有好多人才,真可以说是藏龙卧虎啊!
    You know there are a lot of talented people in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It's really where dragons hide and tigers crouch!

  • 当我还是一名学生时,我就知道XX医院藏龙卧虎、人才济济。
    When I was still a student, I've known that XX Hospital is a crouching-tiger place, hidden lots of talents.

  • “龙”在成语中也被广泛的利用,如、“龙飞凤舞、藏龙卧虎”等。
    "Dragon" in the phrase is also widely used, such as "flamboyant, Canglongwohu" and so on.

  • 横扫北美大陆,震惊西方观众的电影《藏龙卧虎》就是个很好的例子。
    The movie, Crouching Tige Hidden Dragon, is a good example. You know, it's been sweeping the continent of North America and shocked the western people.

  • 横扫北美大陆,震惊西方观众的电影,《藏龙卧虎》就是个很好的例子。
    The movie, , is a good example. You know, it's been sweeping the continent of North America and shocked the western people.

  • 山体蜿蜒起伏,与西岩寺山遥遥相望,右侧成环抱状,有藏龙卧虎之势。
    Winding down the mountain, and West Temple Hill in the distance the sea, surrounded by the right side into shape, there is a tendencycang long wo hu .

  • 赵丹阳做了我们敢想但不敢做的事,让世界知道中国私募的圈子里还有这样的人物,这个圈子藏龙卧虎
    Danyang Zhao done but did not dare to think we do, let the world know that China's private circle, there are such people, this circle Canglongwohu.

  • 可以毫不夸张的说,在阿森纳的板凳上,亦是藏龙卧虎,本特纳和贝拉组成的阿森纳板凳锋线冠绝英超替补席。
    It is no exaggeration to say that, in Arsenal's bench, Canglongwohu is, the composition of the Beira Turner and Arsenal's Premiership Guanjue front bench seat replacement.

  • 一位南方的开发商说得更直爽,京城乃藏龙卧虎之地,人才荟萃,资金财富丰厚,是全国最大的异地置业市场。
    One of the developers said that the South more candid, Beijing is the block, a large pool of talent and wealth of huge funds is the biggest foreign buyers market.

  • 果然搜房藏龙卧虎,平时都是斯斯文文的书生,一下子成了运动的健将,整个周五办公室里都充满了雀跃的空气。
    Sure enough from the Housing block, are tolerated in the company, at a sports star athlete, the Friday office are filled with joy air.

  • 文字间藏龙卧虎,时而奇兵突出,时而妙语双关,使被骂者防不胜防,腹背受敌,只觉得草木皆兵,无以为战了。
    Text of Canglongwohu, sometimes Jones prominent, sometimes Miao Yu Pun, who was scolded Fangbushengfang, Fubeishoudi only think Caomujiebing, no thought of the war.

  • 147磅级别藏龙卧虎,目前,库托的潜在对手有五个,除此之外,还有许多令人生畏的拳坛新星也已经走上一线。
    The 147-pound division is among the deepest in the sport. Here are five potential opponents for Cotto, with the more formidable and high-profile fighters ranked higher.

  • 当我还是一名学生时,我就知道XX医院藏龙卧虎、人才济济。他们有着一双双神奇的手,挽救了无数条宝贵的生命。
    When I was still a student, I've known that XX Hospital is a crouching-tiger place, hidden lots of talents. They have pairs of magical hands, saved many people's lives.

  • “龙”的汉语成语很多,如“龙飞凤舞”、“龙凤呈祥”、“藏龙卧虎”、“画龙点睛”、“生龙活虎”、“攀龙附凤”等。
    "Dragon" a lot of Chinese idioms, such as "flamboyant", "Dragon and Phoenix", "Canglongwohu", "finishing touch", "lively", "Panlongfufeng" and so on.

  • 藏龙卧虎造句相关
