
趋炎附势  qū yán fù shì








  • 布朗太太是有名的趋炎附势的人。
    Mrs Brown is known as a social climber.

  • 布朗太太是有名的趋炎附势的人。
    mrs brown is known as a social climber.

  • 如果他们是胆小的趋炎附势者,机会主义者;
    If they be timid time-servers, place-seekers;

  • 使用这些字样的动机是庄严肃穆而非趋炎附势
    The motive behind such words is austere rather than snobbish.

  • 他执法不阿,从不趋炎附势,或视权臣脸色行事。
    He did not Arab-Israeli law enforcement and never flatter those in authority, or act asquan chen face.

  • 我想这三个趋炎附势的家伙能坐在老板背后并非偶然。
    I think it is no coincidence  there sit 3 guys who say whatever their boss says.

  • 这个社会有很多趋炎附势的人存在,太虚伪太不知所谓了!
    Flatter those in this society there are many people there, too I do not know too much hypocrisy of the so-called!

  • 别人都趋炎附势时,尽力给我儿子力量,让他不随波逐流。
    Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is getting on the bandwagon.

  • 第二天英国高等法院作出的一项判决则愈加显得英国趋炎附势
    The next day Britain's High Court handed down a ruling that shed less flattering light on it.

  • 罗斯福有着出身贵族的自信满满,但却毫无趋炎附势的丑恶嘴脸。
    Though he had patrician self-confidence, there was no snobbery in Roosevelt.

  • 因为班纳特先生知道柯林斯是一个粗鄙无知、善于趋炎附势的家伙。
    Bannate know because Mr. Collins is a vulgar ignorance, and be good at currying favor with the guy.

  • 即使由于装备和技术的关系,露营本身已经成为一个趋炎附势的问题。
    Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists; but it is of a kind that.

  • 即使由于装备和技术的关系, 露营本身已经成为一个趋炎附势的问题。
    Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists; but it is of a kind that.

  • 但我们应该想想跳骚它的生存之道,它的趋炎附势也值得我们好好效仿效仿。
    But we should is it is it disturb way of existence of it to jump to think about, it sycophantic to worth we the result is imitated imitativly too.

  • 描述虚情假意、牢骚不满、趋炎附势、对女士礼貌有加、经济窘迫、悲哀的形容词。
    Adjectives that describe insincere humility, dissatisfaction, snobbery, courtesy to women, financial embarrassment, sadness, etc.

  • 当时识时务的,不是趋炎附势、忝然无耻地朝事新主子,就是为保身家,不得已弃城投降;
    Those who saw what was happening either went over to the winning side and shamelessly served the new leader, or else gave up their cities and surrendered in order to preserve their lives and homes.

  • 对于田南这类人大家都不陌生,他这种趋炎附势的人,当发现站错队时总是选择尽快改写纪录。
    Mr Tenet comes across as one of those familiar figures—a time-server who discovers he has backed the wrong horse and quickly sets about rewriting the record.

  • “不理不睬,东躲西藏,转移视线,畏缩不前,趋炎附势”不得不成为今日美国记者工作中的行为动词。
    Ignore, hide, deflect, cower, and fawn have to be the action verbs in the job descriptions of American journalists today.

  • “不理不睬,东躲西藏,转移视线,畏缩不前,趋炎附势”不得不成为今日美国记者工作中的行为动词。
    Ignore, hide, deflect12, cower, and fawn have to be the action verbs in the job descriptions of American journalists today.

  • 站在趋炎附势的、受过教育的资产阶级的立场上,这个彻头彻尾的懦夫,从头到脚渗透着对群众的不信任和蔑视。
    There he stands, the snobbish, educated, petty bourgeois, an utter coward, soaked from head to foot with distrust and contempt for the masses.

  • 右翼政客们趋炎附势,琢磨着这种民族主义的出现,在他们被击败差不多两年时间以后,可能会是一个新的契机。
    Right-wing politicians jumped on the bandwagon, thinking that this kind of nationalism might be a new rallying point after their defeat in elections almost two years ago.

  • 认识派拉玛先生的,都知道他不是趋炎附势的人,但是他这句话里却有一种“哦!对啦;那得归功于我们呵”的口吻。
    No one who knew Mr. Paramor connected him with snobbery, but there had been an "Ah. that's right; this is due to us" tone about the saying.

  • “作”与“嗲”不同,“嗲”者趋炎附势、阿谀奉承,着眼于讨好男人,“作”者软硬兼施、胡搅蛮缠,着力于要挟男人。
    "for" and "satay", "satay" flatter those who, adulation, and focus on pleasing men, ""are both hard and soft, Hujiaomanchan focus on the men hostage.

  • 我一直都做到不趋炎附势,维持自己好的名声,使我的婚姻稳固,总地来说,在我来到州首府后,婚姻就一直处于危险状态。
    I had preserved my independence, my good name, and my marriage, all of which, statistically speaking, had been placed at risk the moment I set foot in the state capital.

  • 那些贪污、欺骗、消除异己、趋炎附势的人,要知道你是站在历史错误的一边,但若你愿意先松开拳头,我们会伸出援手的。
    To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history;

  • 我一直都做到不趋炎附势,维持自己好的名声,使我的婚姻稳固,总地来说,在我进入州政治圈子之后,上述这些就一直处于危险状态。
    I had preserved my independence, my good name, and my marriage, all of which, statistically speaking, had been placed at risk the moment I set foot in the state capital.

  • 如果你要说点异见,你就只有去反动,因为他把正面的都占完了,只有他正确,除非你跟着他鹦鹉学舌,趋炎附势,否则你就不能叫正确。
    Because it has appropriated all the positive words, only it is correct. Unless you make like a parrot and toe the line, you won't be called correct.

  • 伊夫林。沃夫则是一位世界级的伪绅士和趋炎附势之人,同时也是一位审美家,他有着坚定的宗教信仰,但他实际的言行举止却很少与之相一致。
    Evelyn Waugh was a world-class snob and social climber, an aesthete whose rigid religious convictions were rarely matched by their practical application.

  • 在局外人看来,夸特星球的政治似乎错综复杂、危机四伏。裙带关系、趋炎附势、贪污腐败和任人唯亲无处不在。贵族、商人和政客之间界限模糊。
    To outsiders, Kuati politics seem labyrinthine and cutthroat. Nepotism, graft, corruption, and cronyism abound and the lines between aristocrat, business executive and politician are blurred.

  • 趋炎附势造句相关
