
言之成理  yán zhī chéng lǐ








  • 言之成理的论点会说服人们同意。
    A sound argument induces people to agree.

  • 从各自的立足点和侧重点看也都言之成理
    From their standpoint and focus can also justified.

  • 此一顾虑,固然也言之成理,但这项问题应该不难解决;
    While this is a reasonable concern, it is an issue that should not be difficult to resolve;

  • 律师的真理算不上真理,只是一种言之成理、利己的权宜之计
    The lawyer's truth is not Truth, but consistency or a consistent expediency.

  • 要想真的相互理解,心灵安宁,只有这条道才是最言之成理的啦。
    The most sensible approach to true understanding and peace of mind.

  • 这些建议若显然合理,你为什麽反对呢?'`这个问题倒是言之成理
    If the proposals are obviously sensible, why do you oppose them?' 'That's a fair question. '

  • 但等到海尔赛写那本书的时候,他的辩解听来显然已经是言之成理的了。
    By the time he wrote his book, Haisey's defense had hardened into an explicit position.

  • 考官看了认为言之成理,可又不晓得引证宰予昼寝是何用意,便叫那学生来询问。
    Took an examination of an official to look to think sound reasonable, can not know again adduce slaughter grant day bedroom is why intention, make learn inborn inquiry then.

  • 反对亨廷顿的意见是言之成理的,但事实上,迄今确实没有一个热带国家已达到高水平的经济发展。
    The arguments against Huntington are telling, but the fact remains that no tropical country in modern times has achieved a high state of economic development.

  • 从文化的结构面来看,似乎言之成理,而且所有发生战争的客观因素是相同的,包括政治、经济、社会等;
    In view of the structure of culture, this seems to make sense, not to mention that the objective causes of war are the same, including the political, the economic and the social.

  • 这些理由对工业化国家或许言之成理,但如果就此认定开发中国家也会有样学样,则显然是忽略了一些十分重要的事实。
    Such arguments may ultimately prove compelling to industrial nations—but to assume that the developing nations will follow suit is to ignore some important realities.

  • 重度古典音乐成瘾者,喜爱做面包、咖啡、烹饪、阅读、胡思乱想……喜好音乐、口味不定,言之成理的好曲子都喜欢。
    Have incorrigible addiction in classical music. Enjoy bakery, coffee, cooking, reading, thinking…… No insist in music genre , only depends on the depth of music .

  • 要了解数学和物理之间的对应,有两种各自言之成理却恰恰相反的典范,这两方的论辩最早可以追溯到柏拉图和亚里士多德。
    There are two tenable but diametrically opposed paradigms for understanding the correspondence between mathematics and physics, a dichotomy that arguably goes as far back as Plato and Aristotle.

  • 值得声明一句,无论是正方还是反方或者是不偏不倚的一方,他们绝不是在无理取闹、无的放矢,而是言之有物、言之成理
    worth sentence statement, whether little or anti side or neutral party, they will never be in deliberately provocative, random, but enough, really.

  • 固然言之成理,但那只是为了说明之方便,实际上无此分类之必要,因为只要是翻译内容精确,就无需强作此等分类。以免化简为繁。
    In my opinion, this sort of categorizing is only useful for explaining the translation methods, however, in translation practice, content-accuracy should be of more concern.

  • 言之成理的是,虚拟世界里的杂乱会带来一样坏处:由于直观性较差,它会增加疏忽大意的可能性。比如说,在使用存有个人资料的笔记本电脑,就容易发生这种事。
    Arguably, one downside of the virtual mess is that, by being less visible, it increases the likelihood of being careless, say, with laptops containing personal data.

  • 言之成理造句相关
